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Oscar South

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Everything posted by Oscar South

  1. Came across some old jamming recordings I made with a friend and my brother a long while back and then put onto soundclick a little less long back just now, was quite interesting listening to them. I think we'd played for a few years before this but not really recorded anything or jammed together much yet. Apart from questionable ability at the instruments (spot the fill where I'm just guessing notes and hoping they work ) and terrible recording quality I think they don't sound too terrible. These are just 2 parts out of a much longer recording, but thats been lost by now. Anyway heres the link [url="http://www.soundclick.com/oscarsouth"]http://www.soundclick.com/oscarsouth[/url]. Any of you got any really old recordings kicking about?
  2. I played my first solo performance to over 100 people at 8! But it wasn't on a bass guitar . (was on Euphonium)
  3. I don't really like that style of bass, but I have to admit it suits you.
  4. Owned by a bloody good bass player regardless of good/bad looks.
  5. *Racist comment about black people and playing bass here*
  6. I run Active Bass--->True Bypass Tuner--->Always on Compressor (which is also true bypass if I want to turn it off)--->Always on preamp/EQ (non true bypass but its never off anyway)--->everything afterwards is true bypass (just 1 or 2 pedals usually) and get quite a nice sound, not really experimented much though.
  7. [quote name='bubinga5' post='227900' date='Jun 27 2008, 11:38 AM']Sloppy?? maybe its because my pc is not that loud.. The bass is an Elrick by the way.. I like the music, reminds me of Maceo Parker, but erm..not as good... Whats the beef with this band??[/quote] I just don't think they're very good, and its all really clichéd.
  8. I didn't know Carlton Banks had a band. Didn't like the bass playing though, at all. Or the rest of the band.
  9. Alesis SR-16
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='226736' date='Jun 25 2008, 02:59 PM']Yeah I'm just in awe of Manring. especially this piece... [/quote] Lol, thats extremely well done, the part where his signal starts cutting out and he looks over to his equipment is genius, and how his grimaces are timed with the wrong notes. I thought all those had been removed ages ago and the maker banned because some of the other artists got annoyed.
  11. [quote name='NJE' post='226722' date='Jun 25 2008, 02:36 PM']I have always watched and admired him as a player and marvelled at his ability and technique but musically I just dont like it. Same as marcus miller, Manring, to name a couple, great technique but song wise and composition wise it just bores me. I love bass but I enjoy a good tune more and listening to what a bass player can do in say a great pop or rock song excites me more. from what I have heard and read seems like a nice chap though and as I said great technique.[/quote] I disagree about Manring, I really like his approach and musicality, I think some of his compositions can rival the best rock and pop songwriters and considering that most are performed on only a 4 string bass (albeit fretless, 3 octave neck, tuning-alterers on both ends of the string and mic'd body) he achieves a decent level of diversity. I think his ensemble work is great too.
  12. [quote name='Dave_MuadDib' post='226561' date='Jun 25 2008, 11:25 AM']Obviously, there's plenty to choose from, but looks like the consensus is on the Korg DT10? As soon as I've ebayed off my old one, I'll probably go for one of these, since the Strobostomp is about 3 times out of my price range [/quote] I'd check out the new Korg Pitchblack, when I bought my tuner it came down to a choice between those two based on the features lists, and the Pitchblack won by far for me. Of course the only thing I needed to know was that the DT-10 doesn't have true bypass, an obvious choice for a tuner pedal (of course with the DT-10 you can use the tuner without muting which you can't do with true bypass, but thats pretty pointless anyway).
  13. I don't like this CD at all, but I've never really been a Wooten fan. Or a Marcus Miller fan, can't stand his 'cheesy jazz funk then slap the melody' style.
  14. I got the new Korg Pitchblack the other week, it beats all the competition for me because on top of being well built, small, highly visible, quick and accurate it has true bypass (which obviously every tuner should have) and an AC out, you can daisy chain the rest of your pedals out of this one.
  15. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='225921' date='Jun 24 2008, 02:46 PM']I wouldn´t mind buying your M-80 but I´m not going to get rid of my Sansamp BDDI, sorry. [/quote] Actually thinking about it, I would sell it for just cash, £90 delivered.
  16. [quote name='dood' post='225849' date='Jun 24 2008, 01:24 PM']Oscar, I'll just reitterate asomething I said in the effects forum re: the M80 and Sansamp. I think if you are looking for a repalcement for the M80, the Sansamp may not be it. I won both and would say that they are two very different beasts. So much so, that I use them both together, not 'instead' of each other. If I lived clsoe I would be more than happy to let you hear them both together.. Maybe tehre is someone nearby you who has a Sansamp you can try? Doesn't hurt to ask I guess! Just so you don't sheel out cash and then realise you needed to keep the M80! (Yes.. I had one.. sold it and had to buy another!!!!)[/quote] Cheers for the advice, I might go back to the M80 in the future but at the moment all my gear is in flux most of the time while I gradually narrow down my favourates of each piece of kit, I'm buying and selling to balance it out (plus, I don't want to have to work all summer to fund guitar pedals ). Appreciated though.
  17. I want to try some of the Sansamp DI pedals, which would obviously replace my M80 (which I love, but I need to know whether I like the Sansamps better or not ). The MXR is a little cheaper so I'd pay a little cash to even it out. I'm specifically looking for the Para Driver but will consider any of the other models too, also if any Sansamp owners are interested in a temporary trade to try out the different pedals for a while then that'd probably be even better (I could include the difference as part of the temp trade, so I don't run off with the more expensive pedal). My MXR is in perfect condition, I'm not going to post pics atm (been out cycling since early this morning, I'm too lazy to get up and do it now ) but if anyone wants to see pics I can post some no problem, I'll probably get round to posting 'em soon enough anyway. Cheers, Oscar.
  18. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='225293' date='Jun 23 2008, 07:36 PM']I'm going to try sticking the M-80 in front of the Ampeg to see if the two together can do something worthwhile. I find the M-80's drive too artificial and hard edged. Basic tone's good enough, though. Haven't tried the DI yet, but you guys seem to like it.[/quote] I agree on that somewhat, I find the distortion is an 'all or nothing' job, if you try to keep the gain down and blend it you just get cleanish low notes and trebly higher ones, and the 'blend divide' is obvious too when you turn it up, it sounds like 2 different signals with the distorted one faded down (which it is, I guess). On the other hand if you've got the gain high, some nice strings on your bass, a decent EQ/signal chain, precise technique, a good drummer (optional), a f*cking loud amp (optional, I guess) and some good riffs (not optional) it sounds amazing. It'd be useless without the switchable/balancable distortion as its hopeless as a 'primary' tone, but for when you just want distortion, its brilliant. The gate is excellent too. All thats almost an extra though, it does a fine job as just a DI/EQ/Preamp. I really want to try the para driver though before I settle on the M80 for good, if anyone has a para driver and wants to try out the M80 do you want to do a MXR+£20 for Para Driver temporary (unless it turns out we like the different pedals) swap?
  19. Damn, I came here specifically looking for a cheap fretless 4, but you're way to far away heh.
  20. I don't know how anyone can stand Jap-Pop vocals. They should stick to instrumental music.
  21. [quote name='Clarky' post='222456' date='Jun 19 2008, 08:17 PM']Sorry if this is re-hashing old ground but what does this do that a Sansamp doesn't? I ask because I am thinking of getting an OD/DI pedal and considering a Sansamp VT bass (when they arrive; July I think), an MXR like yours or an EBS Microbass (I used to have a Sansamp Bass Driver but couldn't get the tone I was after) Ta, Clarky[/quote] As said, the MXR has 2 channels, clean and distorted, this means that you can use it as a clean boost or 'permanent' EQ and still toggle distortion on and off. It also has a 3 band EQ rather than a 2 band and an excellent noise gate. Plus any preference between the distortion sounds of the 2 pedals.
  22. What do you mean subtly?
  23. For the price, that TRB line is the best bass I've ever played, they play better than most basses up to £1000 or more that I've tried. I play a TRB1005 as my main and I'm honestly only ever going to replace it with a higher end model of the same line.
  24. Definitely works without.
  25. Do the EQ controls work the colour switch activated? I thought that was just a preset mid scoop EQ curve. I don't really like the colour button but all around its a great pedal, I use it for practically everything.
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