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Everything posted by anDy LAKIN

  1. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1427147650' post='2726543'] Dunno about those two, but I've had good experiences with the Pocket Rock-it ones and the EHX Headphone amp. [/quote] they both look good but at £30 thats almost a quarter of the cost of a zoom b3 which i may be getting
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427142970' post='2726445'] I wanted to make totally sure of the facts first, and that took a little time to do for various reasons. Once I managed to plough through the detail, it was easy and done in a matter of seconds. Something that did come to light during this was that the person in question had been sending offensive PM's to at least one person. If anyone got one of these then just delete it, he won't be replying. [/quote] i thought this was all about opinions and not facts, you cant start putting in facts.
  3. has anyone tried one of these before, or something similar [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Portable-Audio-Electric-Guitar-Bass-Mini-Amplifier-Clip-Amp-Headphone-Speaker-/141594083978?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item20f7aa428a"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item20f7aa428a[/url] or http://www.amazon.co.uk/Jaxville-GP-2000-PNK-Pocket-Amplifier-Earphones/dp/B00JKKIJRW/ref=pd_sim_sbs_MI_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1P9NPZNGAGSGY8ZZ87E1 ive had a voxamp before but that was dire. although this looks very basic but loks very neat and tidy and can clip to your strap keeping it out of the way and not too expensive either. what are your thoughts or suggestions for something simlar. AnDy LAKIN
  4. ITS A MINI and i need to start listening to radio 6 more
  5. thats going to make a few people happy and i bet they sell out
  6. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1424555772' post='2697747'] Very nice! New bridge is an upgrade as the originals tended to crack & bend in half! Just stick a couple of black speed knobs on it & it'll be sorted. I do like mine but never really play it as the single P unit doesn't get the sound I want too easily. Should I flog it? Jon. [/quote] i think you may regret it if you do sell it, as dude said they are underated although if you are not use it much and dont need it as a spare it might be worth selling if you can find a buyer who will also look after it too. with regards to my track 2 and the knobs yeah they are easily changed but in no rush to do that and just to confirm did they come with the little knob pointers under the knobs or were these added on?
  7. oh i just love the look of them with the symmetrical body shape and lovely finish and chrome accessories, im just glad they both play very well too
  8. Well after recently getting a Westbury Track 4 i thought it would be nice to have a track 2 to go with ti and see how they both compare. Well the track 2 is as nice as i was hoping (although a few more marks on the body) and has the benefit of being a bit lighter as the body is flat unlike the curved body of the track 4 and also that the neck on the track 2 is bolt on aswell. the necks are the same thickness which are nice and easy to play although not the thinnest and the pick ups are also dimarzio and give a good sound and tone but the twin pick ups and their positioning on the track 4 gives it just a bit better growl. The bridge has been replaced on it and it doesnt have the original knobs (the controls are volume, tone and series/parallel switch ) but it all works and plays well and is also made in 1980 Heres a few pics too,
  9. i think everyone is missing the obvious reason for the post, and you have put up the wrong pictures too tell us more about the aussie barmaids including their pictures please.
  10. what strings are you using, maybe you could try different strings like flatwounds as this is one of the reasons i prefer flats as they are smoother
  11. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1423250415' post='2682877'] It's catching... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fenda-Squies-Precision-Bass-/231473340428?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item35e4e2e00c"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35e4e2e00c[/url] [/quote] oh it comes with a pee wee amp too
  12. luckily it wasnt a jazz bass
  13. why does the guitarist feel prouder for having a larger one for once? does he only have a small one and anyway its what you do with it that counts, as well as fingering technique too of course
  14. there is another track 2 on ebay at the moment which i was half tempted to but the track 4 took more of my fancy
  15. yep they are dimarzio pick ups and it plays very nicely neck isnt too wide nor sticky and balances nicely on my leg while playing
  16. yep i went out and got me one and not in too bad condition just the usual paint chips and light scratches but all in all in good condition with original pick ups and original knobs i do believe. the pick guard is actually tortoise but has been painted over in black but the paint is coming off which gives a good effect at the moment. still got the original , original shop sticker on it but alas that shop is no more after a quick google search its now a car wash place
  17. heres mine a dean j bass still in good condition and only a few years old and only a few months use as then i got an ibanez sr300
  18. looks like the assassins creed bloke
  19. oh we need pictures of it now
  20. and another random though slightly related, do really fat people need bigger coffins and bigger graves or do thet just get squeezed into normal size ones?
  21. would a radio controlled car/transporter not be easier, like a mini optimus prime pulling the cab and equipment along or even a customised pallet loader
  22. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1421238362' post='2658729'] I happen to know the seller needs the money urgently to repair his Mercury Sable car. Ask me how I know! [/quote] how do you know?
  23. maybe ask about other ibanez's that they may be able to get in for you like the afb200bs http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ibanez-afb200bs-artcore-semi-acoustic-4-string-brown-sunburst-bass.html should still have the fingerability as the sr range but with a more retro look with picks to rest fringers on and still be light too
  24. no there isnt i just been looking just to make sure
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