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  1. Personally Id be happy for them to be more technical and more complex, but played with a bit more commitment. 😉
  2. Apparently it does to my prostate. 😉
  3. There’s a sort of defensiveness one encounters during discussions of this sort. It goes along the lines of making assumptions about the skills and tastes of people that don’t like the same music you do. 😉
  4. Missed this. The red Wal is a Pro II. Predates the Custom. Leigh Gorman of Bow Wow Wow plays a passive Pro II. IIRC correctly he’s replaced the neck on his original, used for many, many years, and he now also has an earlier JG with a leather scratch plate.
  5. I had a walnut Custom and a Pro IIE pretty much identical to yours. I really miss the Pro II. I sold it because of the weight, but as I always play seated these days it wouldn’t really have mattered that much. Wish I’d kept it.☹️
  6. Alembics are definitely marmite. I think they’re very art nouveau, which again is a bit marmite, but which I love.
  7. My first was a headless 6. I’ll have to find a picture.
  8. I love Greece, have done since as a small child I fell in love with Greek myths and Ancient Greek history. I once had a dream where I died and ended up on a boat off a Greek Island, which was obviously my idea of Heaven.
  9. I was thinking about this thread the other day, and I realised if I go right back to when I was small (infant school age), my biggest musical influences would have been the harmony vocal bands I heard on the radio and loved, such as Simon & Garfunkel and The Beatles, the Jazz my dad played daily at home (Ellington, Basie, Kenton, Parker, Miles etc etc), and the hymns we sang at school. If you mix them all together, it pretty obvious why I ended up loving Prog so much.😉
  10. There will always be lots of people of the “I don’t like it so it’s crap” persuasion. That’s just how many people are, not just about music, about anything. But also not liking something that you are “supposed to” (for some vague reason) is perfectly valid. Recognise its influence, it’s place in history or whatever, fine. But you don’t have to like it. With SD, you may argue that it’s solid music. Maybe it is. But by what criteria? It’s well played, yes. Cleverly written, maybe. But obviously it doesn’t float some people’s boat, mine included. I certainly wouldn’t say they’re crap, but for me they are missing the most important element when it comes to what I enjoy about music; emotion. They don’t make me feel anything at all. To me, it all seems like music by numbers, like it’s all been phoned in. Cleverness for cleverness’s sake. Except, if you’ve been brought up on Jazz, it’s also not quite as clever as it thinks it is. But having said that, each to their own. Plenty on here can’t stand a lot of the bands that I like, and that’s absolutely up to them.
  11. That’s reminded me of one of the things I struggle most with about SD; the vocals. Nails down a blackboard for me. Hucknall level.
  12. I don’t like solid colour Wals, they just look wrong to me.
  13. Did you have a problem with the rear of the upper horn digging into your ribs? I did.
  14. Which just goes to show, as I think these Peaveys are hideous.😁 But then I love these, easily my favourites along with Rics and TBirds....the first is my old Sei Flamboyant which now belongs to another BCer and which I’d have back if I could.
  15. To be honest, most of the name bass players I’ve met - and I’ve met a lot - have been very nice. Some have been exceptionally nice, Pino being one, but only one springs to mind as being less pleasant than I’d hoped.
  16. I went through a phase of trying to like SD (my older brother was a fan). Eventually I just realised that I didn’t. I don’t hate them, they just leave me cold, for the most part. I find them really soulless. But plenty of bands I like leave others cold. I don’t think you have to like anything. If it works for you, great. If not, try something else.
  17. Terrific band. I used to watch the Stop Making Sense video all the time.
  18. Not really as clear cut for me. I could argue The Beatles, ABBA and Floyd. I loved the Beatles from the ages of about 8-10, knew all the words to pretty much everything they’d done, so I guess they were my first love. Then fell in love with ABBA when they won Eurovision; first record I bought was ABBA’s Greatest Hits. And then hearing Floyd's Wish You Were Here changed my life. However it was seeing Thin Lizzy on the OGWT made me want to be in a band, and seeing Hawkwind live really consolidated that. It was Hawkwind Space Ritual that taught me how to play. And then there’s the influence Fleetwood Mac had on my songwriting...... The 3 bands that I still listen to most are Genesis, Yes and Floyd. I guess I’ll stick with the first 3 as the major milestones, as Floyd introduced to me to rock and particularly Prog.
  19. In fact it should really have its own thread..
  20. There’s a fretless Ric on eBay at the moment IIRC. BTW - I don’t get on with Jazzes and don’t really play fretless. But that.........oh my.......😳
  21. Finally! Awesome! How young do Martin & Chris look? That’s pretty much how the shop looked when I first went, all those years ago. And watching this really makes me want another Sei.....
  22. Without question, the intro to “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”. I clearly remember coming in from school and my older brother was playing it in the back room. I was absolutely gobsmacked. I didn’t know music like that could possibly exist; it completely blew my mind.
  23. No, you are Gandalf. 🧙🏻‍♂️
  24. Have to say I’ve hated all the G&L necks I’ve played. Gimme Lakland necks any day.
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