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  1. The Clash? Never liked the Clash, one of the few bands from that era I’ve no real time for.
  2. It would probably introduce all sorts of headaches that they simply don’t need. This springs to mind.😉 https://paulocoelhoblog.com/2015/09/04/the-fisherman-and-the-businessman/
  3. Here’s a bit of my inspiration for ever wanting one in the first place. Interestingly, whereas my old Pro was JG1162, Leigh’s original Wal (he now has 2), was JG1126. Well, I thought it was interesting anyway! 😂
  4. I’m pretty sure there would be a market too, but unfortunately I think these days they would still cost a fortune. They would only lack the facings of the Customs and I’m not sure the electronics would really be any/much cheaper to manufacture than the Custom ones; after all, the pickups are the same. Even passive, you’d just be losing the cost of the filters. Of course it may be that if you asked nicely and paid sufficient funds, Paul may make you one anyway. Albeit they can’t reproduce the moulded scratchplate, certainly for one-offs, as this is something I discussed when I first got my Pro and was thinking of making it passive a la Leigh Gorman. Of course if they ever brought back the Pros, they could probably get the scratch plates done en masse, but again, would it be cost effective?
  5. In my experience I’ve preferred the Pros to the Customs, both for tone and looks.
  6. That’s good to hear. Bit of any eye-popper that it’s now fretless, but hey, it is a Wal after all. 😉 Been watching some footage I shot at home while I had it; I remembered when I got rid of it thinking that the sound wasn’t really 100% working for me (although the main reason I let it go was the weight), but the footage told me I was very wrong indeed. In fact I probably never sounded better! 😂
  7. BTW, not expecting the owner to sell (haven’t currently got the funds anyway), just wondered.
  8. .....does anyone have it? S/n JG1162. The Lockdown GAS thread got me thinking. It’s one of the few basses I’ve owned that I’d really like back one day (of the others, one is M.I.A and two others are sadly not going anywhere).
  9. This. I was fine until lockdown, now there are half a dozen things I want, not least of which is to get my old Wal Pro II back!
  10. I once had a custom bass built with carbon fibre neck reinforcement. It moved the most of any bass neck on any bass I’ve ever had, by far. Wal stopped using it for supposedly the same reason.
  11. I bought a used Status once and the neck was twisted. I’ve seen it happen to Zon and Modulus too. Stuff happens to carbon fibre necks too y’know. 😉
  12. This is very true. As evidenced by people who find my basses almost unplayable, and vice versa.
  13. Most instruments in shops I can barely play. Way, way too much relief, ridiculous actions, but I’m so fussy about setup and have experienced it so much I just expect it to be the case. The last time I bought something that didn’t require setting up upon receipt it was either a Sei or my custom Alembic. Although to be fair, my old Rick 4004 had a decent setup bar a high nut. Everything else, and I mean everything, has to be sorted. Fenders? Hilarious.
  14. Travis and Coldplay have written some great songs (Keane, not so much 😂), in what is obviously many people’s opinion, if not yours. Much as I love Prog and some jazz fusion etc, a good song trumps most things in my book. Of course YMMV, as may your idea of a good song. 😉
  15. I had one bass with through body stringing option, a Washburn. It definitely felt and sounded different to me strung through body, and at the time (many years ago) I had no idea it was supposed to be any different. I’m very, very sensitive to minute differences in how things feel and sound though, so YMMV.
  16. Only found this out a short while ago. What a shame. Love the first few Stranglers albums. They were always my favourite of the bands associated with punk.
  17. Looks like not many will be selling their Limelights through Richtone. 😉
  18. You need to try some, because how they feel is so, so important. Some people feel comfortable on a fat neck, some thin, some in the middle or at any point in between. Different people fit with different body shapes, comfort wise. And although different basses have distinct sounds, this is affected by the player. Do you need two pickups, or active electronics? Many don’t need either but some wouldn’t be without. And then of course, you also need to like what it looks like.
  19. Very much with you. Have had these rammed down my throat recently and fail to see the interest. Still, each to their own, plenty of stuff I love others don’t get.
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