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Everything posted by DanOwens

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1123667' date='Feb 11 2011, 11:07 AM']That looks ace shep! This is the only live shot I have of my board. It's not very good [/quote] I'd always imagined you'd be older, Tom. Dan
  2. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1123572' date='Feb 11 2011, 09:26 AM']just seen this on TB. although it is not the finished article, it is an interesting concept.[/quote] The youtube vid does look interesting. Dan
  3. Nice pics, Shep. I've always struggled to get good gig pics of my pedals; most of the time the shots look lifeless or over exposed whilst those look great! Dan
  4. [quote name='TomTFS' post='1122982' date='Feb 10 2011, 06:24 PM']Very surprised with the quality of some of the distortions and fuzzes on the M9. If you're at all undecided about the M9 definitely get one, they are awesome. [/quote] Love the 'Facial Fuzz' (basically a Mammoth-esque fuzz with EQ section). I'm loving my M13! Dan
  5. Had a fun day with this today. I've programmed the FCB to output Note-On messages, triggering the MicroKorg and using the expression pedals to manipulate the sound whilst playing guitar into the M13 with my hands. Like Geddy Lee but 'sick'.
  6. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1121752' date='Feb 9 2011, 07:16 PM']Another option you could consider if it's just for you is one of those vibrating pads you stand on, tho I think that's cheating everyone else on stage out of the joys of sub. [/quote] I'd rather destroy a lot of ear drums and trouser legs, thanks! I like the idea of having a BFM that is totally capable of making everyone feel a bit sick.
  7. [quote name='dougie' post='1121348' date='Feb 9 2011, 01:33 PM']What rating is your soldering iron?[/quote] It was a gas job from Maplins - I left it on for about 5 minutes and the plastic housing melted. Bastard cost about £40 too! Dan PS [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/solderpro-70-gas-soldering-iron-kit-34959"]THIS ONE[/url]
  8. I've got a rehearsal on Friday so I'll try it out. Dan
  9. Yeah, I was thinking of a DI then something between the link and the amp but something where the cutoff would get rid of unimportant bits but allow me to still feel the sound on stage (my understanding is that the sound you feel isn't 'that' low). Dan
  10. So my ridiculously complex signal path looks like this: And utilises many complex audio sources to achieve 'my sound'. I'm currently using a LittleMark250 into a TechSoundsystems ND115S. My issue is mainly with the MIDI setup in that it's producing some serious sub which is ever-so-slightly distorting. Most of my other sounds are fine, but the MIDI is quite sub-heavy; I like this for FoH, but I'd like a cleaner sound on stage. Now the stupid thing is that I use the VLE and VPF controls at about 10 o'clock to boost the sub on stage as I like to feel my bass sound but I know that this is contributing. So what's the advice? Stop boosting the bass so much? Get a cab that's designed to deal with the sub? Or something like an sfx Thumpinator? Dan
  11. When I solder, the plastic sleeve of the wire tends to melt quickly but the solder won't melt onto the wire. What am I doing wrong? Dan
  12. Official bargain! I just bought one and I seriously think that for some gigs, this will do (I currently use two separate pedal boards and a pitch-to-midi set up). Great bit of kit for guitarists too! Dan
  13. thisnameistaken - I modded my BMS to be controlled with an expression pedal and that's what I was thinking of but you're totally right; the sweep filter in the BMS is unique in a sometimes-restrictive but always-unique way.
  14. My main bass is a Yamaha RBX360. First bass I bought and still my go-to. I use shedloads of effects, so to me having a good neck is the key thing; mine is amazing to play!
  15. If you're using it as a headphone amp with amp modelling and effects rather than a stompable bit of gigging kit, I'd get a kidney-bean POD or POD XT. They're cheap and definitely usable. If you want loads of effects, there are many, many more choices out there. Dan
  16. No, but there is a schematic of the filter section from a Korg MS20 that someone one here (SilentFly, Umph etc) could probably build for you. In the world of Low Pass Filters, there aren't many choices. Dan
  17. From my continually-plugged-yet-infrequently-updated blog: [i]Moogerfooger MF-101 Low Pass Electrix Filter Factory Iron Ether Xenograph Robot Factory Brain Freeze[/i]
  18. [quote name='leroybasslines' post='1113844' date='Feb 3 2011, 01:37 PM']Just posted this clip in a thread about Fender Jag basses. The music isn't to everyone's taste, but the musicianship is stunning.[/quote] Link doesn't work for me..
  19. Based on this picture [[url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/images/lightboxphotos/LX1B-PRO_P0155_TopFront_XXL.jpg"]HERE[/url]] there is a diagram, but it's not too clear. Sorry I don't own the product. Dan
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1112179' date='Feb 2 2011, 11:50 AM']yeh, good point. So it's the fact there's a hi pass on the line with the wah that makes it sound like that. Some of the wahs on the XP-100 are also really "subby" which can be used for these sorts of sounds.[/quote] That's my thinking (Re Hi-Pass). Also, some of the XP-100 wahs may indeed be LPFs. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='1112171' date='Feb 2 2011, 11:44 AM']This is where i'm lost. What options are there?[/quote] Read my blog post [url="http://mrdfowens.tumblr.com/post/2623154214/thats-not-music-its-just-ones-and-zeros"]HERE [/url]about MIDI conversion. I list pretty much every converter. In some other posts I go into some detail regarding synthesis too. Worth a read for anyone considering delving into this stuff. Dan PS. Currently writing my post on routing to explain my signal path:
  21. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='1112056' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:44 AM']My assumption being that the pickup outputs a midi signal, or does it send out as something else and gets converted once in the floor unit?[/quote] The pickup is effectively 6 different normal guitar pickups (one for each string - guitar based tech). This signal is fed down a 13-pin cable to your converter that then uses the pickup signal and turns it into MIDI data. Once you have MIDI data, you can trigger any MIDI device, literally, software synths (Ableton), keyboards (MicroKorg) or rack-mounted (Novation BassStation), it doesn't matter. They all use the same MIDI data and all will respond equally to your setup. The latency variable is within the converter (and to a certain degree, the pickup although drastically less so). [quote name='cheddatom' post='1112114' date='Feb 2 2011, 10:40 AM']in what way is it better than a wah? And when you're using LFOs to control it, is that from a tap tempo button?[/quote] Isn't a wah a band-pass, rather than a low-pass? The reason you're getting no high mids is (If I understand correctly) because the wah's frequency range goes lower than what you're feeding it. And personally, I'm MIDI sync'd with most of my set-up but I do use tap-tempo where I've not got round to MIDI-sync'ing. [quote name='urb' post='1112125' date='Feb 2 2011, 10:53 AM']any thoughts on the quality virtual versus analogue effects - latency issues aside... your thoughts would be very welcome indeed.[/quote] Personally, I really do rely on the MIDI sound to get controlled and complex sub-bass type sounds but I can do many other interesting sounds via audio-processing (I refer to it as this rather than 'analogue' because some of the pedals I use are digital in some way). An OC2, Fuzz and LPF are great for *that* bass synth sound, but on electronic records the sounds are much more complex than that. Once you start trying to make a varied palette of sounds using pedals, your setup does get very long and complicated. Personally, I'd get my hands on a Line 6 M13 if you're thinking about going down the pedal route as the synths are very interesting, the octave sounds pretty good and the delays and reverbs are immense. For MIDI, a GK3b and a Axon AX101 are the best place to start (IMO). If you're planning on using it with softsynths in the studio, its as clean as you make it in post production anyway. Dan
  22. I very rarely use delay, Shep. On my DL4 I have a simple tape delay, a heavy modulated delay and the Line 6 Sweep Delay. How/why do you use it so extensively? Dan
  23. It may sound very familiar advice, but try engaging your octave effect and play and octave above where you would usually - then you're using the octaver as an octave-up; a [b]very[/b] effective way of thickening up your sound without it sounding too rumbly and warbly. I regularly use an octaver and I use it like this. It sounds awesome. Personally, I'd go for a second hand Zoom or Boss unit: you can get them cheap and you can experiment with different sounds. Delay, chorus, octave, overdrive, fuzz, synth; all of them I regularly use but it's taken me a good while to find out what I like and how to use the sounds in a band context. It's a fun journey but it's tempting to buy an overdrive and turn it up half way. In my opinion that's a middle-of-the-road, mediocre response to an initially inquisitive thought process. Give it a go, have some fun, I can assure you, you will! Dan
  24. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1111434' date='Feb 1 2011, 06:47 PM']Useful (and a very powerful tool) - yes. Essential - no.[/quote] I largely agree with this. My thinking is that waveform tracking is actually very similar to MIDI so if you're using (for instance) a Boss SYB or a Markbass SuperSynth then you can probably get very close to the sounds you can get with MIDI, but just not quite as flexibly. On the TBD record we utilised some sounds that you just can't get with audio, but likewise there are many sounds that you can achieve with audio processing but not MIDI. Dan
  25. Personally, I'd buy this one on BC [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116204"]HERE[/url]. The expression mod (although this one seems a little crude) really opens up the pedal and the ability to control cutoff (I'm assuming that's what this one was modded to do - we need more details) makes it far more versatile than the fixed envelope filters found in both the Supersynth and factory MicroSynth. Dan
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