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Everything posted by xroads

  1. Thanks, I have updated my post....it's the neck width at the nut.
  2. Hi, where are you located? Is this a B- or C-neck, i.e. what is the width of the neck at the nut? Can you explain the code on the neck stamp? Thx!
  3. Whats the weight? And the neck width at the nut? Thx!!
  4. De Gier makes them, and gets good reviews. Also Vychodil. I myself have been looking for quite some time, and have found a Nordy, which is a very cool bass.
  5. Does this have 1.75" nut width? What is the condition of the frets?
  6. Can you please measure the width of the neck at the nut? Thanks!!
  7. My (probably unpopular..) view: if the FOH sound is done by PA, and your bass is running through a DI, your bass amp/cab is basically a stage monitor. For this purpose, a clean and clear setup can make you really happy....
  8. Where are you located?
  9. Whats the weight of this bass? Is the neck straight, and does the truss rod screw move in both directions? Thanks!
  10. Looks great - does it have single coils or hum-cancelling PUs? Does it have VTC? Thanks!
  11. The Eden cab is very light and loud - a great value. However, keep in mind that it doesn't have any tweeter, and rolls off at higher frequencies quite fast. It has a vintage/dark sound, and if you like this, it's a good cab. I sold mine and got a TC Electronic RS210, as I missed some top end.
  12. My suggestion: if you run a 500W amp with a 112 cab, and need more headroom, you need more cab, not more amp. Add another 112, and you will be happy.
  13. I have never compared the two directly, but own the M212. It is a great allround cab, plenty loud, and very easy to carry (due to the height/width ratio). I would not want less low freq response though, as the neo drivers give a bit of upper midrange emphasis. Hope that helps...
  14. Hi, whats the weight? Do you know how old it is? Thx!!
  15. What's the weight of this? Was the electronics installation done by a professional? How is the B-string?
  16. I have a JV Precision Bass and the original PU was pretty weak - I replaced it with a Lollar PU, and since then it is a very nice vintage vibe P-bass. I woul vote for replacing the PU, and keeping the old one for resale purposes.
  17. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1443979434' post='2879172'] Thanks Kev, sound advice I'm sure, but I'm a bit strange with this, the pedal works fine and is great, so it's only my change in circumstances, so it's not the manufacturer or shops fault... I always moan at my wife for ordering too many clothes in different sizes then sending them back! I've had great experiences with BassDirect and wouldn't want to mess them around. [/quote] Respect.
  18. [quote name='Fitzy73' timestamp='1443537038' post='2875624'] update , I was promised a neck by lakland last week by email . but no word since . maybe there busy . I have no interest in bass anymore . I think when all this is over I will get a new Maruszczyk jake [/quote] Lakland necks are plekked - they should play well. If not, something is wrong. If they promised you a replacement neck, get it installed, and see how it will work out. Stuff happens, and the M. company you quote has had issues in that department as well (which were also fixed by warranty).
  19. I went mid-way: a large class-D PA poweramp with preamp, and 2 212 neo cabs. Moves a lot of air, but is still easy to carry. I believe with class-D amps the key is to double the watts compared to a conventional amp.
  20. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1441902816' post='2862845'] I have a '73 Precision that I love, but I am also GASing over a '63 that's up for sale. The asking price is more than twice what I paid for the '73 - can it really be worth it? [/quote] Is this the current price ratio between a 70s and an early 60s P-Bass? Yes, that's how the market is. Is it worth it? Only you can decide. Do you want to collect? Or just make music? Or invest money? Or own a piece of history? Very different aspects which can mean ís it worth it'....
  21. When I switched from the B3 to the MS60B, I photographed all the settings of the B3, and hacked them into the MS60 from the photos. Not really efficient, but it sounded pretty much the same after this procedure. The USB port on the 60 is for firmware updates only, which kid of sucks. On the other hand, my BMW also has a USB for firmware updates of some kind, but does not accept any MP3 data for the entertainment system. Which sucks as well.
  22. xroads


    Bought a bass from James - great communication, fast and safe shipping, and above all, a great instrument just as he described. My highest recommendation!
  23. Would you separate them?
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