Mike Flynn a.k.a Munkus Flynnius / Munkio - originally posted on TB as Urb_Munki (Urban Monkey) - shorted it to Urb - 'monkey' moniker dubbed through sister likening me to monkey (features) and a propensity for cheekiness.. not always a good thing. Now 34, has played bass for 22 years, always liked fast noodly stuff, but also loves to groove, started off listening to the Beatles, Floyd and Bob Dylan aged 7, moved on to pop, then metal, then funk, then jazz - not forgetting electro, thrash, Brazilian, ambient, electronica, post-punk and Norwegian nu-jazz, Chilis, Living Colour, Fishbone and Jaco.
Fast tracked to art college after school, did well but decided against a life of solitary creativity. Worked in HMV for 2 years, joined the dot.com boom and bust, three years later made redundant (2003) and went freelance - works now as webmaster for big jazz labels and top jazz mag (fnarr), website consultant/art director, freelance journalist for Bass Guitar Mag and Time Out, talks too much, owns a video camera -started www.munkio.com to publish muso interviews and share some bass stuff - wants to be a much better musician than he is - only owns two basses (1990 Thumb original plus a lovely fretless 5 custom job), finally getting a Sei bass made - uses SWR and EBS amps - loves to goove, loves to solo - hope to make a bass-orientated album soon - owns a flat in Brixton, loves it there.