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Everything posted by anDy LAKIN

  1. ** now sold ** i have a brand new unused ultra shiny never been opened monel flatwound 5th string of 130 guage long scale for sale of £6.00 including p &p thank you andy
  2. whats the linkie
  3. thats cool may have to take a look
  4. may i have second dibbs if first person doesnt get it please
  5. just because you own a ferrari it doesnt make you a good driver (and can also make you look a tit) but the ability to jump into any car and drive it like no other can that gives you kudos
  6. mmmm no reply so she has either blown up or is now enjoying the cab to her hearts content and annoying the neighbours a lot
  7. im going shopping in Nottingham tomorrow, are there any good music shops in the town?
  8. ive recently got the sennheiser hd 429's which are the same just with a longer cable and find them nice and comfortable and give a great sound also nice and light too and if you buy from argos remember to use your nectar points
  9. oh very nice but being cat inspired does it only play when it wants to and then spends the rest of the day sleeping?
  10. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1364901081' post='2032289'] 'The Chin' is a brilliant name for it! [/quote] or tongue but then it would be constantly licking the G string
  11. chuuffin hell that was quick thanks bassbus and will you be playing the blues today since its the second of april
  12. oh lookin great there, just one question why does it have two strap locks on the bottom. it does make it look even more sweet and symmetrical
  13. the head nut that the strings at the top of the head is called a nut, is there a reason for this? it looks nothing like a nut, metal or food wise. Personally i thought it would of been called the head or neck bridge or even the chin. does anyone know the reasoning behind its name?
  14. cool thanks, i gather wood glue is best to use rather than superglue
  15. and when replacing the nut do you need to use glue or is it ok just to slot it in?
  16. It came free with something
  17. it might be even bettter and improved
  18. yours might break and you need a backup one?
  19. Anyone else aware of them? there a scottish band who recently won the kerrang radio big audio event and have a great sound and the lead singer is also the bassist playing a six string just thought id mention it as you dont get many singer/bassist combos heres a linkie to one of their songs http://akordofficial.bandcamp.com/track/set-in-your-life what do you guys think of them
  20. i hadnt even tried raking yet and so after watching the vid back again yep dont work but great vid (and his others), I was suggesting the clock/pendulum/turtles in replacement for saying "I , M, I , M" for each finger stroke. im still learning too, and yeah turltes are cool, all pets are good for distressing even fish
  21. right im new to this and also trying to see if i can learn the two finger technique and have found three (hopefully) useful ways which may help 1, using a clock with a pendulum i face it and when its on the left i use my index and when it goes to the right use my middle finger also good practice to help keep intime as long as you can ignore the tick tock but mine is quiet on my clock. Perhaps a metronome could also be used like this. 2, bobbing my head from left to right again left for index and right for middle 3, this one probably isnt applicable to most people but i was just staring at my turtles and they paddle left, right, left right when swimming so i just copied them and made a swiiming tune for them and when they paddled left it was index and right i used middle. You dont need to buy turtles though they take a lot of looking after and grow big
  22. friendliness is always very good oh and for regulars how about a cup of tea too!
  23. very nice but the butt doesnt jiggle at any point all the way through the song
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