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Oscar South

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Everything posted by Oscar South

  1. [quote name='ironside1966' post='738200' date='Feb 7 2010, 04:44 PM']Don’t see the fuss myself, T & T sections for me is about improving your playing tabs can help.[/quote] Presumably, the Theory & Technique section is about Theory & Technique? [quote name='ironside1966' post='738200' date='Feb 7 2010, 04:44 PM']If the mods see fit to place them in T&T IMHO it is the right place[/quote] If an innocent person is incarcerated for doing what they believe is the right thing to do (euthanasia, for example), is the decision of the law the 'correct' outcome? This is an extreme example but just because the 'law' make a decision based on their given framework of functionality, it doesn't mean its correct: sometimes it means that the basic framework needs reworking to facilitate the correct outcomes. Please don't get into a euthanasia debate now, heh. [quote name='ironside1966' post='738200' date='Feb 7 2010, 04:44 PM']if they break everything down into sub forums to keep people happy where will it end the whole site will become a nightmare to run and mess to read. Keep things simple understand that this forum caters for everyone[/quote] The 'Groove Library' subforum has 192 posts in all time across 50 threads, I'm sure that there are more than 192 tab request threads, let alone 50. [quote name='ironside1966' post='738200' date='Feb 7 2010, 04:44 PM']This site is voluntary contributions only, no advertising you can buy, sell, trade, for free and has great people who give good advice for nothing and people still complain[/quote] I'm giving my opinion on how to improve the site for free, don't be so ungrateful
  2. [quote name='ironside1966' post='738139' date='Feb 7 2010, 02:54 PM']Let me expand Studying other chops is an important part of musical development whether it is a sex pistols line or a Charlie Parker sax solo both come under T&T, bit of snobbery if you ask me, this Forum is for bass players of all levels and tastes lest keep it that way.[/quote] You can relate almost anything to do with bass playing to theory and technique because those are the essential tools of the trade. Recording is dependant on theory and technique, gigging is dependant on theory and technique; should we delete those subforums and amalgamate them into the theory and technique one simply because the ability to do those things is over-arched by theory and technique? The request threads end up here simply because they'll get moved from the main discussion forums and since theory and technique is such an over-arching category they can be vaguely shoehorned into it. I just think it'd be better to have a separate category for them.
  3. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='738074' date='Feb 7 2010, 01:35 PM']But that's not what the thread is about. Read the OP. I assume the same logic would apply to requests for notated transcriptions- IE, it should be somewhere else. Personally it doesn't bother me either way but its a bit irritating to see the original question devolve into tab vs notation bickering.[/quote] Thank you, I'm glad someone got the point of this thread. Should have seen it coming really.
  4. This is a band I gig around in, these were just a few tracks for gig demos. I quite like my playing on these, I get a lot of leighway to ornament the basslines and I think it works well. [url="http://soundcloud.com/lespechesmusic"]http://soundcloud.com/lespechesmusic[/url]
  5. Almost exclusively mute with my fretting hand when I slap as I use a thumb up/thumb down technique. I use a floating thumb for fingerstyle
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='736818' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:55 PM']I just think there should be a 'complaints about transcription and tablature' subforum to keep this one from getting cluttered up by complaints about transcription and tablature[/quote] I've no problem with transcription and tablature, I even edited the subtitle because I could see that this was going to turn into *that* debate again
  7. [quote name='peteb' post='736675' date='Feb 5 2010, 09:17 PM']+1 - tabs may not be perfect but they can be a starting point and save members a bit of time when they need to learn songs in a hurry.....[/quote] No argument here, this isn't that debate. I'd just like to see the theory and technique forum used for discussing theory and technique.
  8. The RIAA thing is a good point that I didn't think of.
  9. I just think there should be a 'Transcription and Tablature' subforum to keep this one from getting cluttered up by requests.
  10. Its neither theory nor technique, and it means that all the threads in here are boring when its potentially the subforum with the most interesting areas of discussion.
  11. Fixed, cheers for letting me know
  12. Someone in the audience recorded a live set by a Jam Band I play in the other day. I thought I'd post a link here as I had a blast playing this so I figure some of you might enjoy it as well The music is kind of Post Rock/Funk/Noise Rock combining in different ways. Here's a brief rundown of our set: 00:00 Funk rock jam, F#m 04:30 Post rock jam, Bm 10:45 Slap funk jam, Gdorian 19:10 Hip Hop/funk jam with elements of post rock, Am W/ guest rapper 26:20 Post rock/pedal point minor blues jam, Bm. I love the little bit on bass at the end with the envelope follower [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Gig%20friday%2015th%20D%27Meltin%27Pot.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Gig%20frida...eltin%27Pot.mp3[/url] Anyway there's the link, hope you enjoy, Oscar.
  13. Cut from an unrehearsed 30 min set of improvisations. We try to play with the idea that we're playing 'collaborative spontaneous compositions' rather than 'jamming'. This particular improv turned out to be a bit of a bass showcase heh [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Slap%20Funk%20live%20jam.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Slap%20Funk%20live%20jam.mp3[/url]
  14. Good taste in tuner too, I love my Pitchblack
  15. [url="http://www.roland.com/products/en/UA-1EX/"]http://www.roland.com/products/en/UA-1EX/[/url] Really good bit of recording gear for the price, I'm looking to buy something more elaborate so I'm getting rid of this. In original box with all literature and software, all in good condition. £35 posted
  16. Hey, i've been looking for a specific tool for a job, these two piece of hardware pretty much fit my requirements exactly only they're both discontinued and there doesn't seem to be anywhere to get hold of one. Does anyone know if there are new product lines out at the moment that do a similar job/have similar functionality to these or know anywhere I could get hold of one of these? Cheers, Oscar.
  17. [quote name='iconic' post='689594' date='Dec 20 2009, 11:03 AM']I must be doing this combo wrong..... open E string with D sting + D sounds like a very 'sudden and worried' tone on my bass....if that makes the slightest sense ..........where would you drop you this into a riff?[/quote] It depends on the function, that interval will sound completely different depending where the harmony is going, where its coming from, what the context of it is in the harmony at that moment in time etc. This applies to any interval or note of course, but in the case of this interval I'd say it applies even more so.
  18. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='687572' date='Dec 17 2009, 06:16 PM']Oscar - I hate to appear critical, especially when you have gone to the trouble of posting this stuff. And BTW, I think we need more of this type of thing on the forum (I intend to start a "Major's Bass Boot Camp" series very soon). BUT You appear to have left all the default enharmonics in your examples ie the D# and A# when they should be written as Eb and Bb. This is one of the problems that appears in most music writing software when you don't put the correct key signature in or if he piece modulates away from a starting key. And if not corrected, it makes the part harder to read, or even confusing, for those new to music reading. Arpeggios also look wrong if the notes are not in the right place ie on a line when they should be in a space or vice versa. Believe me, I have spent hours correcting enharmonics in my computer written scores over the years. So I tend to be constantly on the look out for them. Again sorry to appear niggley ! The Major[/quote] Heh no prob, to be honest I didn't even think about it, I usually work off score but the guy I wrote it out for doesn't read so I just stuck it in the tablature, should have turned the notation off as it wasn't really relevent. I also spotted a mistake or two. I'll update it though so that its correct on here.
  19. [quote name='Wil' post='687518' date='Dec 17 2009, 05:11 PM']My idea of dexterity practice is whacking Super Mario World in the Snes with a pot of coffee next to me. Works a treat! [/quote] lol. Quote thats done me well: "dexterity is innate, speed comes from precision"
  20. I made this sheet up for a friend, its one octave shapes for 4 types of 7th arpeggio in all inversions and some guidance about how to practise them with a couple of simple exersises. I figured it might be useful to a few people on here so I'll post it up for you to download: [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/One%20Octave%20Arpeggios%20%26%20Exercises.pdf"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/One%20Octav...20Exercises.pdf[/url] Enjoy.
  21. [quote name='Doddy' post='684007' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:10 PM']I don't quite get this bit. If you are only playing the exercise to a 'satisfactory' standard,it means there is still room for improvement-as far as I'm concerned. It is better to revisit your material and try to improve on it.[/quote] Depends on your personal interpretation of 'satisfactory', to me to be satisfied with something in regards to practise routine is to be able to play it through to the level that I'm sure I could reliably do it in public. Perfection is an impossible target, I believe myself that you reach a point where you can gain more from moving onto new ground than you can by lingering in comfortable territory. You could theoretically improve on anything indefinately, you have to use your personal judgement to know when to draw a line. This is very much an experiment though, I'm sure the line will move dynamically based on experience, context and necessity.
  22. I used to spend a long time and return often to my old practise routines and exercises, I noticed this last year or so that while my confidence and feel were improving from gigging regularly and learning lots of songs, I wasn't developing much from my daily routine. I've tried a new approach recently alongside basica scale and arpeggio upkeep based on that and a quote I heard or read once; I have no idea who from so it could be someone on here: "practise should be hard, playing should be easy" (ie you should constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone in practise, so that you have a large amount of headroom technically and mentally when playing). I got a few jazz bass and all purpose jazz etude books and I'm just progressively working through the exercises in those, once I've completed an exercise to a satisfactory standard I'll run it one more time then move on to the next and not revisit it. Its a lot more mentally engaging.. you won't be listening to the radio or watching TV while you practise (but you shouldn't be anyway). So far its not only jump started my progress but also given me a lot of new ideas of how to approach things while playing and broken my out of some old habits. I imagine that this is a transitional phase and I'll settle into a new routine which is a mix of revisiting and refining and covering new ground. Anyway, I'm wondering what other peoples approaches to practise are in regards to this, I'd be interrested to hear about your own routines and mindsets on this subject. Oscar.
  23. [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Her%20Silent%20Silhouette%20-%2001%20-%20Forget%20Your%20Heartstrings.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Her%20Silen...eartstrings.mp3[/url] [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Her%20Silent%20Silhouette%20-%2002%20-%20In%20Dreaming%20of%20Reality.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Her%20Silen...f%20Reality.mp3[/url] [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Her%20Silent%20Silhouette%20-%2003%20-%20Bend%20Sinister.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/Her%20Silen...%20Sinister.mp3[/url]
  24. playing chords on bass, especially in an ensemble, I find you're much better off thinking in terms of double stops and just picking out the funtional notes of the chord rather than trying to voice it fully. Heres a short example I made, its just a simple groove that goes into a chordal break, in the break the harmony ranges from quite simple to moderately complicated chords that would be fully represented by 5 tone voicings, but I never play more than a double stopped set of guide tones. I played the double stops in artificial harmonics to bring the harmony out more clearly. [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/double%20stopped%20guide%20tones.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/double%20st...ide%20tones.mp3[/url]
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