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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. The ex really didn't have a hobby and that made her annoyed when I had band/music things going on. Now its just viewed as a bit of a waste of money.
  2. Left Foot


    Amazing price! I already have one and cant think of a good reason to get another a part from just selling it on because this is well cheap! Great pedal! Have a bump!
  3. Hi guys, not to highjack thread but I've got two DOD pedals which are centre positive 9V power inputs and my rig is totally geared up for the opposite centre negative Boss style input. I have brought two of those multi voltage and interchangeable tip chargers; however the input tip size doesn't fit snuggly and they don't work effectively at all. Do you know of any manufactures of 9V power that would work well with the old DOD's. Cheers guys
  4. I think you did the right thing though, he'll love playing it then before you know it he's a true bass player, a bassist is born. I nagged my dad for a 'red shiney bass' literally, I didnt care about sound / make or even really the playability (although he must have looked into it). After a few years on that I could deffinitely say I was a bassist, after a few more years I started paying attention to what other people thought and listened to just more than how to play rifts, few more years still and it was down to me to get my own gear.
  5. Thanks for heads up. Ive just moved a dwarfcraft on for having the same deal with the noise generation when on max settings. [quote name='Lobster fingers' timestamp='1368626752' post='2079400']Best of all its British, relatively cheap and I have done my bit to support what little British Industry we have left. [/quote] Not to high jack thread but I think these look good for the money, will see [url="http://synthrestore.co.uk/pedals.htm#pedals"]http://synthrestore.co.uk/pedals.htm#pedals[/url] ...
  6. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/3459-xilddx/"][color=#282828]xilddx[/color][/url] - Office is unusually busy today hence why no comment on video, cheers for putting back up
  7. I just hit record on my laptop, its really lofi (obviously) but even without external mic it gives the idea.
  8. I thought it was about live performance, even though, the best way to stop both writing and playing is to stop playing!
  9. Do what the Melvins do and just play a continuous string of badassery for two hours straight. Yeah I have the same thing at times, depending on what sound you want depends on endings > going into feedback > fading into silence > merging everything into one mammouth song etc. I hate those awkward moments inbetween songs so I usually try make some feedback or weird modulation noise fill those gaps. The best way to stop is not play the next part.
  10. xilddx - you, and only you I might add, posted a video of yourself covering a song last night. I cant find it today and have crap connection at home, post it again please. [b]& everyone else[/b] who have put their own personality into a cover, I'd like to see to what extent this can be done without simply bastardising the original. I dont want this to read as a 'challenge', I just personally have no creative facility for copying others work and would like to see how you have gone about it.
  11. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1368566266' post='2078758'] Could anyone here who has put their stamp or their personality into a cover post an example... I'm interested into what extent this can be done. [/quote]so... any takers?
  12. Could anyone here who has put their stamp or their personality into a cover post an example... I'm interested into what extent this can be done.
  13. [quote name='AntWPF' timestamp='1368543932' post='2078269'] That's looks amazing! It's way out of my budget zone though, I will definitely have a look for something similar though, thank you for bringing this to my attention. [/quote] Dude, trial version, you get 28 days to go mad with it. have a look at what it does so you can play about with it once dloaded. Nice
  14. I dont know how far along you are with this website or even if it is just a CMS site but if you control the server and can code (or have got someones help) download the trail version of articulate. Its a program (powerpoint add on) used for elearning and can publish interactive slides/quizzes as scorm files (flash based). You can use this to great effect f you think of applying the topic in a creative way. My company used to use it before specialising. [url="http://www.articulate.com"]www.articulate.com[/url]
  15. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1368540989' post='2078217'] The pain is around my knuckle so I guess so Doesn't help that I have teeny tiny thumbs, they really are rather mutantly small compared to my fingers [/quote] Just start off playing open strings to find a balanced attack between manic and mousey. Im sure my technique is not perfect but: make sure theres enough space between your slap hand and the strings for a little wrist movement that can drive the thumb. I dont attack long the string, I do it across the string (not sure if this is text book good technique), with my thumb pointing up like a thumbs up position.
  16. EHX frequency analyser & Boos DS2 still available!
  17. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1368535545' post='2078093'] if it s basic stuff i just listen and my fingers go there - if its something a bit more complex same process but in smaller bite sized chunks [/quote] ^ this
  18. I started off really heavy handed with slapping, it was close to an assult to be honest. I get better results now with a more restrained technique, it'll be something that becomes more natural. Not sure a lighter approach is universal, in the C2B3 DVD you can really hera Claypool bounding the strings, this might be that envelope filter he uses but a noticable attack/strike noise sat on top of his tone. Are you striking the string with your thumb knuckle? I knew someone who struggled pronoucing notes because he was almost palm muting as he did it, which made the whole thing muddy and awkward to hear and watch.
  19. Playing covers is a process on its own merit really. Theres more to think about than just the 'connection' and passion of the song (which for most musicians is vital), you're really taking part in the social cohesion and entertainment of an event and fitting a purpose. Maybe theres no room for 'passion' and its impurities when you have to consider that aspect, just keep the guy who pays the bill happy. It obviously looks and sounds better when people playing are into it, so I like hearing bands deviate from the script with adlib, although guy who pays the bill might not want that. Infact theres bands out there who have got a reputation for sounding nothing like the original they cover, almost in an anti-cover fashion. Its a bit of a gimmick but bands like PanzerBallet have taken the 'artisan' nature of covers and messed with the composition soo much its fun to hear how they recreate songs. Theres plenty of bands out there who to my ears, dont play with passion whilst playing originals. I think thats when we start to criticise other things like ego, technique and talent. Like I said, cover artists get it hard from muso's but can't really win. They're forfilling a function that limits their creative input when delivered to the non muso crowd. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/3459-xilddx/"][color="#282828"]xilddx[/color][/url] - The post about singing the song is really interesting, good call, deffinitely a cool method for getting a 'liberated' interpritation whilst keeping the familiarity in the song. I have noticed that if you get a group of people humming famous rifts/melodies, they almost always go for overtones or quirks. I think this is because of the emphasis in original composition.
  20. Jack White said something cool on a radio interview about how he found his voice performing his own songs. To paraphrase, he basically said that he has to view live perfomance as sounding something different from what he originally intended even if he is following his own formula, this followed from some conversation about the idea that artists cannot achieve the grandness of their original creative thought. It was this element of trying to achieve something that he alone envisioned in his head that gave him his connection to the song and 'voice' during a performance. Always relating to his own take on things. Thats how I feel to an extent. I basically can not find a voice performing others music. Most music I would want to cover is soo good that I dont think I can add anything to it, theres no connection because the sound is already amazing. Even the imperfections are treasured so I dont feel like I have anything else to add to it, how can I reinterprit my own inspiration?
  21. Personally Id go for a Westfeild small body bass. Really lightweight, playable neck, decent tone no fuss or hastle, plus fairly cheap and price but not build (from my experience).
  22. I have aquired an ignore list to boot! Sorry for being a catalyst to the moaning everyone. I didn't add to the facts of the thread, just got caught up with some condescending comments.
  23. [color="#282828"][url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/56-wateroftyne/"][color="#282828"]wateroftyne[/color][/url] - fair do's.[/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/25488-miltyg565/"][color="#282828"]MiltyG565[/color][/url] - Im sorry mate, but no matter how many times you may have 'gone through it' it doesnt really mean Ill pay much attention, stop being so dramatic. [b]' [/b][i][b]It's pretty basic, and I fear when I come across somebody who can't grasp it. Please don't be one of those people[/b]. ' -[/i] man thats really annoying to read. You infer I dont understand the principle of paying my way, the consequences of not doing so or my responsibility to contribute to society. I also appreciate two wrongs not making a right and that I'm accountable to that ideology but you've managed to overlook some fundermentals of my post in favour of talking like a church goer about the devils music, or just some old lady talking about the decline in quality of her tea cakes. The idea that I, being lucky and not paying a small amount of duty, which I would pay if asked, obviously, is fearful... grow up mate. Then obviously, the usual comment trying to degrade someones input, that I can't 'grasp it' and pleading with me to not be 'one of those people'.... (you racist, jk)....what exactly does that mean, nothing other than you trying to take some form of high ground, dunno maybe academic or moral, but really you just sound like an annoying granny. Would you really say this down the pub or is it just internet fatigue?
  24. Since starbucks and amazon dont pay tax, or have agreed to pay an insultingly pultry percentage of next to nothing, I wouldn't mind getting a little lucky and not paying duty on ONE transaction, costing the UK economy a game changing £15! Just admit it, man. You're no better than Starbucks. <--- TROLL IS OBVIOUS
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