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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. SO MUCH WANT... I cant even pretend to need these, but these are a dream. GLWS.
  2. Ive got an old VS Basscombi 100w sitting in my den at home. Its beautiful, green and sounds great. The obvious problem being its massive & heavy and being quite antisocial because of those reasons. I cant crank it because Im at home and the building will shake and the residents will flog me. I cant take it gigging or rehearsals because there's always a more practical solution. I could however take the massive rubber corners off, apparently they weigh a surprising amount of the ridiculous heaviness it tallys up at. I'm soo kack handed that I could bodge the cab by just undoing some screws, anyone done this before (?) and is there any benefit?
  3. Hello. Who wants to play in grunge, dessert, kraut rock band in NE London? Answer- you do! I'm a regular bassist but have some tunes for the six string and want to start a band where we all have writing opportunities and can make whatever lifting noises we can get away with. Fav bands are Todd, QOTSA, Part Chimp, GNOD, Dead Meadow, Mugstar - all great inspirations but looking forward to doing our own thing. Cool if you know a drummer too! Https://soundcloud.com/bob-face/sets/bleve
  4. GLWS! My favourite flanger/chorus/pitch mod pedal. Great price too.
  5. Ok, so since I've avoided too many money worries but got used to the idea of letting the meatbox go I'm willing to trade up. I could maybe do with more gain and od but have my fuzz needs met. Cheers!
  6. Now that cable is genius! (All other pedals that I have using loops have a dedicated send return socket) The filter on the T65 lower octave is also mint! Tracks nicely and gets the open A string well, wobbles abit as the note fades but beats the oc3, muliplexer and DoD hands down. A great addision tom, It's these filters tom puts in, phat!
  7. I have a seriously stupid question for all t65 users, how do you use the loop as there's three jack sockets ... ? I told you it was stupid!
  8. Shi... Fu... Dang! I honestly thought is got now more GAS. Might move the dispatch master, small box aswell.
  9. Buy one! Yeah this hurts a bit but ...
  10. I love these pedals bump! Imho, worth every penny!
  11. Malekko sold pending usual.
  12. Selling these to help with agent fees moving so prices are what they are, all regrettable sales and i will be back in the market for these effects when i can afford it. £170 DOD MEATBOX - posted Lots written about this pedal, must for noise makers and merchants of doom. Malekko BASSMASTER - posted - SOLD!!! Germanium version, sounds ace with active basses aswell. This has been re-houses for smaller stake of pedal board but this comes with original box too. Ive only ever found good times with this pedal. FOXROX OCTRON - posted - SOLD!!! Does one octave up, the natural and one octave down. Best octaver I've used but need munay! (Starts sobbing) the down sounds synthy and tracks really really well, the up is gainy and cuts in mix nicely, putting them both up and stopping natural signal sounds big. Plus, smaller than octron2. Posting from phone so no pics yet, (just found out the agent costs!!!) message me and ill fer them over to you. cheers.
  13. I have only ever used the EQD and moved it on. Its great but as you know I think the dispatch master does the simpler things better. The Wet sounds amazing on demos tho and doesn't seem to get as muddy as quickly as EQD with bass.
  14. One of those DIY jobs from ikea. Ive already taken it out to few noise gigs and its a right pain in the arse not having a good sized bang for it. Nobody knows what to think when Im telling them how cheap it was to put together as Im struggling like mad to squeeze it into sports bag. Ive chucked all the wires n that under the board and Im going to put a back and sides on it to save even more space by putting the power underneath and give it an angle, still feels better than the ball ache of setting it all up on the spot, just still slightly mental in this state. For bass Id have a COG fuzz and meatbox on their instead of Flanger Hoax, but not in that place. Ha, so basically this is irrelevant and I just wanted to post.
  15. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1398693753' post='2436609'] Telling it how I have seen it! Saw one great originals band at the Roundhouse when I first came to London, turned out they were from Brighton, but liked putting on their website that they were based in Camden for the cred! [/quote] Depends on what you like listening to. Theres a few great bands all centered around NE london. Go see Henge tomorrow at Victoria Dalston, great band! Although I have no idea what you would call good sign writing, Coldplay stuff, Napalm Death stuff, who or what should they be writing?
  16. These are great pedals, how did you loose a screw?
  17. True, I like your old DM for those reasons though, its really clean sounding. Before I got yours Gaz I had an old version DT going into a Ghost Echo and that WAS great however the DM does it but cleaner. EDQ put a lot of atmosphere (other sound) into their pedals. That melkko's on the board now I see.
  18. Disaster Transport Jnr ay? You prefer that to the dispatch master?
  19. all to confusing, so I count in bums and tits
  20. I saw that on the website recently, I thought the internal trimpot idea would be weird but that does look WTF level of cool, like all customs should! nice one. EDIT: its great!
  21. Brought a pedal off Steve over the weekend, very friendly and helpful. Have no reservations about buying / selling to him. Cheers Steve.
  22. Theres lots of COG threads about showing the luv so I'll just put it back up here, great bit of kit from Mr George. [URL=https://imageshack.com/i/jnxkkdp][IMG]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/707/xkkd.png[/IMG][/URL]
  23. I can't as I only have a connection at work and obviously the PORN title is blocked, any chance you could change it to PRON or something... I'd love to go and have a look...
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