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  1. In rehearsal I use a supplied 100w Hartke 1x15 combo With my VT Bass pedal into it. I never get beyond 3 on the volume, usually 2. I played The Marquee in a rock band with a 150w Laney power amp and an SVP preamp. Admittedly It was through two 4x10s, but I had the volume on 3. I also used to play in a devastatingly loud metal band (twin modded Marshall full guitar stacks) with a 100w Marshall Superbass through an HH2x15, and was never on more than half. And I play very lightly.
  2. A lot happened musically in my teens, and I’d be here forever noting all the tracks, which would still be amongst my favourite tracks now. Also, depends on context. If it’s songs that happened when I was in my teens, that may not necessarily be the same as songs that I discovered whilst in my teens. For instance I didn’t discover Supper’s Ready til about 15 or so, but it came out when I was about 9. Ditto Silver Machine. For songs that came out whilst I was in my teens (although a couple may be borderline) some standouts ( a few amongst hundreds) would be: Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd Follow You Follow Me - Genesis Dancing Queen - ABBA Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel Games Without Frontiers - Peter Gabriel The Man With The Child In His Eyes - Kate Bush Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac Boys Are Back In Town - Thin Lizzy Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult Antisocial - Trust Bomber - Motorhead Jane - Jefferson Starship Turning Japanese - The Vapors Israel - Siouxsie and the Banshees Spirit of Radio - Rush Go Wild In The Country - Bow Wow Wow
  3. Pino was in last time but one that I went to the Gallery; a few of us were sat chatting in the workshop for some time. Lovely man.
  4. Apologies, but your post reads like you’ve been put off by the size of the neck, because it’s un-Fender like. That may not be what you meant (in fact it seems not) but I evidently wasn’t the only one to read it that way.
  5. If accurate, that’s heavier than 99.99% of Rics.
  6. Why would it need to be Fender-like? Not everyone likes Fenders.
  7. You must be either very coordinated or very lucky. 😁 I’ve walked into doors, had them fall off straps, opened cases only to have things fall on them, you name it. I once picked up a cup of tea and the mat - which was metal - came with it and flew through the air and straight across the front of my main bass, which was leaning on a nearby chair. I think I pick up at least one ding or scratch at every gig. And the more I try to avoid them, the more they happen. In fact I once put my first pristine Alembic SC in its case, opened the case the next day and there was a ding in the side of the bass. I have absolutely no idea how it got there, unless the missus was secretly rocking out to School Days. 😉
  8. I cut out the middle man and got 2 x Tech21 VT500 heads (main & spare). I pair them with one or two BF One10s as required. I can also go stereo if I’m feeling that way inclined.
  9. I shall bear that in mind for future gigs! Although staying up til 4 in the morning when I have to be up at 6 for work - and am on meds which make me drowsy - doesn’t sound like a viable option. Of course when I was a student or on the dole it was a different matter. 😉
  10. Must admit, I’ve just seen a mapleglo 4003 that I want, with the new bridge. I can’t justify it, can’t really afford it, but I really do want it.
  11. The walnut ones I’ve played are a similar weight to my ‘72s. Which are noticeably lighter than the majority of the 4003s I’ve played.
  12. This hurts. A lot! Spent about 2 hours trying - and failing - to get a ticket on the day they were released. Was absolutely gutted. Given the frenzy over buying them, never even occurred to me that any would come up sale at a later date. Jeeeeeez. That’s up there with turning down a ticket for DC with Bon Scott saying I’ll catch them next time and there not being a next time. Except even then I’d sooner have seen Kate!
  13. Don’t get me wrong, of course it’s nice to see people enjoying your music, but it’s the least important part to me. As for dancing, well sometimes people get up and dance, but we’re not really that sort of band. 😉
  14. The audience is actually the least important bit to me. In a hypothetical world where we could play & get paid without an audience, it wouldn’t matter to me one jot if there wasn’t one.
  15. Keep meaning to try these. Rob Mullarkey played with Zero 7, one of my favourite bands.
  16. My favourite part is writing. Then the part of rehearsal where you’re working on new songs. Recording is about equal to that. Rehearsing a set and gigging are next and in a similar ballpark; sometimes one is better than the other, depending on the gig. We’re lucky in that we play originals but seem to have found an audience, most of the time, so most of the gigs - my anxiety aside, which is another issue - are fairly positive. If they weren’t, then I’d pretty soon grow tired of them. I don’t see the point in playing unless you’re enjoying it.
  17. Having seen both more than once, I think MB are more faithful to the material and are, IMO, comfortably better. Having said that I’ve missed out on MB this year but my mate has bought us tickets for Hackett, so it’s up to Steve to prove me wrong.😉
  18. FWIW I once bought a used Status that turned out to have a warped neck, so it can happen to any of them.
  19. Saw Yes at the Manc Apollo on that tour and met the band outside. Alan White’s mum shouted “Alan put a scarf on!” Mums will be mums, even when you’re famous.😂
  20. One that springs to mind was Skynyrd at Knebworth. I’d have hated to be any band going on after that performance of Freebird. One of the great moments, IMO.
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