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Everything posted by Bolo

  1. AC/D-SHE Female tribute band, and onthat note: The Iron Maidens right?
  2. Swr enhancer + 1x15 is total overkill at an inside gig. Unless you're playing dub those settings are for large outside stages
  3. "Dwell in the pocket" ? That could get you kicked out of the cinema!
  4. Les Claypool anyone? In my band I got about 40% of the music and 98% of the lyrics (as I'm the singist aswell).
  5. [quote name='dougal'] When it goes 'bang', I want to replace it with something that I can remove the back seats from. My old Galaxy could do that. Or rather the back-back seats folded into the floor. Skoda Yeti perhaps? [/quote] The yeti is not very roomy on the inside, you'd be better off in a prius+ for instance.
  6. I want this but spent my disposable income on a markbass Superbooster last weekend /facepalm. Interested in any trades?
  7. Vocals and lyrics are two different things though. Can an instrumental song have vocals as long as no words are used?
  8. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1372692187' post='2128661'] we do do 500 miles though Fa Da Da Da [/quote] Sounds like a good line! I try to use lyrics as a vehicle to get people thinking about a certain subject that's been bothering me. Not that anyone ever listens. Or deciphers my screaming jibberjabber.
  9. Dacia Logan? Huge estate, not very expensive. If it was my money though, I'd splurge on a superb saloon.
  10. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1372347961' post='2124687'] Wow....biggest tuner ever? lol Si [/quote] Biggest and most ostentatious I could find yes. Works allright, a bit slow on the low B maybe.
  11. M82 - M87 - ZVEX Distortron - M80 - SWR 750x Band practice tonight will prove if the distortron stays.
  12. Has anybody tried DRs dragonscale strings? All I hear about them is raving reviews.
  13. Bolo


    Figure out what you want it to do for you, then set your budget, then get the mxr m87.
  14. Seriously though, stick to what you know, but go one step fancier than you normaly would. It's party night afterall
  15. Least effective ninja ever! P.s. ninja gear always goes down wel with the crowd!
  16. Recently I stumbled across a second hand behringer 602 eurorack mixing desk for about £20. It's tiny, has all the inputs you can want, 3band eq, and stereo outputs for headphone, din (tulip), jacks etc etc. There are several brands offering little 4-6 channel mixers like these for less than a set of strings. It's slightly larger than an Ashdown pedal, so easy to stow, fit on a desk or on a bookshelf. Or schlep it to rehearsal or gigs (for your in-ear monitor, should you be so inclined). Honestly the smartest twenty quid I've spent on a hobby.
  17. Suffer. Edit: Some skill in translating life experience to art seems to come with age and sometimes hardship. So do communication skills as to how exactly you want to play the music.
  18. Isn't Manson still signed with Reznor's record label, as with his first two records? I used to tell people Marylin was Paul from 'The Wonder Years'. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0094582/mediaindex/rm1514248448?photoId=MV5BMTE5NzQ0OTUxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDU2NTc3
  19. A pillow with a street-tile on it inside the bassdrum does wonders! And is not an answer to your question, sorry
  20. PDA by John Legend. Waited for the intro to end before we walked in together.
  21. Awesome idea! I reposted this to the dutch bass forum basgitaarforum.nl
  22. Jean-Claude appears to be strapped for cash, money's tied for everyone these days...
  23. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1371203465' post='2111094'] I once borrowed a Hughes and Kettner 600w bass amp and it was not particularly loud, certainly nowhere near as loud as the 350w amp that I had at the time. There is absolutely no consistency in the power ratings claimed by various manufacturers! [/quote] This I would credit to the cabs used. Put that head on a different cab and you will have a completely different experience. Loudness is a personal experience also. What frequencies are perceived loudest by your ears? Cranking noise at those frequencies alone will change what you feel from 'lively' to 'racket'.
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