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Posts posted by markbunney

  1. 11 hours ago, Lozz196 said:

    It’s def worth it Mark, I’ve only ever needed a backup once, sadly I didn’t have one with me that day but fortunately the bassist in the headline band let me use his.

    Yes it happened to me once as well years ago.


    The soldering on a wire on the inside of the input jack broke and started cutting out. The bass would only work if I stood completely still in a certain position to make the connection. That wasn't much fun for 2 hours!


    I don't really want to waste money on a cheap piece of firewood, but equally am not in a position to buy anything "decent", so will have to see if any good offers come up.

  2. We (The 77s) are playing NYE at The Oak Tavern in Sevenoaks. We played here once before, it was the site of our first gig as a band in March this year. 

    We have played 10 gigs since and have really improved and become tighter.


    we played there for free earlier in the year as we were an unknown band and trying to get some gigs under our belt, so it is great to be asked back to play one of the biggest nights of the year, and with a decent fee.


    I think we are playing 9ish-12ish

    • Like 1
  3. On 05/10/2023 at 00:41, RussFM said:

    An update to my board, a Digitech Drop was delivered today! This will cover the 4-5 songs we do in Eb, plus the one with an octave. I haven't stuck it down or tidied the cables yet... there's one plug left on my (battery powered) daisy chain. I'm thinking that probably needs to be used, right?


    Any suggestions for a nano pedal on the top row? Maybe a delay just so I can play Pneuma by Tool? 😁


    How are you finding the the Digitech drop?

    I have been considering getting one to practice songs at home that are downtrend by 1/2 step, but that my band plays in standard tuning, as it would save me down tuning at home all the time.


    I wouldn't be using it for anything more than a step down, so would be interested in hearing how it is

    • Like 2
  4. Just to add to this, I have been using the AO500 for most of the year and have been really pleased with it.


    at our last gig I used my Tech21 Steve Harris in front of it and found that the amp cut through our mix so much more. I had all of the EQ on the Steve Harris at noon, and dialled in the gain to around 2. 

    I am going to try the same setting at next weekends gig as well

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 hours ago, uk_lefty said:

    Can't go wrong with a TC Corona Chorus. The onboard settings are ok but the toneprint function lets you upload any other sound you'd want or need and you can even tweak those once they're loaded onto the pedal. Also, if you play guitar too you can use it as a bass chorus or guitar chorus so it's flexible. 

    Another vote for the Corona Chorus, I used one for years and loved the Duff Mckagen toneprint download

  6. 1 hour ago, Dad3353 said:


    There are many ways to effectively muffle acoustic drums, and smaller-sized cymbals will tame that issue, too. There's no real reason why drums have to be loud, if the player can't do it him/her self using appropriate technique, such as hot-rods, or brushes. It's a little bit like the double-stack guitarist saying that it's for 'his/her' sound. It's a lifestyle choice, not a necessity. -_-

    Yep, understood. However we had never had any noise complaints before, and were playing in quite a large open air space. He didn’t have any of the aforementioned  noise reducing equipment on him that night 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Good to hear you are pleased with it. I found the notched volume hard to get on with, and thought it a strange design choice. It is not something I'd ever come across before on the numerous guitar & bass amps and hi fi equipment that Ive used over the years.


    When I got mine, I thought it was broken at first as in my excitement to open and use it, I plugged my cable into the foot switch socket in error, and couldn't work out why it it didn't work!!!!

    • Haha 1
  8. I played with The 77s band at The Druids Arms in Maidstone on Saturday. We only got the booking the day before due to the scheduled band cancelling but fortunately we were all available to do the gig. We had played there once before in the summer, its a good venue in the town centre, playing outside on a stage in a covered courtyard.


    We had not had a gig together since mid September (the other 3 had played with a dep the week before whilst I was on holiday) but it went well and we were surprisingly tight. A friend came along and was able to take some videos which are now on our newly formed you tube channel. It was a cold wet night and the crowd varied in size through the evening, but had at least 50 at peak. 


    Picture below of our homemade light up sign!




    • Like 14
  9. I had one for a few days and didn’t get on with it. I only had it for a few days as it had a faulty power supply and so had to be returned.


    the sound was too clean for my liking, and the volume was notched, and I couldn’t get on with it. It went from too quiet to too loud very quickly. You could use the compressor to adjust it but it was a pain.


    The Orange Terror bass is much better in my opinion. I had the Mk 1 version for about 15 years, using it with an Orange SP212 cab.

    • Like 1
  10. 52 minutes ago, grapefruitmoon said:

    Our 5 piece rock band has a gig in a couple of weeks at a venue we've not played before. We're trying to figure out what gear we need to bring - they've got a PA system. My problem is my amp head has been having power issues, got it back from repair last week but using it at rehearsal last night, it's still intermittently cutting out - so obvs no use for gigging. I was going to take the head and cab to ensure I can hear myself on stage (lead guitarist is very loud!). Ideally, if we had our own PA, I'd go ampless. I've got a setup for that, and recently purchased the Lekato wireless IEM system, which I've started to use at one of our rehearsal rooms which has a good PA. Question is, can I rock up and use that at the venue? Is that too risky? Would I be better biting the bullet and just getting a new amp head in time for the gig? Any other options - I was thinking of getting a lightweight powered speaker to use as a personal monitor, but I don't really know much about that side of things.


    Plan for the band is to invest in a PA early next year, so the expense of a new head at this point might not be the best bet.

    When I was last without an amp and a gig came up, I hired one for the night. 

    It cost about £40 for the night and saved me having to rush into buying something

    • Like 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, Tech21NYC said:

    It's most likely a burned out component due to an over voltage situation. It can be fixed but then the good deal on Ebay isn't such a good deal. My suggestion is to return it to the seller for a refund. If the OP wants to contact us we can tell them what component to replace. It involves removing the circuit board. Support

    Thanks, I will do that.


    It was described as brand new, and only opened to test that it worked! He must have only used a battery to test it!

    Ill keep my eye out for a new one with a warranty

  12. 21 minutes ago, asingardenof said:


    The debate is raging as to where in the set it should go. Opening second set? Closing the first?

    We had it mid 2nd set, but I think it would be great as an opener. If you've got the right crowd its one of those songs that as soon as people recognise the riff there's lots of cheering!


    I saw Kasabian open with it a couple of years ago at the Brixton Academy and the place went crazy

    • Like 1
  13. 22 hours ago, asingardenof said:

    Not too bad a rehearsal yesterday. Ran through two new songs completely, one of which will be in our set next weekend. I was the only one who had done the homework for the third song, the notorious Club Foot, but we worked out we could simplify the drum track significantly after realising that even Kasabian don't play it live like the album version, so hopefully we can have that one wrapped up for our NYE gig. We spent a good chunk of the session working out how to get our guitarist's Boss Katana combo into a mixing desk, and have realised that we're going to have to rely on the organisers having a long enough jack-jack lead so she can go through the phones out socket. I'm lucky that I'll be going through a communal bass rig that's provided, with either a Markbass or Darkglass head and a Barefaced Four10 - I think I can deal with that, and at least saves me having to lug a load of gear around with just my basses and pedals required.

    Love Club Foot, its always goes down well in our set!

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