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Mr Arkadin

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Everything posted by Mr Arkadin

  1. Intrersting. I didn't know they Greasebucketed (sic) basses, thought it was just a guitar thing. Is it the same part values or somehow bass-specific (resistance, capacitance values)? I actually had a Greasebucket installed in my Fender Tele Baritone as I don't use tone knobs very much so thought it would make it more interesting. Haven't reached a conclusion yet as I haven't used it enough. I won't be turning it back though. My Jag Baritone has a Stellartone Bari-ToneStyler installed which is very interesting compared to the unused tone pot. I'd put them in more of my guitars if they weren't so expensive.
  2. 1979 was my musical coming of age year. Some great stuff, although I may have preferred less Sir Cliff and Nolans. Nice to see Bruce Foxton had exactly the same bass as me (maple 4003).
  3. There's definitely a Simon Cowell's Rising Waistline Syndrome happening with strap length as you get older.
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1387311730' post='2310639'] The Fender Jaguar tremolo plate with the lock is a simple direct swap - the routing is there. [/quote] Cool. Cheers for info. Nice pic btw.
  5. Really fancy a Squier more than the pawn shop one, I'd like the traditional pick-up config. However I really don't like trem and would have to swap out the rear plate for one with a lock. Is there routing where the lock is? If so I assume they haven't bothered routing it as they've installed the basic flat plate. Anyone done this?
  6. A bit late, and frankly of no use to you tone-wise, but I have a Nantucket in my Jag baritone. I have no other P90s so have no idea how authentic it is, but it is a great pick-up. It's not listed on their site as available humbucker-size but if you ask them they'll do it. I'd check out the Bare Knuckle forum for opinions on authenticity. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/23740030@N02/9555844029/"]http://www.flickr.co...N02/9555844029/[/url]
  7. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1386795942' post='2304789'] We slag JH, but only because he has been so overt in the protection of his brand. He is a very visible Captain, but only for protecting his brand. He keeps his product 100% USA made (while we all salute British made stuff). [/quote] Yes he's protecting his brand - apparantly you have to do that in US law to keep the trademark 'active'. However you only need to look at the email on this very site that was his opening email, paraphrased: 'do I need to send round the boys?' regarding private sales. Unnecessarily aggressive and unprofessional. He could also do himself a favour by getting a minion to this stuff, they might be more professional about it and he wouldn't get tainted with the dirty work. It also gives the impression that the guy's got nothing better to do all day.
  8. I haven't tried any third-party bass pick-ups yet (mainly because I only have a 4003 and you know the hassle pick-up makers get if they do a Rick replacement), but i have tried on guitar [b]Bare Knuckle[/b] (great but can be pricey), [url="http://www.catswhiskerpickups.co.uk/"][b]Catswhisker[/b][/url] (good and not so pricey). Fast service too. I am also looking next year to get some [b]Creamery[/b] Jag pick-ups as he seems to have many models and also checking [url="http://www.mojopickups.co.uk/"][b]Mojo[/b][/url] for some Mustang-style pick-ups for my Fender Bullet (the weird '80s one). Nice to see so many UK makers to choose from and support. Here's a fuller (but not complete) list of UK winders: [url="http://wolfordguitars.com/extras/british-pickups-roundup"]http://wolfordguitar...pickups-roundup[/url]
  9. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1385395982' post='2287702'] Park Royal[/quote] The most oxymoronically named place in London.
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1385051650' post='2283896'] But is Chris Squire using the same brand strings he was using in, say, the early 70's? [/quote] In every interview I've seen new or old he says Rotosound Swing Bass - new set every night. I think his sound comes from them being new for every gig, probably more so than the brand.
  11. That's exactly how I am KevB. I mean read this thread: every string manufacturer seems to get a mention, so where are the good strings? I am trying DRs instead of Rotosounds as the Rotos are getting a lot of hate, but I like Rotos for six-string guitar and have noticed no problems. I guess although I love the Chris Squire sound he can afford a new set every gig - I can't. Maybe I'm not fussy enough. I see things that other people talk exhaustively about do not bother me: neck profiles, neck coatings, rosewood vs maple fretboards, scale length, thin frets vs fat frets, knocking back the volume knob for subtle drive differences (mine stays on 10) and of course string make. The only things I fuss about are string gauge and getting the intonation right. Oh, I don't like coated strings though. Other than that I can't be arsed.
  12. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1384784556' post='2280639'] Stick £500K into the Basschat piggy bank as a downpayment and we'll test that out for you. [/quote] As always I would advise getting a solicitor before actually doing any of what I suggest. And I did say "might" as I don't know the legal aspects either way. Thanks for the more humorous/less arsey response to my post than the BigRedX gave. All I was really saying was that a Cease and Desist can be written by anyone - it's just a scare tactic. It's whether they can follow up legally that is the true test. I don't know the answer to that as I'm no legal bod - that's what I pay solicitors for. Although it seems Ou7shined has just ignored them and been OK. Anyway I'm just some bloke on a forum, no need for anyone to get their knickers in a twist.
  13. I have a 4003 exactly like gsgbass', really nice, but I do the whole thing a bit OTT. This is how companies get bad reps - just look at Monster Cables and their tireless cease and desist orders. Seems actually that as UK law is different to US it might be worth ignoring them and seeing if they really want to spend the dosh hiring hiring a UK solicitor and taking it to the high court. Unless they want to try and extradite the shop owner so they can deal with it in the US. I doubt anything would happen. I'm not even sure what standing a cease and desist letter has anyway, especially when issued from a different country. You'd have to get a judge to issue a Cease and Desist Order for it to be legally binding, which would mean RIC proving their case that these basses are illegal under UK law.
  14. I was looking forward to the London gig. Cancelled of course. Have to wait till Feb 2014, just glad he's still with us. My first gig in 1982 was Motorhead - fantastic Spinal Tap-style stage set moments.
  15. Lycia's entire back catalogue.
  16. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1383769144' post='2268944'] There is a cornucopia of delights out there [...] Bluegrass (Bill Monroe, [b]Louvin Brothers[/b]) [/quote] Tell me this isn't the most nuts Country song ever: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czLceBSD7Cc[/media] For more edgy modern Country try some Hank III: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTZQ5oA9S58[/media]
  17. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1383660956' post='2267210'] I've just watched 'Prog at the BBC' on iplayer and came to the same conclusion now as i did way back then. If you like Prog Rock then you're probably going to like a lot of Jazz. Without Jazz there would have been no Prog Rock. [/quote] Well I am a Prog nut and I can't stand a lot of jazz. Sure I have a bit of Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock and even some Ben Webster, but no huge collection. I don't mind jazz elements in other music styles, but a lot of it, like a previous commentator said, leaves me cold. To those claiming some lack of mental stretching on the listener's part, my music collection includes Glass, Reich, Branca, Varese, Ligeti, Penderecki, Tallis, Purcell, Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, Cage, Bach, Beethoven, Schoenberg, Xenakis, Partch as well us more regular pop, world and rock music. Some of that stuff is descibed as 'difficult'. I listen and if it gets me on a gut level then I like it, regardless of how intellectual it is or isn't. So if Jazz was going to grab me it should have done it by now, but it never has.
  18. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1382383270' post='2251585'] The bass was picked up the next day by City-Link [/quote] Or Sh*tty-Link as I like to call them. Seriously one of the worst. I had bought some music gear on eBay I think, but had no tracking number or anything like that. A few days later I get an email from the seller saying that it had been delivered back to him as they had tried their maximum two delivery attempts. Funny, I thought, I don't remember seeing any failed delivery card in my post box. So now I was expected to pay for delivery again (which I refused). Given my lack of psychic abiilities I had no way of knowing they had tried a delivery. I phoned City Link to say I hadn't received a card, so how could I know they tried to deliver. Their response was that it was company policy to not send cards to addresses in flats for security reasons. Now first off each flat has its own post box. Secondly I live in London, which as you can imagine has a fair few flats and most houses are shared addresses - not many people have a whole address to themselves. So are they really suggesting that they're not going to dish out cards to 90% of the London population? When I order stuff online I make sure City Link are not the courier and ask the company to use another courier or lose my order. Courier companies do one job - one bloody job: deliver stuff safely. And they manage to bugger it up so often. Any other company would go bust, but I guess they can carry on (like the useless G4S security company) because options are limited.
  19. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1383565682' post='2265841'] Electric instruments and even acoustic guitars were not considered real instruments when I was at school. Pop music was not considered music at all and none of the teachers knew what Top of the Pops was. [/quote] Wow, that's not the first quote on this thread to say that. Very sad, but I guess reflective of the times. I hit secondary school (comprehensive: probably called high school or acadamy now like it's America or something) in 1979, so Gary Numan had blown the synth world into the mainstream. Luckily our art teacher played guitar and loved hi-tech and let me bring my Moog Rogue in to use on some recordings, and remember one rock opera he wrote (yes, we had rock operas!) where we hired a Jupiter-8 that got stared at a lot (it was big, it was expensive) and we overused the polyphonic portamento no end because we'd never heard that sound before. The piano teacher ended up playing it. As to the bass, I remember it being at my home a lot as I had a four-track cassette recorder and could actually overdub parts. It was black, it was semi-acoustic. Probably no-name (I don't remember the name anyway) and the strings that had probably never been changed. I used to record it plugged straight into my four-track as I had neither a bass amp or a DI (and would have had no knowledge of DIing back then). I must have given back as I'm such a hoarder I would still have it.
  20. Thanks for the welcomes. There must be something in the water round here that's making all use SE Londoners want to go low.
  21. I just joined after lurking for a while, see my introduction here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220411-another-se-lurker/ Anyway I thought I would repeat my request for advice in the proper forum. Having lurked for a while I have read the BareFaced and TKS threads with much interest. As costing is an issue I have decide to go TKS (plus I like the retro styling). Amp-wise I have a Marshall DBS7200 and Line 6 LowDown HD400. I was looking at getting two 1x12s, one with tweeter horn. I am also getting back an old guitar Marshall head from a mate of mine who's had it for nearly 20 years but doesn't play anymore. I can't even remember what it is, but I believe it is a Super Lead, so am thinking that I will get it converted to a Super Bass if it is. I believe the TKS are 250W into 8Ohm. Given this, and given the diversity between my heads, what is going to happen in terms of power output for each? I would like to be able to use the same cabs for each head as I have neither the space or money for cabs for each. Amp specs summary: Marshall DBS7200 - 200W RMS, 4 Ohms Marshall Super Bass - unknown as of now, probably 100W, 4/8/16 Ohms switchable Line 6 Lowdown HD400 - 400W RMS, 4 Ohms
  22. Hello there chaps, Another lurker here, recently bought an LMB-3 from danny-79, thought I'd finally poke my head above the parapet. So yes, another SE London starting bassist. Been playing guitar for years, started using heavier gauges for downtuning, moved to baritones then decided that I should go with the natural progression of going lower and just get a bass. My bass decision was easy as I love Chris Squire, Lemmy and Mike Rutherford so I think you can see where I'm going with this one. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/23740030@N02/10422553354/"]http://www.flickr.co...02/10422553354/[/url] Amp-wise I have a Marshall DBS7200 and Line 6 LowDown HD400. After reading this forum for a bit I am fairly convinced I'll be getting some TKS cabs in the near future, probably two 1x12s, one with tweeter horn. I am also getting back an old guitar Marshall head from a mate of mine who's had it for nearly 20 years but doesn't play anymore. I can't even remember what it is, but I believe it is a Super Lead, so am thinking that I will get it converted to a Super Bass if it is and go for the full Chris Squire thing (minus actually being able to play anything like him). Any suggestions on cabs for these three heads (assuming it's a Super Bass) more than welcome, and any conversion advice for the Super Lead also welcome (as are any recommended London-based amp modders/repairers). Amp specs: Marshall DBS7200 - 200W RMS, 4 Ohms Marshall Super Bass - unknown as of now, prob 100W, 4/8/16 Ohms switchable Line 6 Lowdown HD400 - 400W RMS, 4 Ohms
  23. Mr Arkadin


    Bought an LMB-3. Price was what I wanted, transaction and communication quick and professional. PMed Dan Wednesday evening, had it by Friday morning. Cheers.
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