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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. This COG is most excellent indeed. Trying to sell everything I have Dan.
  2. Jeeeeeze guys, I cant believe the poo pooing. Its not great, but that yune sucks anyway. I kinda enjoyed tge tone and irreverence he showed the whole affair.
  3. Seek Wah with pitch mod at each stage running into serperate mammoth board. Wet and dry outs. Been wanting to try sequenced pedals, digital interface my help with assigning patches and saving settings.
  4. Unichorus sold pending usual.
  5. On evilbay now. Id prefer a BC got a pedal, make offers if tou want to, cheers.
  6. HOG & Sculley - Withdrawn. I got a pressie in time, im golden. Ebs & EQD still up for grabs.
  7. Grand Orbitor gone
  8. Flump
  9. Trump
  10. Ebs Unichorus EQD Grand Orbiter COG Sculley EHX HOG - Still need new homes.
  11. UP!
  12. My Hondo II. Im sure many will laugh but im sure this is the nicest C neck ive ever used and the original pickup gives me all the punch and boom I need. The action is just right for me. Ive had plywood westfeilds before, and this body is no plywood, its a beast. Id up it over my ibenez and spector. I love it.
  13. Knightfall/darklighter sold.
  14. Ahem.
  15. Isn't this supposed to be very responsive to volume / EQ input and playing dynamics? Maybe thats just how to validate a no knob pedal, but did you find this to be the case?
  16. The DD703 and DR707 models precisely, does anyone know if they are up to much as then seem like the perfect cheapo solutions to my perfectly cheapo casio project. Does anyone have any experience with this boxes? http://belcat.com/html/products/effects/dr707.html http://belcat.com/html/products/effects/dd703.html Seem simple enough not to be bad...
  17. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1453240477' post='2957833'] EBS Unichorus. I've had it for years and can't see a reason to change. [/quote] +1
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1450242515' post='2930848'] That's great, but not for those of us that do this to pay the mortgage and utilities. Blue [/quote] Haha, I get what this tgread us about. Blue is worried boys night out bands are getting in on his cover band gig. Ho Ho Ho, itll be OK, why dont you write a song for everyone this Xmas? https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fomid.gg%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F04%2FTook_er_Jobs.jpg&t=559&c=gTPjl_OhyoXyEQ
  19. Bump
  20. Buuuuuuuump!
  21. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1449301096' post='2922318'] I'm not sure what it's like these days but I don't think Mastodon's live sound worked in big arenas back then. I saw them supporting Tool at Wembley Arena as well and their sound got a bit lost in the large reverberant venue then too. [/quote] I think thats a problem for bands who record straight into the desk, Idk, but they were better than HIM.
  22. Brensabre, thanks so much for the low down, ill get that together. Pretty durr the amp has a 4 Ohm min bridged requirement.
  23. The role is to steal the show!!!
  24. I find them all annoying but thats down to the amount of airtime his songs get, and that was my actual point. I think weve got to a point of information overload where people are resisting choice, like theyve become comfortable putting 'x' artists album on and considering it 2015's greatest hits. They dont want choice I find. Current production and styles of pop arent interesting or personal enough for many mainstream fans/kids/teens to delve into what music is. They've had talent shows on TV and Simon Cowell in their ear long enough to give up on real intrigue into music, its soo easy to access 'the best' pop music that alot of people have become saturated with so little. I dont think his music is soo good that those three songs really credit they're position, but as far as the charts go for being a popularity contest, its hardly supprising either. Probably a bogof black Friday deal that his ipad beliebers couldnt resist. - Im hating the game as much as him.
  25. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1447959276' post='2911889'] HIM were pretty appalling. [/quote] They get my vote to, main support for Metallica in one of the first few gigs at the new Wembly. Sound was set up for talica but it was just shocking.
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