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  1. A pleasure. l look forward to seeing her again.
  2. The first album I ever heard by them - and it remains my favourite Genesis studio album (by a whisker over TOTT) - was And Then There Were Three, so its the same band I fell in love with, in essence. And my favourite album by them is Seconds Out, which is the second Genesis album I ever heard/bought. I love most of the early Gabriel material, but to be honest I tend to prefer the later band playing it, because again, that's how I heard it first. It's strange, I never see anyone slagging off old blues, jazz, classical or folk artists when they trundle out in advancing years. I cant help wondering why it is that pop and rock artists aren't given the same leeway.
  3. Just under, actually. But yes, a heck of a lot. Beats my previous record for the sadly cancelled Lana Del Rey gig last week.
  4. I think you've misunderstood. The point I was making was that music is sounds first and foremost. Of course understanding theory can enhance your creativity, did I say it couldn't? But its also possible to have an innate understanding without knowing theory. It also depends upon your definition of knowledge and theory. You can know what notes or chords work together without knowing what those notes or chords are called. That is knowledge, but I wouldn't define it as theory in the more obvious sense. I take issue with the "better" though, as that is utterly subjective. Its art at the end of the day.
  5. I'd say I'm a reasonable size (6ft, 210lb or so), but it bothers me a great deal. I guess it depends what type of spinal problems you have.
  6. Triple ouch. We've got decent seats, BL at MENA (to the side of the stage) for half that. I wouldn't have paid that either, thats ridiculous.
  7. Music should come first. The theory is only a way of understanding and describing it.
  8. Thank you. I know they haven't been a band for quite a while until today, but I'll be devastated when they're really gone.
  9. This is pretty much how I feel too. And it amy be that we never get to see them again; before today, only one of my favourite bands (F Mac) was still in existence, and then only barely. I hadn't realised the tickets came out today and my mate has bought us 2; he told me afterwards they were £183 each! Ouch and double ouch. But still, as I learned after missing Kate Bush last time, money comes and goes, but the experience stays with you. Or would have, in her case! I'm keeping my expectations very low, but it will be nice to see them again, if only to say a kind of goodbye to some of the songwriters and musicians that have influenced me most and have given me such wonderful moments in my life.
  10. Don’t get me wrong, playing live has never been the driver for me either, thankfully writing has always been the most important thing to me. But for many it is. For many musicians I know playing live is everything. And imagine when that’s pretty much all you’ve ever done, playing at the level someone like Phil or McCartney has.
  11. That depends though. He’d had a lot of health problems fairly recent to that tour as I understand it. He may have got a bit better since then. There’s also a chance he may have spent the tour bombed out on pain meds. I have some idea of what that can be like. I tend to struggle with the idea of musicians telling other musicians when they should retire. The general public can vote with their feet, and nobody is forcing anyone to go to shows. But what happens when it’s your turn? My dad, who has been a jazz musician most of his life, retired from playing a couple of years ago because he felt he couldn’t cut it anymore, and his health has absolutely plummeted since. Because really, he’s nothing left to live for. It was everything to him. The same happened to his friend a few years before. He gave up playing, then gave up living, took to his bed and died.
  12. I’ll go, assuming I can get a ticket. I’d be happy to hear a nice mix. I wish they’d do Supper’s Ready though, I’ve never seen them play that live. For all the Phil naysayers who blame him for the band going pop, he was actually the one who got shouted down last time he suggested they play it on tour.
  13. To me it adds aggression and character. But obviously it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
  14. Getting away from the more obvious Squire/Entwistle thing - and Geddy of course (listen to him unplugged!) - it’s one of the reasons I love Stu Zender’s tone on early Jamiroquai. Listen to the first album and you can hear the strings buzzing away. Flea on Blood Sugar too.
  15. To me it just sounds nice and growly. 👍🏻
  16. Yeah, that’s pretty much how I like my G string, metallic and low slung. 😉 Being serious, I reckon I’d get on very well with Ped’s setup.
  17. To all those who say the weight doesn’t matter, it may not matter when you’re healthy, but if you develop spinal problems it becomes everything. And yes, balance matters, but if I put on a perfectly balanced 10lb instrument my legs still go numb. I used to be strong as hell, then my back went and that was that. Game over. Life changed in an instant.
  18. No worries Andy. I console myself with the fact that whenever I actually have got something back in the past, it has soon become obvious why I let it go in the first place.
  19. Hmm. Just made the mistake of watching back some footage of the 4004 I shot. Now I’d REALLY like that back!
  20. Tell you what Andy, if I win the lottery I’ll buy it back for you. Just don’t hold your breath. 😉
  21. It’s not the original reason for my low action preference, but I suffer with hypermobile joints and sometimes fingers and or wrists can sublux when I play, so I try and avoid anything too strenuous.
  22. Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread!
  23. Well the pic of the Ibanez was supposed to be in the middle....☹️
  24. Ouch. Unlucky Andy. Strangely enough, I’ve just been considering trying to trace a couple of basses I owned, although I’m sure I won’t be able to afford one of them. That one is my old Wal Pro IIE, s/n JG1162. It cost me £1800 but would doubtless be twice that now. Not that I can afford £1800 either! The other is an Ibanez SR5 BB LTD (Buckeye Burl) I briefly owned: There are a couple of others I’d quite like back - my old Sei headless Flamboyant in buckeye and my old Ric 4004 Cheyenne II (although I suspect the reason I sold that, an issue with the body contouring, would still be a problem) but I know the current owners won’t sell them. Which may be a good thing all round. 😉
  25. With the back problems I have, I won’t buy anything noticeably over 9lbs either, and I play seated! I think I’d agree, on a general basis anything over 9, 9 and a half pounds is heavy. Which means a few of my old basses were extremely heavy, and yet at the time (pre back injuries) they didn’t bother me. EDIT; think my Jaydees were about 12 lbs or more. My basses now are just over 8.5 at a guess.
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