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Oscar South

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Everything posted by Oscar South

  1. Bought a Trace Elliot combo, more than a fair price and excellent packing, delivery and communication. Excellent transaction.
  2. Annie Lennox lost her edge for me when she dropped the synthesizers and started using generic backing. You can go down the 'sophisticated middle aged performer' road without throwing away everything that made you unique.. plenty of people have a classically trained singing voice.
  3. Clear nail varnish (or coloured if you prefer)
  4. I used to practise it a lot but stopped over the last year or so, its recently began to creep back into my playing in really nice ways though.. just allows me to get different feels or more mileage from an old one. I play in a pretty experimental band musically but we keep it all accessible (Check out 'Beta' from my sig, it isn't really on any of those tunes but some are on the way) but if you were to listen to a track I did it on you wouldn't hear double thumbing, it'd just be another timbre in the mix. Anything wrong with that?
  5. Agree with most of this thread, exceptional voice. That song's really nice too, it reminds me a lot of 'Lady Stardust' by David Bowie (a very good thing). It feels like it should break out in "And He Was AAALLLLLRIGHT!! The Band Was All Together!!, Yes He Was AAALLLRIGHT!!....." the whole way through for me, haha.
  6. I've not made it all the way to a gig but I've left without it. It's a funny little conversation; "What's the *ONE* thing I said don't forget to bring?"
  7. There's the obvious 'Something' for me, and I love Paul's walking basslines so 'Eight Days A Week' and 'All My Loving' even though they may be simple, are favourites. I've always liked the bass on 'Hello, Goodbye' too. Its so hard to just name a few songs since every one is a classic, but a bit that stands out for me (and again is ridiculously simple.. just a minor arpeggio) is 'I'm Only Sleeping', the little just after 0:32 and throughout the song. Its just perfect. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETO3YfDKEI4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETO3YfDKEI4[/url]
  8. Give it a long enough time span and that description applies to basically any cover.. oh how we grow up
  9. [url="http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=79015464.jpg"][/url][url="http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=57740342.jpg"][/url][url="http://img27.imageshack.us/my.php?image=85644651.jpg"][/url][url="http://img26.imageshack.us/my.php?image=31968490.jpg"][/url] Apart from the plastic battery compartment lid coming off (pictured.. I just put a bit of tape across it but been told Yamaha will send you a replacement lid) and a few tiny dings in the finish its in perfect condition.
  10. I'd trade a fretted TRB1005 with a bit of cash if you were interested in that
  11. I've heard 'My Old School' done acoustic and it sounded amazing, so I'll put another tick in that box. Also, another track that I'm not 100% of acoustically but is a hiiiggghhllly overlooked Steely Dan track... 'Caves Of Altamira' off The Royal Scam - great song
  12. Never liked Peg, just too major.. chord progression just feels like its trying to hard to be 'popular'. Black Cow on the other hand, I imagine would be amazing with a fretless bass, and really nice chords and harmony that've got room to breathe too.
  13. [quote name='endorka' post='999595' date='Oct 25 2010, 01:05 AM']"If This Bass Could Only Talk" by Stanley Clarke... wow... I thought I was the only person in the world who had heard of this! I bought this on tape in the early 90's, it is a great album indeed. Thanks for the link, think I'll order it on CD now :-) Jennifer[/quote] Since there were only two in stock and looks like that's going to be down to one I figured I may as well pick up my own copy too, I've had it out of the library enough times now Decision time.. do I pick up Live At The Greek in album form too..?? Two amazing Stanley Clarke CD's for £10 is a pretty good investment
  14. Yeah, Mr. Big are ace. Take Cover! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIuicNwYBgA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIuicNwYBgA[/url]
  15. [quote name='ahpook' post='998893' date='Oct 24 2010, 02:52 PM']i've heard some bands that do the multi-bass thing quite well (rothko for example), but as for the all-star 'bass covention'-style jams i've seen posted here... they just don't do it for me.[/quote] THIS I can agree with
  16. [quote name='silddx' post='998850' date='Oct 24 2010, 01:45 PM']Both the recipes I mentioned work for millions of people. Both are popular dishes in the countries they originate in. I nearly chose the pigs intestines (chitterlings) at a restaurant, St John in east London, but was advised by the waitress something else on the menu was even more delicious.[/quote] The square brackets were to imply that what's inside them is an interchangeable context, I used the recipe to build off your post for a comedic touch
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='998845' date='Oct 24 2010, 01:41 PM']Oh man! That is absolutely unspeakable! Your mate bought that??[/quote] Haha, found it in his dads record collection. I think its great, that art like that can exist is proof that we live in a better world than we're lead to believe sometimes.
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='998825' date='Oct 24 2010, 01:27 PM']Mmm, sorry to point this out, but there is a certain loftiness, a bitter arrogance in your post. You are not considering that others may feel differently and not aspire to the goals you have for the bass. Is there a food you are not keen on? The intestines of a pig, lightly steamed then sautéed in oil perhaps? The raw gonads of the sea urchin served with soy and wasabi? Then don't be so quick to dismiss that person who does not as ignorant.[/quote] Although I've experimented in it, I don't play bass in any way like the subject matter discussed in this thread, have a listen to the bands linked to in my sig.. its about as far from this thread as you can get. The key difference between what you're saying and the reality of this thread though is that you're suggesting that the original statement here was: "I don't like [The raw gonads of the sea urchin served with soy and wasabi]" where it was: "[The raw gonads of the sea urchin served with soy and wasabi] can never work"
  19. This could actually argue the case either way depending on your state of mind or exposure to certain genres, but either way it is interesting: [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/For%20All%20It%20Is.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134504/For%20All%20It%20Is.mp3[/url] Its a vinyl I borrowed from a friend and digitalised, its basically 4 double bassists and a drummer.. it gets pretty crazy ..
  20. Why even make this thread? Were you drunk or on drugs? It serves no purpose but to be ignorant. I'm not getting into a debate here, music is music and any can be beautiful or ugly. I've run jam nights where there have been multi bass jams and I've taken part in them, and in my experience where all parties involved are good musicians, they've all sounded excellent. Looks like we may have a variable here?.. Also, have you listened to 95% of Manring, Sheehan and Wooten's recorded output? Or just heard a few snippets, maybe a solo album here or there? This post makes me think you're just fishing for argument, which I can actually say I've been guilty of at times . Two albums for anyone who still has doubts to put them to rest: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/This-Bass-Could-Only-Talk/dp/B000025LOI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1287922767&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/This-Bass-Could-On...2767&sr=1-1[/url] - Most tracks have a 'lead' bass and a 'bass' bass, this is one of the most important bass playing albums recorded, and is all incredible music [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pulse-Artery-Rothko/dp/B000059WK2"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pulse-Artery-Rothko/dp/B000059WK2[/url] - Three bass guitars and nothing else make up this album, and its one of the most beautiful things you'll ever hear
  21. As long as there's a halfway interesting thread from it I don't care which way it goes 'If This Bass Could Only Talk' however.. essential bass playing listening
  22. That's a pretty powerful accusation
  23. Jeff Waynes War Of The Worlds.
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