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Everything posted by DanOwens

  1. I've had Helicore Hybrids on for nearly two decades, but I recently thought I'd experiment so I'm trying some synthetics at the mo.
  2. Facebook seems to work for finding paying work. You generally need to have some form of video cv though.
  3. I have innovation Rockabillys on my doghouse and I actually play very little slap at the mo. They're slightly higher tension than the Golden Slaps I'm experimenting with; at the moment I prefer the rockabillys.
  4. My NS gets a great DB sound but I keep the action suitably high; I have an early CR4M.
  5. I've just checked - none in Manchester libraries. Christmas list, it is!
  6. I wish I could find it cheap!
  7. Well everyone I’ve asked so far has said they can’t or won’t do it! The SLB 100 is the only EUB with a full body curve (as far as I can tell) and that’s the reason I want to make this work. Even the MK (like the SLB200) only has a partial body. Harumph!
  8. Hi guys. My new SLB100 might become a vehicle for all sorts of craziness, but right now I think it's screaming out for a removable neck conversion. Is there anyone in the UK who would do such a thing? I've messaged Sam Wells as he's local but has anyone had one done? Ta!
  9. I'm ordering my second (with neck clicky) to go into a Zoom A3 / Line 6 M13. Let the nonsense begin!
  10. That's the one I use on my doghouse and whilst I've not compared it to a BassMax, I really like it's sound. Of course, like all these pickups it relies on the preamp to make the most of it.
  11. Unfortunately the ceramic elements in these (an assumption on my part) can crack and cause issues. I've heard of similar happening with J-Tones and the like. I'll be buying a spare soon.
  12. Wow! I was reluctant to take you up in case I liked them too much and had to take them off! I used to be so much more active here; I forgot how nice everyone is!
  13. I think I just need to hang fire and hold out for some second hand strings!!
  14. I actually love their sound and feel, but their low tension means the volume isn't great on the doghouse.
  15. I'd like to think my hand strength isn't too bad (although my technique could use a bit of work). I've string it up with the braided and see...
  16. Most people don't spot it, and I'm glad! It's a bit unprofessional, but I joined their band and they are cads!
  17. I play in a trio and a guitarist/mandolinist/gobharpguy plays a bass drum with one foot and a tambourine with another (and sings). The challenge is always timing, the technical aspect is easy! The piano switches won't be touch sensitive so you'll just have on/off at whatever velocity/volume your drum brain is programmed at, but it'll work.
  18. Thanks for your input. I'm very happy with my Big Single on the doghouse; I might buy another!
  19. I'm always nervous about posting my shoddy technique!
  20. Big Single? (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/J-tone-Big-double-Bass-Pick-up/201498506263?hash=item2eea3f3417:g:jwYAAMXQn11RfS6F) Big Double? (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/J-tone-Big-double-Bass-Twin-Pick-up/201463522743?hash=item2ee82965b7:g:P84AAOxyhlJRe0ny) Twin Paddle? (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/J-tone-Black-Double-Bass-Pick-up/202427630075?hash=item2f21a081fb:g:~bIAAOxyUylTSQtC) Slap? (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Slap-bass-pick-up/201132105317?hash=item2ed4685e65:g:o2wAAOSw~9RcvY9x) I've got the big single on my doghouse and I like it, but I'm not sure whether the 'upgrade' to two elements is necessary. I'm interested to hear your experiences.
  21. Yet another of these threads! I have Innovation Rockabilly Blacks on my doghouse, Helicore Hybrid Mediums on my NS and (I think) Obligatos on my new SLB100. I also have some Innovation Honey Jazz and Braided Orchestrals in a box somewhere. I want to move a bit more toward slap on the SLB since I can install a J-Tone under the fingerboard and I've got a Zoom A3 to properly EQ everything. I don't mind slapping on the doghouse or the NS (obviously the Helicore's are a bit more hard work). I'd rather not take the strings off the doghouse, but do any of my other strings lean towards a good slap tone (in your experience)? I don't have much time to be switching strings and tuning and plugging in and then trying to figure out what it sounded like 3 sets ago. I'm keen to hear your experiences, and whether or not I can justify a £100 expense the same month I need car insurance and a new phone!!! Also, I like hearing your opinions!
  22. Thank Richard, but mine came a couple of weeks ago. Just gotta get this bag sorted!
  23. Your experiences are our collective worst nightmare. Equipment failing on a gig is so stressful. Hopefully you're soaking up all the bad juju and we'll all be fine this weekend!!
  24. Man you should've seen the boiler. It was MASSIVE but it was the most modern thing in the building.
  25. Hi everyone! This is a new video we've recorded at the spectacular Bolton Steam Museum. Let me know what you think!
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