For 17-24 year olds that have stayed away from noise, drugs, alcohol and have no history of ear infections etc.
It is the optimal human hearing, available to about 5% of mankind.
Take them to court within four weeks? Bit rash isn't it?
How come you took no pics of the damaged parcel when it showed up at your doorstep?
Don't get me wrong, Bax should be doing everything they can to correct the situation but are you going about this in the most effective way?
I use the Dr Strings ddt 5-55 heavy and tune AEADG on my 5 string basses (Spector lx, mm sr5 and a custom).
Not cheap but I like their tuning stability and even tone and tension.
A couple of years ago the business adjacent to our rehearsal space had a fire. This stuff got all the smell off our equipment, including my carpeted 4x12.
I've used it since to fumigate stinky second hand bass cases and gigbags whenever I bought something from a smoker.