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Everything posted by urb

  1. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1376212893' post='2170753'] Thanks, when I saw it the other day it had a little sanding sealer on the body which helped to show the pattern of the wood and it looked lovely. The body shape took me quite a while to come up with, I didn't want it to be too modern looking but also not a Jazz clone, I think it works, according to Dave it's proved a popular enough design that there will be at least one more bass made to the same design. I must get to a J-Sonics gig at some point, you guys sound fantastic. [/quote] Cheers fella - we're playing Pizza Express Jazz Club on 23 Sept then Spice of Life in Soho on 16 Nov as part of the London Jazz Fest - get along to one of those if you can - it's a really fun band with some proper monster musos in
  2. Some banging Latin jazz funk from me and my band (again) - hope you enjoy (let me know!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpGPk4jRTPs
  3. Looks really good - and weight wise I can only say of the joys of using my Seis over the past few years that I'll never go back to heavier instruments again - looking forward to seeing this one with the finish on... nice body shape too
  4. His band was called Garaj Mahal and they were totally killing, sadly they've split up now after not really breaking through internationally - tho they had a solid fanbase in the US. He's doing some new projects now that are even more eclectic - he does a lot of teaching in Berkley, California where he lives - awesome guy and an awesome player - interviewed him a couple of times - can get pretty mystical too!
  5. A serious muso and bassist - I've been a huge fan for many years - since that John M Trio album came out
  6. One more from the same gig - great trumpet, sax and drum solos on this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpGPk4jRTPs Hope you enjoy Cheers Mike
  7. Very sad news - saw him at Jazz Cafe in 2004 and it was one of the best gigs I've seen - the band busted through Cosmic Debris which was dazzling then the next moment he did an improvised semi-classical thing on the keyboard and it had the band and several audience members in tears - it was very moving indeed. A great muso and obviously a great guy - RIP GD.
  8. Looking good... I'm liking the finger board for sure
  9. I've got a load I'm going to send this week - so good to know they can go to a good home!
  10. Well done Garry - about time you won it... good stuff mate
  11. Bit of a bump for this - it's on TONIGHT! Get down there London types (and those from further afield) Hadrien is a great all round bassist and hearing him a in a trio is a real treat - the man probably won't be in the UK again for some time so really don't miss this if you can help it. M
  12. Please add me to the list - will do my best to be there Cheers Mike
  13. Two new things from me - first up an actual 'pop video' for last month's Basschat Composition Competition - it's now a new project between myself and Skol with invited guests - under the name of Dojo - hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Cqe5u2nOE Second one is me and my band at the HIdeaway in Streatham two weeks ago - they have an awesome 8-camera in house system - sound is off the desk but pretty good all the same: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0II1WOTyowo
  14. Great work guys - Discreet nailed the big city bad-boy nightlife vibe perfectly (so he got my vote) - some great work too from Simon Edward, Garry and Skol/Rob - sorry I couldn't get something together in time - just been too busy - but was a pelasure to listen to this lot... well done again people!
  15. [quote name='ryan0583' timestamp='1375077666' post='2156327'] Went to this. Hands down the best gig I've ever been to. They're simply unbelievable. [/quote] Excellent - I know I was ranting a bit on my OP but I honestly haven't come out of a gig (aside from seeing the equally amazing Jaga Jazzist about three years ago at Scala) when I was so blown away... realy glad you enjoyed it - I hope they keep up the momentum they have now - they deserve to be massive. Cheers Mike
  16. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1375011797' post='2155666'] The M25 hell was caused by an incident that closed the motorway at the junction nearest the venue, just bad luck it happened that day and at that time. Hopefully won't be a problem this year. [/quote] Yes - tell me about it - Russ and I spent 6 hours in the car for a journey that should have taken 40 mins each way...
  17. After last year's M25 hell I'm thinking if I come this year it will be by train - if so I'll only be able to bring a bass and maybe some fx - my only problem is I have a very important gig on the Monday so may have to rehearse that day - if not ill be there - I'll know nearer the time - I'd be happy to do some kind of technique workshop this year but again I'll have to confirm in a few weeks once I've sorted the rehearsal thing out. Cheers and hope to see you all there Mike
  18. Really cool - liking your slightly unusual but perfectly functional picking/tapping technique - kind of like Doug Wimbish's 'flamenco slap' style - love a bit of RX too, haven't checked this kind of shredding stuff out for years - not massively my bag but harmless fun for sure - well done
  19. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1374776962' post='2153167'] URB - thanks for the heads-up. Keep 'em coming. (Still smarting from missing TT & Gary Willis.) Don't know Snarky Puppy - who's on bass? [/quote] They are led by their bass player Michael League - awesome player, really nails the 'pocket' and his hook up with the drummer is amazing, he's a really inspiring player - plays a P Bass mostly and has a nice line in sub-bass effects - I reviewed the gig in London on the Jazzwise website (I work for them BTW) http://www.jazzwisemagazine.com/news-mainmenu-139/70-2013/12797-jazz-breaking-news-snarky-puppy-burn-in-the-hoxton-heat
  20. Hey people I just caught these guys last night at a pub in London - with 250 other people sweating our nuts off - it was a one-off-ish gig as they are now playing a lot of music festivals due to the fact they are simply amazing live - if you have in any way lost faith in music and or think there are no bands that are doing anything original or can't play like "they used to" - then you have to see this lot. I know there are a lot of Youtube videos out there of them playing in a studio or something but the live thing is a lot rawer, faster, cooler, funkier and just down right joyful - the fact they are led by a great bass player who is locked in so tight with the drums (and keeps doing amazing rhythmic fills on every tune) is purely a bonus as the whole band are superb... please go and see them - it will make your life better http://bandonthewall.org/events/3980/ Apologies for being a little 'preachy' here but these guys are f-ing amazing - and - the best bit they are a jazz band who make the term completely relevant to the 21st century... get the hell along on Sunday night - it will be a great gig - in a great venue. *preacher mode off* Thanks for reading Mike
  21. [quote name='dazza14' timestamp='1374672348' post='2151613'] When i fall asleep at night and dream about being an awesome bass player, playing jazz clubs and bars and squeezing out cool bass solo's, i sound just like you did! Bloody love it sir. [/quote] Thanks man - you're very kind - we have a couple more London shows coming up - no idea if you are able to get along but I'll post details soon Cheers Mike
  22. urb

    Home Studio Porn

    This needs 'pinning' - Lord Rick could you oblige please? Will get some respectably dirty snaps of my stuff up here soon
  23. I've decided that providing I can get what I have into a slightly more refined state I will enter what I've done so far - it's more at 'demo' stage and will almost certainly be something Paul/Skol and I develop further but seeing as I chose this month's pic I think I should put something up... will post ASAP
  24. Well obviously I think this rocks...
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