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Everything posted by DanOwens

  1. +1 for cab stands and low stage volume, reinforcement from monitors if necessary and a good soundman. Dan
  2. The whole motor-boat bass thing was fantastic, and Brian Mantia has gotta be one of my favourite drummers ever. Brown Album is absolutely bloody amazing. The whole think sounds so big and rich and filthy. It features my favourite ever drum sound: Dan
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1097273' date='Jan 21 2011, 11:29 AM']...or standard mains wire...[/quote] Or a coat hanger?
  4. I think the problem lies in the complex technology used to convert the pickup signal to MIDI. The pickup works just the same as a guitar pickup, ie: magnet wrapped in wire. But instead of 2 contacts like a guitar signal (hot and ground) it has [b]13 [/b] - I'm assuming there's a live and ground signal for each string ( it's a 6-string guitar-based piece of technology) and one spare for common ground - I have no clue on this though). This means that when using MIDI conversion (the B2M is an exception here) you can process each string separately, and the brain doesn't get confused by cross-talk between strings. If this sounds complicated, its because it is; MIDI conversion is a complex beast and that's why you generally can't do it in the little box on your guitar. In an ideal world though (and maybe the world as envisioned by [url="http://www.industrialradio.com.au/"]Industrial Radio[/url] is ideal by this measurement) your bass would indeed just output all the data needed. That way we wouldn't be carting racks of gear around just to get a decent Reece. Dan
  5. I do like the idea of a tubescreamer and blend. I've used a variety of techniques to achieve just this, and here it is all by its self! Also, that doesn't seem like too much for a good pedal (keeping in mind the second-hand market in a year's time). Dan
  6. You could build a simple two-channel muting switch then feed that into your LS2. It'd be two pedals but it'd be cheap. Dan
  7. Once your guitar is converted to MIDI data (using the Axon, Roland, Sonuus or similar) then you can trigger any number of MIDI devices with the MIDI signal via a MIDI cable. This can be a MIDI module (such as the Novation Supernova), a MIDI keyboard/synth (such as a Korg Microkorg) or softsynths (Such as Native Instruments' Massive). Dan
  8. A cheap option would definitely be the B2M but as I've said, it has issues. You will find them secondhand on here every so often and that'd be dirt cheap (and would operate according to your example). I'd start there since your module is interchangeable and you could sell the B2M on. Also, buy an LS2 so you can layer synth and live-bass. Seriously good idea. Dan
  9. I think that for your application the interface, rather than the sound of the effects, will be the deciding factor. As such, buy the cheapest multieffects you can buy and have a play with it. That will help you decide what it is you want to achieve, thereby dictating your next purchase that will be more suited to your application. It seems the zoom might be the way to go, but I know a load of people who have started with a Boss and stuck with it for a long time. I started with a POD and it helped me to realise I need something far more flexible than what most multi effects can offer (Hence I use 2 boards, one with seperate pedals and the other with a Line 6 M13). Dan
  10. You can read my blog post about MIDI systems [url="http://mrdfowens.tumblr.com/post/2623154214/thats-not-music-its-just-ones-and-zeros"]HERE[/url]. It's worth pointing out that you'd need a pickup, convertor and module for what you want to do. I use a GK3b into a AX101 into a MicroKorg (although I've used a variety of hard and softsynths in the past. I play live DnB, btw. Dan
  11. Hey Jack, I've done a fair bit of work with Ady and the other McCarthy (Lee). Ady's a great writer. Welcome to Basschat! Dan
  12. I use a Little Mark head and the filters (VLE and VPF) both effectively cut mids. I use these as a controllable means of having a go at mids. Dan
  13. Shep, it's actually a fairly well-known issue. Infact, SFX used to offer a +3db mod to the OC2 -1Oct channel. I too have the same problem - I rectify it with a chorus or LPF but I'd rather not. Infact, I'd considered getting someone to build me a small loop with a boost - something tiny but switchable. Dan
  14. I use the term 'tone-sucking' broadly; perhaps I should've said 'tone-colouring'. What I mean is that whether the pedal is engaged or bypassed, the signal always passes through the preamp in the pedal meaning the drive circuit is always engaged. As such, if you want a saturated LPF sound from the pedal, you have to put it in a true-bypass loop otherwise you'll always have the distortion engaged. Rarely, but occasionally nonetheless I want a crystal clear sound, and the pedal can't do this. The symptom of the lack of level control is that if you want that saturated sound, the loop has to have a level control otherwise the drive control will boost the signal too much. Admittedly, the drive control is intended to balance level rather than colour tone, but when it sounds so good, how can I not...
  15. Any links Wud? I'm interested in reading about possible replacements. Dan
  16. I like the BDDI but that huge cut at 500hz changes the sound in a way I don't really like; it's great on its own but in a band I've tended to boost the signal to compensate. As such, I may as well have just turned up the bass. Dan
  17. If Moog continue to develop the MoogerFooger product line I see some amazing things happening. The MoogerFoogers are great as they are: great ideas boxed into great pedals. They're not perfect though. I'd like them to be quieter, with less tone-sucking and a level control so you can balance the 'Drive' knob and use it to shape tone as well as get a level (the LPF sounds sweet overdriven, but man it gets LOUD). I love them, but my wishlist gets longer and longer. I know that it's a balancing act but boy when I think about it I would love to see some changes; one of which is MIDI implementation. Dan
  18. What bass and amp are you using? And when you say 'thickening up' the sound, are you after something that will be always-on or some kind of enhancement for sections such as choruses? Dan
  19. [quote name='Tuco' post='1086003' date='Jan 11 2011, 08:15 PM']i LOVE all them cables [/quote] You sadist!
  20. When considering the CV vs. MIDI question, I was thinking about the MoogerFoogers. I was thinking 'wouldn't it be great if you could control all those parameters with a single cable?'. I suppose the reality is that you couldn't without sacrificing the absence of digitised processing, but bloody 'ell all them cables can be a mess! Which Line6 product were you thinking of? The Variax? Dan
  21. Hi Pete, Yes, sorry, I meant the VB-99. Thanks! Out of curiosity, how many of us regularly use pitch-to-midi or have done in the past? Dan
  22. Hey Tuco, I'd strongly assert that compared to MIDI, CV is very limiting and as such, largely reduntant. And Ped, accordingly to the websites and manuals I've read, both the GR20 and V-Bass MIDI-Out can be used to control external devices: [url="http://cms.rolandus.com/assets/media/pdf/GR20WS03.pdf"]PDF regarding GR20's use with external sequencers[/url] and the VB-99 has a 'Bass-to-MIDI feature'. Dan
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1080559' date='Jan 6 2011, 11:05 PM']How did control voltage fit in to the history bit, did it just predate MIDI and be not good enough to be useful?[/quote] The problem with CV/Gate stuff is that it is very limiting. With control voltage, you send only one signal down a cable; granted, you can assign that signal to more than one parameter, but you can still only send one signal. With midi, you can send a variety of signals all controlling different things. You can also send from many sources to many destinations and have them not interfere. CV stuff is great if you want to control a filter cutoff or LFO speed. It's no good if you want to send a polyphonic instrument part, LFO depth and speed information and a instrument change message; all of which is quite easy to do. Dan
  24. And yes, I've missed the V-Bass but I intend to cover modelling later on. Dan
  25. [url="http://mrdfowens.tumblr.com/post/2623154214/thats-not-music-its-just-ones-and-zeros"]CLICK[/url] New blog on MIDI bass, products and some of my experiences. As usual, I think that this will be elaborated on in a later post but for now I've established the fundamentals of MIDI bass. Dan
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