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Everything posted by Bolo

  1. Active bass? Battery dead? Sorry to hear about your trouble!
  2. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1398784918' post='2437580'] While my main board was out of action, Swanflight did me a great deal on a smaller board to see me through gigs in the meantime, and once my full board is sorted, that will become the pedalboard for my Verellen Meatsmoke Pre-amp that is on order. I have popped my amp in to Matamp, and Hayden is making an input for me to skip the GT200 pre, and just use the valve power section, so I will have a nice big choice of Matamp GT200, or 2 channels of Verellen Meatsmoke [/quote] I love my meatsmoke preamp! I run it into the passive input on the SWR 750x, to give me 3 channels effectively. I wouldn't have thought to put it in front of a tube amp though. Enjoy!
  3. Terrible proceedings to read about, just don't write off the entire design because of one monday-morning example! Get a replacement unit if you can.
  4. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1399027765' post='2440099'] You might be better served with an EQ/Preamp pedal such as a Sansamp which would cost you a tenth of what a Stingray would [/quote] That's not going to help you sound Stingray-ish. Personally I Love the Ray, hate the ampeggy scoop and it's derivatives.
  5. Go play a few in shops in your area, or see if any local BCers can accommodate. A heavy bass may have great ergonomics and not be a burden, and sound is so subjective. I love my SR5 more for the kick in the chest than the punch in the gut.
  6. Maybe a fender & co. Section to make it easy to separate the bassplayers from the hipsters.
  7. I get my batteries from Lidl or Aldi as they roll out of the same (and only european) battery factory as duracel. Cost me about £1.50 a pair. The StingRay has a flip-open battery compartment, it takes less than ten seconds to change one. Still, much like showers, necessary or not I take one every year.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398939396' post='2439155'] Just had to post the pic of this... [color=#ffffff]M[/color] [/quote] That is not a suitable place for such a pickguard.
  9. Didn't Alembic mount an xlr for 12v power to the preamp? That would work for the lighter ^_^
  10. Have you tried gunstock oil & gunstock wax like EB recommends? Otherwise there might be a real issue with the neck, in which case you'd best contact an EB Musicman stockist or the distributor for the UK.
  11. I can't imagine a laquer finish affecting stability on a neck.
  12. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1398368947' post='2433520'] For my money, this is loads better than the 'proper' version. Suddenly it's a bittersweet ballad rather than slightly clichéd C&W. And the harmonies in the chorus sound glorious at this speed too. See what you think. http://youtu.be/doz1QJ7LwjA [/quote] That's not Dolly, that's Roy Orbison! Funnily the reverse is true for sir Tom Jones. Play his 33.33 album at 45 rpm and you have Dolly singing Delilah! I don't care for all those other Jolenes much.
  13. This is just Deap Vally with none of the girl parts. They should merge!
  14. These blokes get it wrong too! (Or did I...) Promo vid for some instrument builde. No affiliation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4tAGDubfmE
  15. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1398120956' post='2430760'] That'd explain it then. What's the thinking/reason for it being different then? (Sorry, I guess you don't work for ernie ball) [/quote] I remember reading on the EB forum that on a 2eq one is cut/boost and the other is cut only. They affect each other a bit too. Not sure now but I think the bass is cut/boost and treble is cut only, that would make the most sense anyway
  16. 1 or 2 steps heavier won't be a problem. Maybe not go to low F#.
  17. [quote name='p58' timestamp='1397656544' post='2426137'] My EURO 5LX [/quote] Wow!
  18. Centre is not neutral for a 2eq anyway
  19. [Img]http://www.shop4cars.nl/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/s/x/sx2808004-500x500.jpg" class="ipsImage" />
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