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Everything posted by urb

  1. [quote name='bassjamm' post='3764' date='May 21 2007, 04:17 PM']Hi all, Sooo...i'm going to make and install a ramp on my Ken Smith BSRB...i've bought myself a block of ebony, but haven't really got a clue what to do? I spoke with Ped and we agreed that for now, the best way to fix the ramp when it's constructed, is by using the sticky tap that you attach car number plates with, seems like a good idea, as i don't want to start having to make holes, at least with some strong tape i'll only ever have to give it a real good clean should i need to remove it! The wood, it's come covered in wax, any ideas on how best to remove this wax? As for making the actual thing, i guess it's just simply a case of making the measurements, cutting it to size, sanding down the cuts, and then fixing it...am i right? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Jamie[/quote] Hi Jamie I had ramps added to both my basses by the guy who made my fretless - the pic on my sig is pre-ramp - but you can see it here with the ramp - [url="http://www.munkio.com/jeffchapman/flynn_fretless.html"]http://www.munkio.com/jeffchapman/flynn_fretless.html[/url] - I think you have the right idea, if you can get it to match the height of the pickups that's ideal - so you have a continuous playing surface under your fingers. In terms of attching it I'd say go with the tape, as much as I cou;dn't live without the ramp on the Warwick, it was screwed in and I slightly regret that - but the end result should be a snug fit between the pick ups - let us know how you get on - and er, pics would be cool. Cheers Mike
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='5762' date='May 24 2007, 02:12 PM']Ah that's Ok. Hiromi is playing at Brecon this year and so am I so I'll get to see her for nowt OG[/quote] Cool OG Yeah man - get along to that - that band is sensational, absolutely amazing, Tony Grey is playing a 6-string Fodera (with a cool looking ebony top wood on it - I think it's a Monarch) and it just sounded wicked, and Hiromi is without question one of the greatest living jazz pianists around, she's amazing - I love this band - definitely get along to see them. Mike
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='5590' date='May 24 2007, 10:25 AM']Cos thats where the people are who are daft enough to pay such huge amounts for tickets (and houses )[/quote] You can always fly to New York and see Anthony Jackson for $15 at the 55 Bar... might actually be cheaper than a return ticket from Manchester to London (or equivalent) - tickets are pricey here but then again if you book early you can get cheaper tickets. Admitedly I'm lucky as a jazz journo to get freebies (one of the few perks of the job) but we went to Ronnie Scott's last night to see Hiromi - who was unbeleivably good - her bassist Tony Grey (who'e actually from Newcastle) was awesome - and my friend got a ticket for 26 quid, and for that he got to see three bands, one being a world-class act, two others very good, in a stunning venue, in all for about three hours of very high quality music - personally I think that is value for money... M
  4. Erm, this is getting silly - Mike Stern and Dave Weckl band at Ronnie Scott's - July 12, 13, 14 - with ANTHONY JACKSON ON BASS..... the prices may be extortionate - but having just seen AJ up close at the 55 bar in New York I can heartily recommend his unbelievable abilities on the 6 string are worth any money it costs to see him - Stern and Weckl aren't bad either... Hope that's all for now - last one to mention is Medeski Scofield and Wood at the Barbican on July 15 - it's official July has gone mental for amazing jazz gigs in London. Cheers Mike
  5. er...sorry and Living Colour at the Jazz Cafe the day before - too many good gigs in the same month, ahhhh!
  6. Sorry - for the shouty title of this post - but this looks awesome - Mr Jenkinson doing his very FIRST solo bass show - with saxophonist Evan Parker - i'll be very Jazz but it'll be well worth seeing - I just bought tickets (they are a very reasonable £15 each) but they are selling fast: [url="https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/all-events/productions/tom-jenkinson-aka-squarepushe-16630"]https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/all-event...uarepushe-16630[/url] Hope to see some of you there - it's the day after my birthday so it'll be a quality birthday present! Cheers Mike
  7. [quote name='Josh' post='3061' date='May 20 2007, 08:23 PM']Mike Sir as usual, outstanding! Sound's so nice and relaxed, and your tone really cuts through![/quote] Thanks muchly Squire - I made a Myspace page for our stuff - proper recordings will follow soon - there are two more tunes from the same gig and a very rough demo of a jazzy ballad I wrote - have a listen here: [url="http://www.myspace.com/flynnpillingproject"]http://www.myspace.com/flynnpillingproject[/url] cheers Mike
  8. urb


    [quote name='Nate' post='4192' date='May 22 2007, 10:28 AM']Hey - thanks for all the kind words people! MIKE - I'm from the UK. North Wales originally but currently living in Brighton.[/quote] Cool - I used to live in Brighton for 4 years, moved to Brixton 3 years ago - do you know Franc O'Shea? - he's a good friend of mine and teaches at BIM - say hello if you see him, he's an awesome player and musician. Keep up the good work. M
  9. urb


    Great stuff man - the point is regardless of the technique you made it groove - with great feel - and it sounded musical - I actually felt the funk - well done mate. Are you from the UK or US by the way? It doesn't matter, I just wondered - eiether way good to have you around. Nice work Mike PS you're a pretty wicked drummer as well... which is kind of not fair
  10. Sounds wicked and tight - great tone you get there - nice work mate Mike
  11. urb

    Hi Basschat

    Good to see another friendly neighbourhood bassist - welcome Jase - nice one Mike
  12. Thanks man - I don't do the Wooten-ish stuff that often but it's nice to pull it out for something musical rather than just noodling - hope that's case here anyway. Cheers Mike
  13. Mike Flynn a.k.a Munkus Flynnius / Munkio - originally posted on TB as Urb_Munki (Urban Monkey) - shorted it to Urb - 'monkey' moniker dubbed through sister likening me to monkey (features) and a propensity for cheekiness.. not always a good thing. Now 34, has played bass for 22 years, always liked fast noodly stuff, but also loves to groove, started off listening to the Beatles, Floyd and Bob Dylan aged 7, moved on to pop, then metal, then funk, then jazz - not forgetting electro, thrash, Brazilian, ambient, electronica, post-punk and Norwegian nu-jazz, Chilis, Living Colour, Fishbone and Jaco. Fast tracked to art college after school, did well but decided against a life of solitary creativity. Worked in HMV for 2 years, joined the dot.com boom and bust, three years later made redundant (2003) and went freelance - works now as webmaster for big jazz labels and top jazz mag (fnarr), website consultant/art director, freelance journalist for Bass Guitar Mag and Time Out, talks too much, owns a video camera -started www.munkio.com to publish muso interviews and share some bass stuff - wants to be a much better musician than he is - only owns two basses (1990 Thumb original plus a lovely fretless 5 custom job), finally getting a Sei bass made - uses SWR and EBS amps - loves to goove, loves to solo - hope to make a bass-orientated album soon - owns a flat in Brixton, loves it there. M
  14. urb

    Hi there

    Welcome John - and guess what - I went to Falmouth Art college as well - I graduated with a 2.1 in Fine Art, Printmaking to be precise - I really ejoyed my time there - it's a lovely spot if a little out of the way - the scary thing is I graduated in 1994! So it's all a long time ago - thanks for the kind words on the MP3 I posted, glad you like it - good to see another 'jazzer' here - please post any tunes you have, would be good to hear some of your stuff as well. Cheers Mike
  15. ...or something like that - I made it too, and kept my original tag - I've yet to find the time to do fancy avatar and signature things - "so glad you made it etc etc" - let's hope we can all get chilly and loose here and stop all this forum jumping - easy now. Mike
  16. Hey - I've just started working with my amazing muso friend Tom Pilling - awesome keyboard player and very good flautist as well, he plays both on this tune. We completely improvised this on our first gig together (for about 2 years) - we were playing a mix of jazz and funk standards - but this was a nice surprise. It's definite;y a little Wooten-ish - Tom sounds a little like Jeff Coffin on flute as it goes - but this came out good - I hope you like the vibe: 'Sideways' [url="http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=63372"]http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=63372[/url] We'll be doing a very full on groove/nu-jazz trio project soon so I'll keep you posted - I might need some recommendation on distortion pedals... Cheers Mike
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