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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. Ghost Echo Bump!
  2. EQD on hold pending usual!
  3. Really, this exact one?
  4. C'mon folks, don't make me actually go through with it on the evil bay, good pedals here. Price drop! Open to trade offers for a filter/envelope pedal.
  5. Thinking about e-bay bump!
  6. Photo bump! Yeah, sounds really great but just not what I'm needing. I have this running before a Ghost Echo and they are foooking amazing but I have no band to play shoe gazer guitar in. In front of a reverb its amazing. Splurge away!
  7. Cheers for the feedback guys. BC +1
  8. done
  9. [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/Daily/News/Earthquaker_Devices_Announces_Arpanoid_and_The_Depths_Pedals.aspx"]http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/Daily/News/Earthquaker_Devices_Announces_Arpanoid_and_The_Depths_Pedals.aspx[/url] Wooks - check that out, Sibob knows I got he gas for EQD but I think I'm definitely interested in that Arpanoid. (the depths pedal sounds great but I have the Sea Machine which seems very similar with more in it)
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1373038004' post='2133105'] New York. It's big, brash and loud. It's edgy. It's tribal. It's relentless. You can end up somewhere unexpected... and like it. I hope I've captured at least some of these aspects in this short piece. [url="https://soundcloud.com/mark-68-2/nyny"]https://soundcloud.com/mark-68-2/nyny[/url] Mark [/quote] this really kicks into full swing at the end, TUNE! Reminds me of Faithless
  11. These are really great guys!
  12. I brought a pedal from Chris, top fella and made it all easy and no problem. Would definitely trade or sell with Chris again, top guy.
  13. [sup]As a doodler, I've always wanted to something like that, but I know it would get a similar 'mixed' reaction. That cloud crying tears onto the umbrella looks cool. Nice find dude and its always worth homing instruments for 20 - 40 regardless (or maybe I just waste money). I know you are going to strip it, but are you going to sell it on if you can restore it? [/sup]
  14. So what did you go with? Reverb is reverb, I don't now of any specific bass reverb pedals but they could be out there
  15. Hi guys, I noticed a banner up top mentioning a deal with these. Any one used one at all, the demo's look really solid. I have an old set up that runs 4 tens from a combi and Im really wanting to fix them up and move them on. Im going to go find a shop with one in, a TC BH500 and their BC212, but what's your collective feelings about TC electronics heads and speakers.
  16. Alun brought an EHX5000, paid really quick, cool guy!
  17. I use the EQD transport disaster original version, its delay/reverb pedal with modulation. It adds a lot to the sound which at times is frustrating for bass. EQD do reverb and delay well, Dispatch Master does both and is a developed circuit of the Ghost Echo which does reverb, the Transport Disaster pedal is great reverb delay with modulation and the Transport Disaster SNR is a monster for delay/reverb. I am a bit of a EQD fan boy. I have looked into Mr.Black pedals before and Sibob knows his stuff. I think the eterna has modulation as well where you can get a shimmer effect. Im sure there's a cheap reverb pedal about but the ones I have tried make the low end signal muddy, which might be what your after anyway.
  18. Tell him that the bass line is not your playing but that it sounds good and that your happy and pleased with how well it went...sounds simple
  19. Cool cheers guys. I think its best just sticking with combi.
  20. really stupid question, does the sansamp mean you dont need an amp head?... that could be helpful
  21. Ryanair wanted £100 for one way to Rome! My return ticket only cost £160 but might have to buy the second ticket.
  22. ehx 5000 gone pending usual
  23. Here it is...
  24. Back from the DEAD with this zombie THREAD! so... any further comments on the sub blaster. I think the scope of the pedal seems minimal but it looks fine!
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