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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. Its also testament to how little people expect from music 'the finest art form'.
  2. LS2 SOLD. Bump for others!
  3. I wouldnt want to do as many as you blue but I dont get asked to. I personally hate playimg in cover bands and wouldnt play elevator music so I can live with the boys night out analogy. Id hope to be 'well known' and have others carry my gear if I was playing that often though.
  4. Up up up!
  5. So are these 404? How can I put them to a metre to test them?
  6. Make offers through PM please.
  7. Sorry, its a LS2. Line selector, my bad.
  8. Burp sea machine up too
  9. Well I would just papadum max and bhaji till the cows come home.
  10. In my experience, Octron really is a great piece of kit and the Oc3 is not, I moved it on fair quickly. I dont know about the OC2. The COG pedal is really neat, the sub octave filter is immense. If you can, check out the COG & OCTRON, both mint pedals.
  11. Itching to take this off your hands but i cant afford it. Dang! Best price ive seen for one, Eva!
  12. Theyve both got a circular port in the top left corner of the driver. Theres no marking on the drivers that I couls see last time I had these cabs open. Chimike - erm, sorry to be a pest but what do I need to test them for the Ohm? An ohmeter I presume? Thats for your input guys. Edit: these are light and loud. Had them going last night to much amusement. drummer didnt like them
  13. I really want one of these but skint. Ordeps great to deal with people. GLWS.
  14. That turned around quick, glws.
  15. If its sold as an apple then its fair. If its horse sold for consumption as beef its not. I dont understnd how this case doffers from the horsemeat issue. The branding and the quality Mark have been removed... I understand your points 100%, im probably being irrational thinking its illegal without knowing what part of what legislation this woild fall under, just thought this would be covered. The seller has done more than simply sand it down, changed a pup, but the item discription is intentionally misleading.
  16. Well, thats helpful, ill shut up, turn the computer off, retire from basschat.
  17. Well, as ive asked for, could you be helpful in high lighting how my opinion is wrong on a legal basis. Do you kmow how this has been tested? If you know about the legality of this scenario then please share.
  18. [quote name='nightsun' timestamp='1446050685' post='2896531'] Which pretty much makes it a random Fender copy [/quote] No it doesn't. It makes it a deko with paint, mislabelled and sold for 6 times as much as perchase price. Poor form.
  19. Do you guys try this? It mist be illegal as they are selling it as something its not - intentionally to deceive buyer about it worth. They know its not a random fender copy. Its a deko theyve mucked about with.
  20. I think claire050868 is taking the piss tbh, the sellers got another bass covered in some kins of putty/filler. I suspect another deko
  21. Look at this, the nerve! £225 for a deco resale. Is this illegal or should I report to ebay? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Road-Worn-50s-Style-Precision-Bass-Right-Handed/262106676636?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D33957%26meid%3D73d5039e1925461494c939a730e28963%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D281836101014
  22. The needed space on pedal boards (referred to sometimes as 'real estate') is dictated by the size of your pedals and the subsequent leads and power supply arrangements need to complete the signal chain from your bass to amp. You can do the math for your pedal footprint requirements, based on what you've listed itll come up big. Based on this id say: A) target a sound. Leave effects out unless you need them 100% - theres rarely occasions where its easy or practical to budget for 'nice to haves' in a board as the financial, physical and transport logistics increase with the size. Or, prepare to spend or go the DIY route. Theres a range of products about but it you're wanting all those pedals, id put some effort in to makeing your own board to begin with. This can be done with a Gorm shelf from Ikea and theres YouTube demos available - a decent effort relies on planning, time and not expecting a shelf to magically become the most comprehensive pedal board without considerable tweaking. Believe me, even if this doesnt go to plan the practical lessons learnt with help inform your live setup in the future. I take it you've used all these pedals in conjunction before and you know how you're ordering them, connecting them and powering them?
  23. One you can fit all your stuff on, obviously taking power supply, connection leads and input/output locations into consideration . What leads you using?
  24. I stupidly traded a T65 with a beautiful custom enclose, that filter on the down octave is huge. One thing would have stopped me from trading it and thats an expression in for the down octave filter, that would have been unreal fun - but since I have a hog and dont wprry too hard about real eatate I stupidly traded. But - I got custom COG dirt box for it which is a vital piece of kit! Massive.
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