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Everything posted by 4000

  1. Yep, top of the 12th fret to the underside of the string. I think you’re underestimating how lightly some people play, and that, as previously discussed, some of us like a sound that incorporates a little buzz (but not clank). I both fret and pluck very, very, very lightly. 2 of my 3 current basses have just had a fretstone and have been set at 2mm 12th E, roughly 1mm 12th fret G, but I may drop the E side a hair. I’ll add that I usually play with a pick in a very guitaristic manner, but I wouldn’t want the action any higher when playing with fingers. Personally I struggle to understand how anyone can play most of the basses I play in shops, I can barely even fret most of them.
  2. Personally I find Lem far more melodic and driving, which is what I prefer. Dave’s more meat and potatoes.
  3. My basses are 7.25 and I can get the actions very low. My old Rick 4000 used to have an action of 1mm at the 12th fret E.
  4. Still the Sugarcubes! And think I will be for some time.....
  5. I’m with CV. The entire thing is wonderful, regardless of how it was constructed. Love it to bits.
  6. No. There’s no one I’d sooner punch than Piers Morgan.
  7. I love all the Magical Mystery Tour stuff. It’s actually my favourite Beatles ‘album’ (given it wasn’t originally an album). Don’t think I’d bin anything you’ve listed. Off the top of my head the only one that would definitely go is Obloody Bladi. I can’t stand that, never could.
  8. This. None of the basses in the first post strike me as particularly beautiful.
  9. Sorry to hear this either way Andy. Best of luck with it.
  10. I came at these the opposite way round. I like the looks, love the orange finishes, but when I tried one I found the body really uncomfortable. It was really disappointing, as if not for that I’d have bought one. I keep meaning to try another, see if I have the same experience, but I never see them these days.
  11. I’ve had Lana cancel due to losing her voice, Billie E suspend gigs for obvious reasons, but as yet it appears Nick Cave may still be on. I suspect not for long though! As for Genesis and Steve Hackett, I hope they’re being kept in isolation!
  12. They’ve got some of the funniest banter going too. 😉 I first saw them supporting the wonderful First Aid Kit too, at Liverpool. Blood I Bled is just epic. As a friend said, like The Battle of Evermore sung by angels.
  13. Bear in mind the 4 is 32” (medium) scale. I’ve got an Alien 4 and am considering flats. As I posted previously, the standard 45 gauge bronze medium scale Warwick strings won’t intonate on it, suggesting it’s maybe previously had the bridge moved. Unfortunately they don’t do medium scale 40s; it has medium scale bronze 40s on currently which intonate fine, but I’ve no idea what they are and can’t find anyone who makes them, and they’re very old.
  14. White and chrome just makes me think of this:
  15. I actually much prefer the sounds he’s getting to all the other clips I’ve heard. Everything else sounds really thin and brittle to me.
  16. But is it good for metal? 🤔😂
  17. Well, when you get to a certain age......😉😂
  18. I prefer gold on white. Warms it up. Chrome just looks cold.😉
  19. That’s very kind! Just wish I could play better with my fingers. To be honest, It’s only my preference because of the pick and learning to play on a Ric. If Id have come through as a fingerstyle Fender guy I’d likely struggle with it too. Ive only heard good things about your playing BTW! Never had the pleasure of seeing you play yet though. Get that band up and running!😉
  20. It’s my preference too. I won’t have anything else (except for my Azure Ric which is 17mm, but I’m working on it). 😉
  21. And 16.5mm spacing, Kings’s preference.
  22. Don’t get me wrong, there is a very funny side to them, as that picture shows. I love them though, they’ve got some great tunes and are so entertaining. 😁
  23. When I first went to see them, I went because I thought they’d be hilarious. 😉 I came out a believer....🤘🏻😂
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