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Everything posted by demail

  1. Jake Yes, I moved up to Cheshire from Hampshire in the first place and I've decided to make the return trip. Must say, judging from Partysounds and the like there doesn't appear to be a lot of music going on around where I'll be (RG25) but I'll have to make more intensive enquiried when I get down. That'll be at the end of August and I'll PM you then. Derek
  2. Jake That sounds ideal. I see you have made much the same move as I will (I'm going from Chester to Hants) and also that you play in a band with Les Chisnall, from whom I took a couple of piano lessons a few years ago. Small world. I'll get in touch when I move down and see what we can arrange. Many thanks. Derek
  3. Many thanks Simon. I'll check them out when I get down. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
  4. Hi. I'm moving from Cheshire to Hampshire next month (between Basingstoke and Winchester) and I'm looking for a tutor. From the usual sites it doesn't seem there's anyone nearby. I've only been playing 6 months and I'm wanting to learn both jazz and orchestral. Any suggestions? Derek
  5. Sent you PM
  6. Yes, I was in touch with the guy at Bromborough but in the light of my impending move it didn't get anywhere.
  7. I'm in Chester and I've had a similar problem. I've been getting lessons from a guy in Chester who taught me viola. He's very good and certainly better than nothing (I can give you his details if you want) but I think I'm really in need of a specialist. As it happens, I'm moving down to north Hampshire next month so I'll be looking out for someone there (anyone got any suggestions?) The North Wales Jazz Soc is a very good place to start. They're a very welcoming lot. They have jazz jams there every couple of months and I joined in on the DB at the last one. It's a lot better (and harder) than playing along to iRealB and they have a "workshop" beforehand which is useful to get to know others and also for educational purposes. Best of luck! Derek
  8. I bought my DB about 3 months ago and can't leave it alone. I've mangled my fingers and standing up all the time is giving my back some real grief but I've played at a jazz jam and I'm now completely hooked. I'm really a jazz pianist but I've hardly touched the piano since I tasted bassness. Oh, and iReal B - what an app!
  9. I bought the red one a couple of weeks ago. Easy to fit and seems to work fine although I haven't gigged it yet. I've got it through a preamp but it also seems to work ok direct into the amp. The bloke that sells them on ebay is open to "offers" and for what it's worth I got mine for £28.
  10. Thanks. I'm only looking for a cheapie at the mo. I'm assuming the k&k is the big twin. How much do you want for that?
  11. Bump?
  12. I've taken the plunge and bought a DB. Now I need a bag for it. They go for £50 online but I'd like something cheaper if poss. Could also do with a longer endpin. Anyone got such things? I'm in Chester.
  13. Just acquired a 3/4 DB but need a cheap bag or case for it. Anyone got one they want rid of? I'm in Chester.
  14. Afraid I bought one yesterday. For rather more than I planned. Hey ho...
  15. ...on the other hand if you want to do a Hendrix and set fire to it you won't need the lighter fuel...
  16. I'd thought about an EUB but I've read it's best to get what you intend to stick with. I suppose I'll have to save my pennies...
  17. Hi. I've just posted here looking for a cheap double bass. Yours is bit more than I was looking to pay. Don't suppose you're open to offers?
  18. Yes, I guess you're right. Perhaps it's a bit of a big ask. Unfortunately, I'm getting married next month (actually, that didn't come out right...) so gratuitous expenditure isn't the order of the day. I suppose it's possible to justify a bigger purchase on the re-selling argument but if like me you know nothing about the instruments you could easily end up paying a pile for something worth very little. eBay is a real danger on that basis but at least on this forum you're less likely to get stung. I'll keep an eye out for whatever turns up. Many thanks chaps. Hope to be twanging along with you before long.
  19. I'm interested in taking up the double bass and was wondering if anyone had a cheap one they wanted shot of. I play viola in an orchestra and jazz piano so I'm looking to display my lack of talent in both arenas (I understand I'd need different strings and perhaps bridges but I'll cross that (bridge) when I come to it). There are new instruments going for about £400 (gear4music etc) but they seem to be less than universally admired. While I see if it's up my street I'm not looking to spend more than maybe a couple of hundred on one. I appreciate I can only expect something pretty ropey for that price but I'm not concerned provided it's reasonably playable. I'm in Cheshire so can pick up in the north west, or maybe further afield. Many thanks for any help.
  20. I'm interested in taking up the double bass and was wondering if anyone had a cheap one they wanted shot of. I play viola in an orchestra and jazz piano so I'm looking to display my lack of talent in both arenas (I understand I'd need different strings and perhaps bridges but I'll cross that (bridge) when I come to it). There are new instruments going for about £400 (gear4music etc) but they seem to be less than universally admired. While I see if it's up my street I'm not looking to spend more than maybe a couple of hundred on one. I appreciate I can only expect something pretty ropey for that price but I'm not concerned provided it's reasonably playable. I'm in Cheshire so can pick up in the north west, or maybe further afield. Many thanks for any help.
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