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Everything posted by Angelus

  1. Apparently, I wasn’t there so can’t corroborate, but at a press conference a journalist was asking Paul McCartney about playing with Ringo, because Ringo was the best drummer in the world. Paul’s response was “Ringo? He’s not even the best drummer in the Beatles!”. Was only later, when I read up on it, that I found out that others had toured and played drums, including McCartney, on some Beatles recordings.
  2. Now there’s something I’d pay to see.
  3. I’ve got family going to see him ( well, the show at least ) in Liverpool next week, so I’ll find out what they thought.
  4. I thought, my memory isn’t what it was so forgive me if I’m wrong, either McCartney or Harrison had sat on his glasses and broke them? He only had his prescription sunglasses left to go on stage, so wore them so he could at least make out the rest of the band. Once he’d wore them once, he carried on wearing them for the rest of the tour.
  5. Yip, I love Wishingwell.
  6. How as the gig?
  7. OMG, I ended up doing the sound for the band who done that gig, inside Centre 1 at East Kilbride...... done the last ever night there too before they closed it. They done a full show, including the blues brothers and I’m sure they got paid cash?
  8. My other guilty pleasure is cars, I have the same amount of basses as I do cars. The difference is, if I sell all my cars I’d get about £100k, if I sold all my basses, I’d get £100. The main difference is the fact the cars cost a lot to keep up, MOT, Insurance, Servicing and maintenance. A guitarist I played with years ago once said “ if it’s not eating any bread, why sell it if you don’t need the money? “. I’ve sold basses I regret and I’ve sold cars I regret. The basses more as I didn’t need to, as it wasn’t costing me anything to keep them, the cars are more justified as they were costing me. If you need the space or money......... If not, I’d keep what you have. As I’ve found out, now that the kids are all grown up, married and left home ( withe the exception of a 22 year old daughter, but that’s a whole other story ), you’ll want to go back to enjoying playing again.
  9. While I’ve never used him, I know friends west of me who are happy with such work undertaken by https://www.facebook.com/George-Russell-Stringed-Instrument-Repairs-428353863929557/
  10. Of those kits, I think the Premier kit is most suitable, once set up and tuned it should be good enough for your needs. Played drums ( 35 years ago ) before I started learning bass and I ended up getting roped into into playing drums one night ( 20 years ago ) at a wedding and thought it would be ok as I didn’t know anyone. Sat down for the first song and there was whole table of people from my home town sitting waving to me. I couldn’t stop my right leg from shaking.
  11. Where did you get them? Might be up for it for with a friend? If I can get tickets that is.
  12. Would be good to see it getting played once complete. If you build it, they will come.......to the gig, that is.
  13. Would it be possible to start BPLA ( Bass and Player Licence Authority ) to keep a note of of make, model and serial numbers? Even just a thread here you can post pictures on, as they'll be date stamped, so you can prove when you owned them? Obviously it becomes outdated if people don't keep a track of what the sell, but might be a start point and give others the chance to cross reference any items for sale in Cash Converters.
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