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  1. Me too. I wanted an early 70s spec (checkered binding, crushed pearl etc) 4001 in Azureglo and spent 17 years tracking it down. 😂
  2. Nice. The flamed sycamore looks great, and like you, I’m a big fan of blue.
  3. Actually, it’s my 60th next. Might buy some new picks. 😂
  4. Has she remortgaged the house? 😉 Seriously, nice call. What spec? I bought my custom Alembic for my 40th, but sadly had to sell a few years later due to the weight; couldn’t play it seated because it was a Triple Omega. My other half wouldn’t put the money aside for a Kay, she’d never dream of getting me a bass or guitar. Why do I need more than one? 🙄
  5. I played quite a few of the Washburns, back in the day. I’m not the biggest Status fan, but for me the Washburns weren’t really close.
  6. One of the reasons I never liked Marcus’s tone compared to say Stanley’s or MK’s is because his strings sound so stiff. It just doesn’t sound fluid to me at all, and I like twangy and fluid sounding. Obviously YMMV.
  7. Re picks, you need to buy a bunch and experiment. What works for others may not work for you, and there are many, many different types. Most will sound and feel different. I generally use Dunlop Jazz but sometimes I’ll use others for a different sound. And yes......practice! And you can always study guitarists. The principal is the same and often their picking is more advanced.
  8. That’s an epic tone, I absolutely love that. I had an MVP once, one of the best basses I’ve ever had. I px-d it against a Wal Custom in Music Ground, and it was one of the worst decisions I ever made. I wish I knew where it was.
  9. I think I actually prefer them solo-d, and I’ve had 2! But I love buzz/rattle. Most of my tone guys have quite a lot of buzz in the tone.
  10. I’ve tried several Sterlings over the years and to be honest prefer Rays. The first time I played a Sterling I expected to like it more; faster(?) neck, lighter(?) body, but it wasn’t and it wasn’t. Generally speaking, it didn’t gel. Every one I’ve played since has only reinforced that view.
  11. Argh! What did you have to post that for! Get thee behind me GAS! (thankfully it’s not charcoal or aqua sparkle or I’d probably have bought it).
  12. Oh and yes, it does look like a pot is missing. Or could just be the knob, difficult to tell.
  13. Just Googled ‘Status 2000’ and found a pic of a bass very similar, gold lettering, black hardware, 4 knobs, states it’s ‘86. I remember the one I had was getting on a bit, would have been late ‘90s or maybe a bit later when I bought it? I was trying to get my head round the “black with grey dots” description, but yes, I suppose that is kind of what the carbon fibre looks like.
  14. It does look like the 2000 that I had (even down to the pickups), except it looks like a solid colour in the photos (which some of them may have been IIRC). Mine had a positively huge neck transition and faulty electronics. In fact every Status I’ve had has had faulty electronics, bar one.
  15. I had a Classic briefly and didn’t rate it at all. Plus it weighed a ton. For me, it was the worst of the Rays I’ve used, and that includes both 2 and 3 band. I’d go for a Special. Or 2 x Sterling Ray 4 PBs. Just because, well, 2 basses. 😂
  16. “If you believe in yourself and follow your dream you will succeed!” Bollocks.
  17. IMO Alembic are one of the few basses I like solo-d. Jimmy’s tone - and playing - is stellar.
  18. Speaking of tone, although not bass tone - the Greeny LP.
  19. Oh dear. I’ve spent the afternoon on Youtube and I've now decided I need to have a Sterling Ray 4 PB, plus I now have a scary hankering for 2 new Stingray Specials, one in charcoal sparkle and one in aqua sparkle. They are by far the nicest Stingrays I’ve ever seen; in fact some the nicest looking basses I’ve ever seen. With a price tag to reflect it. I really need to play some and find I don’t get on with them, which is what I normally find with Stingrays. Although the 4PB is not beyond the bounds of possibility..... I even saw a demo of a Flea Jazz and had my head turned. I don’t get on with Jazzes at all! Help!!!!!!!
  20. So far this week I’ve seen another Rick 4004 I want, despite having had one and not got on that well with it ergonomically, have decided I want a mint green Sub Ray 4, even though I don’t get on with Stingrays, a white Epi TBird despite the fact it won’t fit in the car, have seen 2 early Thumbs I’d love even though I’m pretty sure they won’t work ergonomically, and a Sei I can’t afford but want desperately, just because. Oh, and a Tokai LP. It’s not going well. 😂
  21. Don’t get me started on those! Every time I go in PMT I think about plugging one in, but I have absolutely no real desire - beyond the obvious GAS - to own another valve amp, taking into account the many practical considerations.
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