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Everything posted by urb

  1. urb


    OK I'm in to this as well - true bit of new year GAS for one of these - I'm into getting one but have so many extra outgoings this month that I can't contemplate purchasing for a few weeks at least - although I just had a tax rebate! That aside I've also got a KMI Softstep and have a Korg EP2 expression pedal that works with that but I've been reading around the web that that pedal won't work with this - though I'm not keen to shell out another £100 for another expression pedal - I can probably exchange the one I have - but I will invest in a new one if there's one someone can recommend- so fire away... Thanks guys
  2. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1389358306' post='2333234'] Well, you see that Noddy Holder created a very good song that caught the imagination of the public and was generally beneficial in a modest way to society. Whereas, certain elements of the banking profession pursued a high risk, short-term strategy to maximise their bonuses that created a mound of toxic debt. This plunged the country into a dreadful recession, causing many other people who never ever benefitted from their rather shady endeavours to lose their livelihoods. Also, as far as I am aware Mr Holder has never been declared bankrupt then demanded that the taxpayer pay off his debts whilst allowing him to continue to receive his huge royalties… [/quote]
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1389357116' post='2333204'] Well, firstly, I'd suggest that there is no natural 'right' for people to make a living from music. If there really is an 'ever expanding number of musicians' then that alone will make things tough. Secondly, I suspect most people like to see people doing some actual work for the money they receive. So, gigging and touring is one way to make money and I suspect that most people would think the money made was well earned. At least they could see that some work was being done. Conversely, simply having loads of dosh rolling in from a 10, 20, 30 year old song probably seems a bit of a piss-take to the vast majority of people who have to work from 9 to 5 to scrape a living. And I know it was controversial the last time I suggested it, but I reckon this is a large factor in why a lot of people don't think twice before downloading music for free instead of paying a few pounds yet will happily fork out hundreds for a live gig. [/quote] I agree with your comment that musicians don't have an automatic 'right' to be rich or make lots of money but the sad truth is most don't - so having [i]something [/i]in place that protects the rights of song writers is important but as BigRed X says most song writers struggle. I believe there's a fair amount of evidence to suggest that those who download a lot of music actually end up spending more on music - so people have different reasons of downloading stuff for free - but I still don't think that changes the argument that if you have created a piece of 'work' that is exploited by 'content providers' (I hate the term) for their benefit then I'm sorry but I'd want to get paid for that. It's crap I agree that a lucky few benefit hugely from this legal set up but these laws also benefit the composer's families after they've died etc and sadly people getting rich off their good luck to do the right thing at the right time is the way of the world - I don't like it when the artist is some utter sh*te but hey what we can we do about it?
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389323037' post='2332915'] As a car mechanic, one gets paid for the 100 hours. When a car goes on to win rallies, or get sold for thousands as a collector's item, the mechanic has still been paid. If the car goes to the scrap heap the week after, the mechanic has still been paid. I don't hold with the notion that "if it becomes a hit, I become rich." An hour's work is an hour's work, and deserves appropriate recompense. Any more, in my book, is profiteering. I doubt if my notions would meet with popular approval, more so on a music forum, so Tin Pan Alley can (probably...) sleep easy tonight. I still don't see how these huge sums can be justified in the hallowed name of 'artistry'. Is that clearer..? I've no qualms with expansion, or debate on the subject, as long as it's considered 'in scope' here, or in a dedicated thread. Agreement on all fronts will be difficult, I'm guessing... [/quote] So in an age when actually selling a physical product - i.e. CD or even a download (which isn't physical) - and there are increasingly fewer gigs for an ever expanding number of musicians - how exactly do you propose people make a living from producing and playing music? Licensing music so that an company can use it as a familiar soundtrack (i.e. using a Blur track on a British Gas ad) to potentially make millions of pounds of sales - mainly thanks to that lovely familiar piece of music that you'll be humming all day after hearing it - surely justifies the artist/composer of that piece of music being paid something? There are countless ways music is exploited like this and whether you agree with it or not it's one of the few ways that musicians can make something close to a living wage - I agree that in an ideal world music would be created purely for its own merits - i.e. for the life-enhancing thing that it is - but the idea that it everyone should simply give away every piece of WORK that they do for free is, at least in our current socio-economic environment, ridiculous. Top photographers charge a lot for their pictures because they help sell newspapers - the skill involved in taking that one special shot would have taken (in most cases) years of dedication and skill to capture that one micro-second of magic - is that any different to writing a song in five minutes that becomes a huge hit? Intellectual property is a tricky one but I'm on the side of those doing the creating and think that they, like anyone else at the top of their game, should be able to earn a living like everyone else - copyright and publishing rights are a perfectly justified means of doing this.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1389309548' post='2332829'] Really cool. Well done. I love the vocalist, very Native Tongues. I felt it got a bit beyond him when it went up-tempo though, it seemed like that was a rather indulgent section for the instrumentalists at the expense of the vocalist, which for me always seems a bit inconsiderate. I can imagine it's difficult when you're collaborating over a network though, and considering that's what you did it's a great result. I'm currently putting together a new band consisting of (so far) drums, bass and turntables, and we're starting out with demoing tracks for voices to contribute to rather than looking for full-time vocalists. It's inspiring to hear other people doing it. Thanks. [/quote] Hey man Thanks for the kind words I'm pleased you enjoyed it overall - I just wanted to chip in re your comments on the faster section at the end and it being a bit self indulgent for the instrumentalists - essentially I arranged the tune and after the breakdown in the Middle Donnie left a gap for 16 bars which was just crying out for something to fill it, something melodic - hence when I asked my mate Andy Davies to add the trumpet that spot just seemed the obvious one for a solo - which flows great and was the third take of three that we did for that. Personally I think Donnie's rap works great over the last bit - he even changes the tone of the lyric to match the music - I.e. When the key changes to minor the lyrical tack goes 'minor' as well - it's also a pretty dense track so definitely worth repeat listens - and for what it's worth the bass line I'm playing is the same part in both slow and fast sections which was actually recorded three years ago in a single take... so relatively little self indulgence in my part on this one. I played the guitar on the tune and the synth bass parts on the end of the tune were actually played via my bass using an i2M instrument to midi converter by Sonnus which means they are played rather than programmed - anyway I'm pleases you enjoyed the track overall - it's always interesting to see how people perceive the creative process but doing this all remotely meant we had time to consider which way we wanted to take the tune at a much steadier pace than if we were putting this all together much more quickly in a single session - but rarely if ever did we make creative decisions based on our individual needs rather than actually thinking what the tune needs to move along as a listening experience - which from the comments I've read so far we seemed to have succeeded at. Hopefully the next two or three tunes will be as compelling as this one - the next one that's almost done is completely different for a start! Thanks again everyone for listening to it and checking it out - it's hugely satisfying to put this stuff together Mike
  6. Thanks for the kind words peps - only just seen this hence the tardy reply - reveal oh appreciate your comments guys
  7. Nige!!!! Hello... so sorry just not been doing a lot of BC-ing lately (I have a hectic life so not much time for surfing etc) I'm doing the same shiz bro - and I think you need to get hold of Ableton and I just bought a softstep and expression pedal - and also one of these: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sonuus-musicport-converter-Guitar-Interface/dp/B005PM4UK4"]http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/B005PM4UK4[/url] (you don't have to buy it from Amazon obviously sorry) Might actually be better if we got together for a hang and chat rather than typing zillions of words here - Codemarla's vids are great but I'm more into doing stuff in real-time than pre-plotting automation etc - although I can see how effective that is. I'm going to DM you later with a few suggestions - and maybe we can hook up sometime soon for a play and to collective figure some of the sh*t out together
  8. Well I obviously think it's all marvelous - but then I am biased (so ignore me) - this was so much fun to do and I think the mix is quite literally sick - not to mention the beats - yes it is a bit jazz rap but hey[b] try and listen without prejudice[/b] - this is just the collective sound of what's in our heads - very proud of this one. More coming soon... hope you guys enjoy this one
  9. I know it's been ages but hey I've been busy with stuff - like trying to get round to mixing a new multi-track live recording of my band J-Sonics - here's a tune from our London Jazz Fest gig - let me know what you think of the playing/track etc and the mix- trying to get better at this sort of thing: https://soundcloud.com/munkio/casa-forte-performed-live-by-j Thanks dudes Mike
  10. Hey Andy Urb is Mike Flynn... me - just my longstanding nom du plume around these parts! Just for the record I don't own one of Andy's basses but I can vouch for their supreme playability and tone - they look pretty darn lovely too - well worth checking out chaps and chapesses... Welcome here Andy Mike
  11. Killer band - incredible live...
  12. All good Bill - I'm sure you could do a whole bunch of silly stuff but I totally agree when you've got your solo 'slot' and planning something - and wanting to end it in a neat way, building it up and having a few riffs you know can do the job - that's actually far more contructive than wigging out in a self-indulgent way - you kept yhe audience with you which is the most important thing on this kind of gig - good effort. The rig sounds good - I use TC cabs with my GB Shuttle 9 which sounds ace - I have a BH250 for smaller gigs and that sounds good too.
  13. Nice one Bill - tight and very well executed - would have liked if you'd gone a bit more mental at the end but great job - and good sound too... what's your amp/cab rig?
  14. [quote name='benn' timestamp='1384823618' post='2281267'] Great, simply great! I'm a big fan! [/quote] Thanks Benn - very kind mate - still working on my thang Cheers Mike
  15. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1384809697' post='2281062'] Really enjoyed that one too thanks Mike Will really have to come and see you chaps live sometime. [/quote] Thanks fella - we just played a great gig at Spice of Life in Soho as part of the London Jazz Fest - the band keeps getting better and better - it's just so much fun... really glad you enjoyed it Cheers Mike
  16. Just uploaded a nice latin ballad thing from the same gig - this one with bass solo and great guitar solo too - hope you like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3bEFoqsoSg
  17. Another one from my band at the amazing Hideaway in Streatham - playing a litttle ditty written by me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKQvUg25HN4 Hope you enjoy...
  18. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1382801511' post='2256724'] Great band great vid and lovely bass playing. Whats not to like? Thanks mike [/quote] Thank you - I guess after roughly ten years of doing bands that were 'almost' right, I've finally got one that ticks all the boxes for me and my tastes and audiences seem to love it too - the best things in life are worth waiting for after all Thanks for all the nice feedback - it was a great gig Cheers Mike
  19. Hey Peeps, Just played another cracking gig with my wicked band J-Sonics, back at our favourite venue, the stunning HIdeaway in Streatham - it's a year since we formed and every gig seems to get better and better - anyway this is a tune I wrote and I think we pretty much nailed it and it's a tricky bastard too. Anyway I hope you enjoy this - I'm playing my Sei Jazz bass which is getting a lot more use these days - love playing four string and this bass is a dream to play too: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqfH7KAmJyw[/media] Let me know what y'all think - next gig is at [url="http://www.spiceoflifesoho.com/events/events/view/259#.Umq6RyShBY0"]Spice Of Life[/url], Soho on Sat 16 November as part of the London Jazz festival - be great to see some of you there - lots of great grooves and tunes with this lot. Cheers Mike
  20. I think you need to watch this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKUttYs5ow
  21. ... play guitar! ... OK so no miracle cure here but I have discovered something inadvertanly by playing a lot of acoustic (steel string) guitar this week and fretting some tricky chords - for several hours - that coming back to the bass my 'core strength' of my fretting hand seems to have improved, especially the little/pinky finger - by holding chords, with all four fingers and having to exert unified amounts of pressure - as opposed to widdling away playing lots of scales - has really helped. I've read elsewhere about playing long notes slowly as being a better warm up routine than playing fast scales - and yes that is kind of good - but I've found this far more effective. Anyway hardly reinventing the wheel I know, but I really noticed it - so thought I'd share... as you were Cheers Mike
  22. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1381782101' post='2243795'] Nice one bud! You make it look deceptively easy, as always Great tone in your fretless. Super dexterous playing and some nice chords thrown in towards the end. Lovely stuff. See you up in Manc later this week! [/quote] Thanks Paul... now back to the dubstep Sorry again about postponing the Dojo band session... soon come! Cheers Mike
  23. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1381771633' post='2243529'] Great playing as always, Mike. What is your fretless tuned to? [/quote] Thanks dude - it's tuned B to G - but has 26 fret positions so I can play a high A if I like... Cheers Mike
  24. Getting back into the recording saddle again after a few weeks off - just fancied trying to put a better take of Giant Steps up - I'm always shedding it - hopefully you'll enjoy some of this [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEX65F1tdFU[/media] More music with Skol coming and I will try and get into doing the damn comp comp again... thanks for listening Cheers Mike
  25. Been so busy with life, work and other music stuff to get anything this month but will do my best to listen to this lot - hopefully before the cut off...! Jeez - must get back on the wagon soon!
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