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  1. Yep, 99% of the time. For those not in the know, his Wal was passive. He had an active but didn’t like it as much so sold it. He’s now got 2, both passive. Oh, Rotosound strings too. For anyone who wants to work their chops, try Sexy Eiffel Towers.😉
  2. Sadly I’m now left with the stuff I won’t sell, so unlikely to be buying anything else soon. congrats though, lovely bass.
  3. Whoa! That looks great! I take it it’s a wenge neck? Do you mind me asking what sort of price range? No problem if you’d sooner not say.
  4. I used to play in a London metal band and as I say we rehearsed in the room next door. We had a look round their room once. Seem to remember they had a LOT of gear.
  5. I’d love to hear anything I’ve ever written and recorded with a truly great singer on it.😉😂
  6. I just rewatched that track and it’s the Ranney. My initial thought was that it was still the Rick too. I’m the same, have only watched it once!
  7. Is that Mike Monroe from Hanoi Rocks? My old band used to rehearse next door to them. He once held a door open for me. 😉😁
  8. i’ve Found this with a lot of modern basses. Many that I’ve owned, stick them in a guitar band and they disappear, no matter what you do with the eq. Some you can get round by heavily boosting the onboard mids and bass; Ibanez SRs spring to mind.
  9. How do you delete posts? Accidentally replied to the wrong one!
  10. I recently had a bit of a Beatles binge and having not listened to them for some considerable time, couldn’t believe how fresh tracks like Strawberry Fields and Tomorrow Never Knows sound. Incredible band, whichever era you pick.
  11. New - “When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go”, Billie Eilish. Used (this week) - “Northstar Grassman & The Ravens”, Sandy Denny. I still buy them too.
  12. Watching The Who Live At Kilburn ‘77. I love Entwistle - and his Alembic tone - so much.
  13. But just because you weren’t positively influenced by them doesn’t mean plenty of others weren’t. In the context of the original question, you needn’t have bothered answering. If it had been specifically aimed at you, then ok, but it wasn’t. Surely it would have been easier to just think “doesn’t apply to me” & move on? That’s what I’d have done if the options were Lou Reed, Guns n Roses and Simply Red.😉
  14. Oh they do sound different, no question about that. I found mine preferred certain rigs over others, but that’s also true of the 4001/4003.
  15. One of the most underrated rhythm sections in popular music IMO. And yes, fab live, back n the day.
  16. Weight is the thing that struck me about the ones I’ve tried. Some very nice basses, but very heavy.
  17. One other thing, for the people who’ve bought Rics because of THAT tone, is that the McCartney tone or the Squire tone? Because they’re worlds apart, and I’m sure people bought them for both.😉
  18. I bought one too. It was great, one of the best basses I’ve owned; not fuzzy or indistinct at all with my rig. Sounded huge. Why did I sell it? Because, ironically, I didn’t get on with the body contouring, which aggravated a nerve problem in my arm; something the bound models don’t.
  19. FWIW John Hall has gone on record many times as saying there are things about the 4003 he’d change, but he wouldn’t want to deal with the backlash from the hardcore fans. And of course there’s also the 4004, which addressed almost everything the haters hate (body contouring etc etc), but which nobody bought. 😉
  20. But this is the point, it may not be comfortable for you, or sound good to you, or look good to you (or whatever), but not everyone is you. Why is that so hard for some people to understand? Both my Rics weigh 8 and a half pounds, so not heavy. For me, the least comfortable bass imaginable is a Jazz or a classic Status, and I know you like Jazzes, so I assume you find them comfortable. People are different, have different tastes and different requirements. And you’ve historically shown clips of people and said “I need this tone”, or words to that effect. How is that any different than someone hearing say Geddy or Chris and thinking “I want some of that”? Why is it ok with Marcus but not Geddy? It’s perfectly acceptable that you don’t like a certain type of bass, be it a Ric or something else - I’ll happily go on record as saying I’ve never played a Fodera that I’ve thought anything of - but to assume that everyone else should feel the same, or that those who do like them are missing the point, is REALLY missing the point.
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