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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. That's a great bass to start on.
  2. EHX HOG - simple
  3. I like your miss print wall paper
  4. Maybe they were trying to put you off blu, seeing as how that's so unpalatable.
  5. Holly Molly great deal ! I don't want another active bass but looks great GLWS.
  6. YAWN! I've tried to post pictures for John but there is something up here. I know how to post pictures but constantly getting the error message that the code is not allowed on the forum, even tried Dad's way. Stick this up in your browser and kill the spaces. h t t p s : / / i m g u r . c o m / a / 8 B Y e 2
  7. I've gone to the dAwGs mate! I'm relocating to Romford and I don't know anyone there, its an adventure. Just realised the horror that I don't know any local pubs, clubs or any practice rooms and google doesn't make me think there's much going on Has anyone got any positive news about local practice rooms and bands etc?
  8. Does anyone else find that video a bit cringy?
  9. Guys, I just want to show you the final design for the VT1 Spitfire BASS pedal that's been discussed here and developed. All the switches are now mounted on the top of the unit and no punches pulled - this is a banger of a pedal. A swiss army knife that's got you covered in all situations and sounds a delight. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Get in touch with Dave if you're interested, very easy to talk to and there maybe an opportunity for the introduction price. [/font][/color] [email="[email protected]?subject=VT1%20Spitfire%20BASS"][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][email protected][/font][/color][/email]
  10. up
  11. Worst thing I've ever seen was a mates gig. Piss head staggered onstage, fell over a stand and lobbed his pint everywhere, fried pedals, ripped drum skins, broke a speaker. Stopped the show. I can't say I've ever felt too comfortable knowing that could happen anyway. There's always the threat of someone else leaving with your gear after packing anyway. I don't have back up rigs so id just get insurance if your gear is top range.
  12. Aw man
  13. Been looking at the schumann really tempted, probably gonna see if I can rent one, this sounds golden! Thanks for sound clips dude.
  14. Hi Guys, this is the latest draft mock up in the preferred purple and white. Dave has moved the toggle switches to the top of the effect unit after your suggestions. Please let us know your thoughts, they are important to us. [url="https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/Dkmh"]https://www.imageupl...o.uk/image/Dkmh[/url]
  15. No experience with this. I had three Unichorus pedals, all 2nd (3rd,4th,5th +?) hand ones and the noise was never an issue. One pedal, which I still have, has a particularly worbly pitch shift phase and the depth and rate knob controls give different results on the same settings, no major problem but not sure why it works.
  16. TBH, I hadn't heard of Stone Deaf pedals until recent pedals started popping up on ebay and then reading a quite arrogant interview with SD owner on reverb, which was odd because he made out like they were a house hold name. Anyway, the pedals themselves look interesting and sound pretty decent in video .Always wanted a chilli, that cab looks lush!
  17. Hmm I was looking at one of these whilst swooning over a Silver Rose. Alas I'm skint.
  18. Should have got the HOG from the effects for sale section.
  19. MODS - is this in the wrong section? Maybe general or something - I'm amazed with the views and little response.
  20. Google has failed on this one but now I know he uses guitar amp/cabs as well. How would you go about getting Jarred's tone specifically The Whip era? It's mega! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJgXA_9w9c8
  21. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1498844431' post='3327543'] Let me see if I've got this right from the YT vids I've seen. The pll is has 2 synths. The pitch of these is tracked to your bass playing. It then moves the pitch of the synths up or down to set intervals at speeds set by your envilope. Is that anywhere close? [/quote] Sounds like it can also do more too. My minds kinda blown by the scope of the pedal.
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