The needed space on pedal boards (referred to sometimes as 'real estate') is dictated by the size of your pedals and the subsequent leads and power supply arrangements need to complete the signal chain from your bass to amp. You can do the math for your pedal footprint requirements, based on what you've listed itll come up big. Based on this id say: A) target a sound. Leave effects out unless you need them 100% - theres rarely occasions where its easy or practical to budget for 'nice to haves' in a board as the financial, physical and transport logistics increase with the size. Or, prepare to spend or go the DIY route. Theres a range of products about but it you're wanting all those pedals, id put some effort in to makeing your own board to begin with. This can be done with a Gorm shelf from Ikea and theres YouTube demos available - a decent effort relies on planning, time and not expecting a shelf to magically become the most comprehensive pedal board without considerable tweaking. Believe me, even if this doesnt go to plan the practical lessons learnt with help inform your live setup in the future.
I take it you've used all these pedals in conjunction before and you know how you're ordering them, connecting them and powering them?