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Everything posted by DorsetBlue

  1. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1402337217' post='2472401'] The new AX7 album it is bloody great [/quote] Hail to the King? Yes, good album. Just listening to California Breed - very good so far.
  2. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1402341133' post='2472466'] My new Gibson sg, or it will be when I get it, its being shipped at this very moment, more photo's when it arrives .... Nope it won't upload my photo, bugger [/quote] 2013 or 2014 model?
  3. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1401975534' post='2468825'] Coincidentally enough, just the other day I plugged my Les Paul Standard into my TC rig (RH750 + 1 x RS210 + 1 x RS212) just out of curiosity and was surprised at how good it sounded. Not as good as having a full fat Marshall stack, obviously, but good enough for me to consider leaving my guitar amp at home next time I'm callled on to do some 6-string stuff live, either in rehearsal or at a gig. [/quote] Likewise, I have been plugging my G3 into my TC BH250/BC210 and was getting a reasonable sound out of it but was not entirely satisfied. Have been considering getting a Blackstar ID amp but decided to give the G3 another go last night and changed the output settings to Stack Power Amp and it now sounds pretty damn good (if a little loud at 9 oclock gain) with EQ all at 12 oclock. Purely for home use however, would not dream of inflicting my dreadful guitar playing on the public.
  4. Good old fashioned rock, liked it a lot.
  5. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1400016740' post='2450011'] Some new tunes from the new black keys album. .. Very good [/quote] Yes, listened to the new album yesterday on Grooveshark. Very good, will definitely be buying.
  6. No neck dive on my Vintage VS6 although it is chunkier feeling than my Gibby (but then I suppose it should be considering the price differential).
  7. If you are worried about the neck with small hands (whether you should be is another subject), then Ibanez's are renowned for their thin necks. SR300s are apparently well thought after too. It is an active bass though, so you will have to add learning the pre-amp settings to your beginner list too. I think Jazz Basses are normally a good starting point, if thin necks are preferred. The Classic J is well respected but I wouldn't discount Squiers or Harley Bentons (from Thomann).
  8. Depends what style you like. I would always recommend a Vintage VS6 if you like SG style.
  9. This seems as good a thread as any to post this: [url="http://www.guitarworld.com/acoustic-nation-fender-sell-guild-brand-cordoba-instruments"]http://www.guitarworld.com/acoustic-nation-fender-sell-guild-brand-cordoba-instruments[/url] Not sure what this will mean for the Electric and Bass lines.
  10. Was in there yesterday, Fender gone and nothing particularly jumped out (right or left).
  11. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1398280116' post='2432487'] I agree they are priced too high as people go for the name, but having had an indie tribal (in fact I still have it) and a gibson les paul (just sold), the indie was actually the better guitar. But as you say, the gibson name carries more weight, certainly if you want to sell it. [/quote] Regarding that Indie SG, I loved it when I picked it up. Nice weight and sat well but it was not a £499 guitar - £299 to £350 at a push. My LVS6, although a little heavier, certainly wasn't far off it (after a change of strings). My experience of £499 gibsons is rather lacking, they did not have one in GAK when I visited last year. I did walk away with a SG Standard though, which may be an unfair comparison. :-) It is worth noting that the shop in question, has had quite a price cutting session recently though - that Fender Jazz may still be there too.
  12. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1397653061' post='2426067'] If you need left handed basses, there are 3 in the music shop in dorchester. I haven't been there in a while, but they were there 2.5 years ago when i started a job there, and they were still there last year when I left it, so I would put money on them still being there. [/quote] I will assume you mean Dorchester, Dorset and not Dorchester on Thames? If the former, there were/are 4 in that timeframe in the music shop in question. However one is an old bashed up Aria (which I had to point out that the pole pieces in the pickups had come out) being sold for silly money (IMHO). Another is a nice looking blue Indie Jazz (being sold for silly money again IMHO). Another is a natural previously blue Indie Jazz but not entirely well stripped i.e. I can tell it used to be a blue Indie (being sold for silly money again.) The other one I can think of was a secondhand Musicman USA Sterling which was purchased by a member of this site, after I told them about it and has been subsequently sold again on this site (see Lefties for Sale). Not doing down the music shop in question, as I consider them an important local resource but anything with 'Indie' on puts me off straight away and seems to be listed for silly money e.g. Indie leftie SG guitar copy was £499, my Vintage LVS6 was £200 - a proper Gibby (admittedly satin effect one) can be had for £499. I have previously purchased (and subsequently sold) a lefty guitar from them, along with many books, picks etc.
  13. My girlfriend and me went to see Toseland at Mr Kyps on the 11th April. Came away very impressed in just about every way. Crowd was a mix of bikers (for James T was twice World Superbike Champion) and rock fans. The first support group were entertaining enough (didn't catch their name) in a college band type of way. The second support band (again didn't catch their name but their bass player looked familiar for some reason) were very good. However Toseland 'themselves' were excellent. Great sound, James T's vocals are pretty damn good and the bass player's tone was excellent (not sure who he is, the album sleeve says Dave Hollingworth but I think he left before the tour. Played a Spector of some sort I think.) This is him here: James is an incredibly nice person too. He hung around afterwards for a chat and to sign anything people wanted signing. If you like a bit of Hard Rock, I definitely recommend catching them.
  14. All of the reviews I have read (pretty much all bad) have put me off to be honest.
  15. As a former brass band player, I cannot believe that will sound anything like a decent brass instrument but I wait to be proven otherwise.
  16. Although I see your point, I do not view RS2014 as a tuition aid. I see it as a game which encourages the kids to play the instrument and have fun. Any time they are playing the instrument, building the muscle memory is good IMHO. The tutor is then there to teach them to actually play properly.
  17. I agree with the comments about playing music he want to. One of my daughters is a rock chick and the other one is a popster, so this causes me fun when trying to encourage them to play. However they both agree on Green Day, so a bit of reasonably simple power chord thrashing works well. Have you considered Rocksmith 2014, my youngest is on it all the time and although it does not replace proper tuition (they both have that too), it at least gets them playing for an additional couple of hours a week each and I can join in too sometimes. It also has a good selection of different music, ranging from 60s through to heavy metal with pop in there too.
  18. My vote is a little different, as I am right handed. Can do hardly anything left handed (except archery for some reason). My first guitar was an Encore/Ensign (can't remember which, was from Janet Frazer I think around 1987) Strat copy. Couldn't play it for toffee. In those days my only tuition source was Bert Weedon's 'Play in a Day', couldn't play nothing in six months - mind you, being a metal head, if it had covered power chords better who knows. In the end, it went to a student that my dad was at college with (he was re-educating as a mechanic at the time). Didn't touch a guitar again until my kids started learning. Picked up their acoustics, still felt all wrong - flipped it over DING! Light bulb moment.
  19. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1397126365' post='2420878'] this doesn't sound bollocks to me, because as a lefty this exactly is the reason why I did it after trying both ways when I started in 1982. I never looked back. [/quote] Lol, and a mirror version. I am a rightie that plays left and likewise. I have never received any 'jibes' about asking for lefties when I go into stores, actually they tend to cower when I start grumbling about the lack of any left handed guitars/basses. This might be however because I am an ex-rugby playing chap with a speciality in looks that make people run for the hills. I am actually really nice honest.
  20. Mmmm, interesting alternative to a Starbass etc and available leftie special order apparently: http://www.peerlessguitars.eu/#/retromatic-bass/4579674922
  21. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396863817' post='2417981'] That's interesting as my B4FL seems to have the skinniest neck of all my basses! Just measured it against my Squier Jazz and both are 38mm at the nut but the Jazz seems a shade deeper front to back (about a millimetre difference as best I can measure with a ruler). [/quote] Hmmm, intriguing. My B4 has a nut width of about 40/41mm and definitely feels chunkier than my Squier VM Jazz. Could be year of manufacture differences maybe?
  22. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396786761' post='2417255'] Secondhand Cort B4 maybe? Like this one demoed here [/quote] My B4's neck is a bit chunkier than a Jazz though.
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