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Oscar South

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Everything posted by Oscar South

  1. Don't really like his EQ, otherwise good.
  2. Hey, does anyone know what what notes Geddy plays in the intro of live versions of this song ([url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2jBLGuVx_o"]can hear it here[/url]) that weren't in the original ([url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7DFsBcVMDA"]which can be seen here[/url]). I can't seem to figure out exactly what the low ones are with all the distortion and stuff, if he just played octaves it'd go down to a low D (and her plays a 4 string live obviously), does he just hit a low E? I think thats what the synth is playing at this point in the song too. I'll have another look a bit later and post if I can get it. Cheers. Oh yeah by the way, does anyone thing Geddy looks like Yoko Ono in the Tom Sawyer music video? heh.
  3. wow thats a nice looking bass
  4. 4 strings, I'm not sure what to ask for it, can anyone give me any advice heh? I asked my friend to go round and get a photo of it so hopefully will have that soon. I've got some old soundclips at www.soundclick.com/oscarsouth, an oooold jam from back in day with rusty strings through a little marshall practice combo recorded on a cassette walkman thats older than i am . the tone is somewhat coloured by this state of the art recording setup heh but you can get an idea of the kind of sound, I think it sounds quite nice ignoring my terrible attempts at les claypool slap/pop technique.
  5. [quote name='610*c' post='176711' date='Apr 14 2008, 10:18 PM']Does the OLP have a maple fretboard?[/quote] Yeah.
  6. [quote name='Maine' post='176654' date='Apr 14 2008, 09:08 PM']Pics? Model? Year? Version? Colour? etc. If not, £10 delivered :-)[/quote] They're at my parents house right now and I'm currently at uni so unfortunately I can't get pics at the moment, they're both 4-6 years old roughly, the OLP is black and white and the Squier is blue and white (white pickguards). I'll post pics asap but might not be for a few weeks.
  7. I had a look at what they're selling for second hand generally and its around £160-180 plus postage, I tell you what though.. the 20 second clip sounds very tempting so I'll knock £10 off and make it £150+postage if you include that.
  8. these have been inhabiting my living space for too long, a few great beginner basses. Gigged with the OLP a few times and it always sounded pretty good live, good enough for an amateur band or a backup bass. Trades/Money/Combination is fair game, I'm looking for a Fender Jazz or decent copy (but basically just an Ok traditional-ish looking 4 string really) and will be willing to pay money towards something more expensive a part exchange if you want either of these.
  9. Anyone interested? I only really used the EQ, Delay and Overdrive and now I've replaced them with stompoxes so its just been sitting around for ages doing nothing (occasionally I record some vocals through it.. because I can), everything works fine and is in good condition, I've got the manual still as well as all extras but no box.. it will be packaged well though.
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