Firstly apologies if this is posted in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where it should go.
I've spent quite a while online trying to find some kind of MIDI footswitch controller that can be used to trigger the samples on an Akai MPX8
There seems to be a bit of a gap in the market as I found other people asking the same question and no satisfactory answers. The only thing I found that might do it was a Behringer FCB1010, although it sounds like it's not very straight forward to set up and it's overkill in terms of size for what we need.
I don't know much about it, but from what I've read, the Akai needs a MIDI note value sent to it, and most MIDI footswitches send a program change value. (please feel free to correct my layman paraphasing where applicable!)
Does anyone know of someone who would be able to make up a MIDI footswitch unit as a custom job? Would it be possible for someone who knows what they're doing to mod a cheap MIDI keyboard to have footswitches instead of some of the keys? It wouldn't really matter if the velocity/pressure sensitivity was sacrificed because of this.
If anyone's got any ideas I'd be very greatful!