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Everything posted by Rikki1984

  1. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1462112550' post='3040343'] Ooh sci-fi! Looking forward to this one [/quote] When I picked the picture I did actually think of you cos I know you like to do 'cinematic' and the picture definitely had a filmic feel. I can definitely see the Blade Runner vibe. I tried to pick something that could be approached from lots of different perspectives - just general futurism, film noir, the Notre Dame French setting, the dystopian feel with armed guards etc. I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys come up with! ☺
  2. Crickey! Thanks to anyone who voted for me - whilst I question your judgement - I'm immensely grateful as there were some great entries this month. Cheers for the certificate Dad - it will have pride of place in my home. I'll PM Skol with the picture for next month ASAP. I hope you guys find it suitable! :-)
  3. I just read this article - it seems relevant. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/what-to-listen-to/jacob-collier-lights-up-the-cheltenham-jazz-festival--review/ Talented guy!
  4. That is a very good price!
  5. I really wish this had 5 strings!
  6. Bump - for the right trade I may be willing to provide some cash as well as the bass.
  7. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1461599445' post='3036008'] I've been blown away with Nickel Creek, and after much googling I ended up watching Chris Thile nailing some Bach. I recommend you watch it all, it's only 15 minutes, as the last part is jaw droppingly technical. This guy is as good as it gets on the mandolin. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3lH_Tevw5o&app=desktop[/media] [/quote] Wow!
  8. [quote name='Jorduan' timestamp='1461484978' post='3034911'] I picked one of these up recently as a cheaper alternative to a Dingwall. Anyone would be getting a hell of a lot of bass for the money. Very playable, that low B is clear and tight. [/quote] Thanks for the comment - I couldn't agree more. :-) I think the fact that my first choice for a trade is just for the 5 string version of the bass!
  9. [quote name='Bleat' timestamp='1461493254' post='3035042'] Wow it's really close so far...all joint first/last on zero points ! [/quote] It's as good as it'll get for me!
  10. That sounds awesome. I love my OFD, but I'm tempted to upgrade.
  11. A reluctant bump - I'm starting to regret putting this up for sale!
  12. That was bloody awesome. Really enjoyed that alot.
  13. [url="https://soundcloud.com/rikki-boyes/doodle"]https://soundcloud.c...ki-boyes/doodle[/url] My entry for this month - nothing special, just a little melodic thingy.
  14. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1460645699' post='3027568'] I have one of these, great basses for the money! The only mod I've done is rounding off the edges of the nut, but otherwise it certainly holds its own with my pair of Dingwalls at a fraction of the price. [/quote] Thanks for the comment. I couldn't agree more. It's probably the most cost effective way to get a fanned frets bass.
  15. [url="http://s16.photobucket.com/user/Ikkir/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160411_212536.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s16.photobucket.com/user/Ikkir/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160411_212542.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s16.photobucket.com/user/Ikkir/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160411_212611.jpg.html"][/url] I recently acquired this Ibanez SRFF806. It virtually as new part from a couple of very light marks on the back. It's a great bass but one too many strings for me, unfortunately, but it's so good that I'm looking at getting the 5 string model! The fanned frets give a great string to string balance and a excellent B string. It has a 3 band EQ, active/passing switch and a mid frequency selection switch. In passive mode the treble pot becomes the tone control. Full Specs here - [url="http://www.ibanez.com/products/eb_detail.php?year=2016&area_id=3&cat_id=2&series_id=51&data_id=161&color=CL01"]http://www.ibanez.com/products/eb_detail.php?year=2016&area_id=3&cat_id=2&series_id=51&data_id=161&color=CL01[/url] I'm looking for £650 for the bass, price include shipping. I'll knock off 30 quid for collection from Swansea. I'm happy to trade, in fact I'd probably prefer a trade. Ideally I'm looking for an Ibanez SRFF805 (5 string version) but I'll consider other 5 stringers - preferably higher end Ibanez SR series. My feedback - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/202504-feedback-for-rikki1984/"]http://basschat.co.u...-for-rikki1984/[/url]
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1460456375' post='3025812'] Don't worry guys, it never has to be a literal interpretation... the photo (and in this case video) are always just a starting point and not necessarily a final destination. Personally, I never have the image in view when actually writing my compositions for the challenge. I just look at it at the start and think "ok, that sounds something like this in my head" and then off I go... what happens after that is just about having fun with the writing process. But of course everyone approaches it in their own way. Short story: don't over-think it, unless you want to! [/quote] For what's it's worth, this is essentially my approach too. If I have lyrics I try to use the picture as inspiration, even if it's only from an allegorical perspective, but it's not my main focus.
  17. [url="https://soundcloud.com/rikki-boyes/falling"]https://soundcloud.c...i-boyes/falling[/url] Well here's my entry - it's kind of up tempo rock song. It was originally quite punk rocky (which is the sound I was getting from the video) but my limited vocals kind of pulled it away from what I was shooting for. I quite enjoyed using a plectrum, I don't use them very often - I should do it more often! Obligatory apologies for the vocals and lyrics (they are really not my strength) - I very nearly entered it as an instrumental but I thought it sounded a little empty.
  18. I have an SR506 (6 string version) and it's very light considering the larger body and neck. I don't know if that helps.
  19. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1459634705' post='3018322'] Can't watch the video..... Bandwidth terrible where I am at the mo..... Picture looking a bit fuzzy too. I'm beginning to regret voting for Mr Smalls last month, I'm not a dog lover and I've never been skiing (honest) so I can draw no tangent to this situation. I'm an artist though ( lol) so I wil draw some perspective on which to hang a note or two. Seriously though, I am challenged by the photo. Let's hope I get time to give it a go. [/quote] If it's any use to you the video is just of 2 people snowboarding down a mountain.
  20. I've got all the instrumentation done, more or less. I heard an up tempo rock song with a slightly punky vibe when I watched that video. I recorded the instruments yesterday and today. It's come together pretty quickly - I usually faff around for ages before I get started! I've written some basic lyrics and am now umming and ahhing over whether to sing and risk completely ruining it or leave it instrumental and have it sound a bit empty. Decisions, decisions!
  21. Well done - a deserving winner!
  22. As always thanks fot taking the time to listen and review - I always enjoy reading your thoughts.
  23. Voted. Good stuff, as always!
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