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  1. The best colour. Just ask Martin Turner!
  2. That’s a ridiculous price. And FWIW, I didn’t even know they had a website!
  3. Thought this may be of interest to those who are fans of Chris's tone...
  4. It’s a beautiful top, that.
  5. There are plenty of guys who can refinish it perfectly well. It just won’t be “factory”, as they say.
  6. Similar thing happened to me once many years ago in Musical Exchanges in Brum, though not with regards to a setup. I’d gone in to pick up a Jaydee GA24 I’d reserved and there was an issue with the pickup selector. Instead of taking it to the repair guys the salesman took it upon himself to “fix” it and the electrics went off completely. After spending some considerable time trying to fix it, he gave up and took it to the repair section and was summoned by the manager, who bollocked him. In the meantime Id tried another Jaydee Supernatural and decided to go home with that instead, so it worked out ok for them. Unfortunately the one I bought proved to have an iffy neck that would never settle, but by the time I’d worked that out it was too late to take it back. I wish I’d stuck out for the first one, but I was really annoyed at the time, having had a 3 hour train journey down, and didn’t want to have to go home with nothing.
  7. They had a used Chronos in the Gallery a couple of years or so ago. It was without doubt one of the nicest playing instruments I’ve ever played. GLWTS.
  8. I suspect Andy has played and/or owned a LOT of instruments. And although I don’t really get on with Jazzes, there are many for whom a good Jazz is the answer to life, the Universe and everything, far more so than any boutiques. It’s all horses for courses at the end of the day,
  9. The main problem comes if the shop “set up” is hiding issues with the instrument. Necks that won’t straighten, fret issues etc. So you buy thinking you can set it up to your satisfaction and then you can’t, and then the fact that you’ve tried to set it up yourself potentially becomes an issue. That’s why it’s usually best to buy from places the Bass Gallery.
  10. Just doesn’t make sense....I’ve been a member over there for years and never read that (although obviously I haven’t read everything), so I’d like to see a link to it.
  11. I’d read a few times that it was his graphite-necked Small Standard (Stanley shape) that he did that on, so I too was surprised to hear that. I’m not completely convinced.
  12. It doesn’t have to fall under your personal tastes. You can appreciate and acknowledge what someone does as a musician - or any kind of artist - without necessarily liking it.
  13. I played a Travis Bean in the Bass Centre in Manchester once. It might have been the heaviest bass I’ve ever played, and that really is saying something. It was way heavier than any aluminium-necked Kramer I’ve played.
  14. Also this: http://club.alembic.com/index.php?topic=2608.msg30435#msg30435 You’re not thinking about John’s dry comment that he liked the strings “on the other side of the frets” are you?
  15. Well I’ve done a search over there and I can’t find anything, so a link would be appreciated. I did however find this: https://www.sonicnuance.com/2017/10/02/rick-turner-interview-on-john-entwistles-instruments/?doing_wp_cron=1578176837.1030249595642089843750 Nice to confirm that John liked his necks dead straight, no relief. Ditto.
  16. Sorry to hear all that Andy. I’ve had a few years of “loads of stuff going on in my head” and have experienced a few bereavements this year, so I sympathise. It’s easy to start to lose the plot when that happens (or it is for me, at least). Hope everything gets better for you.
  17. I don’t know if this helps at all, but I always find that when I only own my main gigging basses (all Rics) I don’t really play them at home, so I practice less. I only use them for rehearsals, gigs and recordings. Whereas if I have something a bit different in the collection, even if I don’t gig it, I tend to play it at home a lot more, simply because it keeps things interesting and changes things up a bit.
  18. That really does look the pooch’s plums.
  19. I’ve tried basses with TIs and La Bellas and much preferred the TIs. And as others have said, any set of flats should last you years.
  20. The first time you’ve played roundwounds? Surely you’ve played basses in shops before? Hardly anything comes with flatwounds as standard these days.
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