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Everything posted by MrCrane

  1. Took my daughter to see him at the Forum in London the other week for the last show of the tour. Just brilliant.
  2. Gus Dudgeon's opinion of Dee says it all really at (6:25)
  3. You could take a look at the Guy Pratt 'Betsy Bass' from the Bass Centre. https://www.basscentre.com/british-bass-masters/bbm-betsy.html
  4. Also the Classic Album Series e.g.
  5. Ariane Cap's book "Music Theory for the Bass Player" is excellent and comes with links to related online content. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Music-Theory-Bass-Player-Hands/dp/0996727604/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2NQVR0V3CYR1Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6HYzjfmPf79XiznRE84T3Qa-73tfUIVRPJJD9_lhW4UvhO6TgcnmQp-RxzSq6x2ebK-EfuGr5Xaj9hlyGjiv3P-Rd7DfgJ5uFsuwjRcER7GEp88JNxPaowr6r-as4YHdb6ulvVxLDtsydyAWyjDXjakXJ1wlgXEQwgcehQU3eQMm9WqnkfdmR0EHqugpqSL22Rg_NyBPqttyIS9P3SMKZohcw4I8dybf_SJjLUMJyt0lL2hCo6-l7Df0h5CYigvOw25P0ytxThQJO0yXVok5kDhR5mGK1BobhlJFEXHEkag.mTBoYz2zRv-e2fDYNM_tObZqnFpG0W05C_e6i8TlyIw&dib_tag=se&keywords=ariane+cap&qid=1724767267&sprefix=ariane+cap%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-1
  6. The footage from the Stax/Volt Revue in Norway in '67 is well worth chasing up (It's available on DVD). The director had obviously never heard of the 'keep the camera off the bassist' rule. Colourised sample of the concert on youtube as an example. I love the moment at the beginning when Dave Prater cracks Duck up.
  7. In addition to "Standing in the Shadows.." you should also check out "Soul Fingers" which covers 'Duck' Dunn's life and has transcriptions of a variety of his bass lines. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Soul-Fingers-Legendary-Bassist-Donald/dp/1495052923/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32KAAT4DT15O5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6vKu8V2XOy75fg5LEVYdjyjbOO0LFp5dKQOpPTFpE_54tVz1dq3RttvHWeuwDb_GEGr4KcYNonMEzkBmaNqRWcD1OKw3J_TUWVvNJVjVXNSpOaS4mFTZRHSeDyNQ3zNjhnYOZbjPW79f_ojyqEi_QykKXv6qYfpF_7rHTPsJqnnCaRVZtz6HXHVQvj8ak4bvyBpp_saphS_GzxhEqR6C_5KxOpcHy-CZ9-qwmXM3MGw.0T2ZHP6XV-RL80gLIPzyYF3V2bKgB_5R3NNnON19eaI&dib_tag=se&keywords=duck+dunn&qid=1724670282&sprefix=duck+dunn%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-1
  8. More from DannyThompson
  9. Have you seen this one from Sandberg?
  10. Walking bass?
  11. The Band, a classic example of Americana if there ever was one, were 4/5 Canadian
  12. Excellent choice. My daughter got one of these when she was 8 and it took her all the way to Grade 8. (Nowadays she just raids my collection) 😀
  13. Yes, but according to Adams, the '69 isn't referring to 1969
  14. Little Drummer Boy. Partly because it's sickeningly twee, but mainly because of it's association in my mind with Ian Brady & Myra Hindley https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/chilling-recording-shocked-the-court-133705.html
  15. [Bernard Wooley]Can you actually go downhill from rock bottom? [/Bernard Wooley] 🙂
  16. And now we know why delivery drivers run away without knocking. 🙂
  17. Make sure you replace the screws in the same hole they came out of. I’ve heard of case where screws of differing lengths have been used.
  18. Danny Thompson Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen James Jamerson Dee Murray Jack Casady Kenny Gradney Kenny Edwards Joe Osborn John Entwistle Bob Babbitt 'Duck' Dunn Rod Clements Richard Davis Rick Danko
  19. You could try asking on the Tokai Registry site. https://www.tokairegistry.com/
  20. Rubber Washers 3.99 for 12 on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0026WZB7W/ref=pe_3187911_185740111_TE_item
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