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Phil Adams

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Everything posted by Phil Adams

  1. Think you've had SG's before? How do you get on with the short scale?
  2. Simple. Leave the jack lead plugged in. You'll know soon enough!
  3. Having been politely asked by "last year's" band to play fretted (is it my intonation?, I asked, no, it's just the accuracy came the reply from the guitard!!!) I was reluctant to inflict "this year's" band with my fretless curse, but tonight in rehearsals I did, and what a liberating experience. I have finally come home.
  4. Mods, Mods, he swore!
  5. Phil Adams


    I say hello Cholly, Well hello Cholly, It's so nice to have you here, where you belong. You're looking.... enough already!
  6. What????, Not real????
  7. Not convinced about the looks, but an interesting find.
  8. Sold subject to payment. Thanks
  9. Looks great at first, then you look again and it's a bit of a mess. Shame.
  10. Mmmmmm, like that.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1397644907' post='2425927'] I've never used Gumtree and I only buy and sell with Basschatters who have a visible presence on the site outside of the sales forums, so I have some idea who I'm dealing with. [/quote] In my experience most BC enquiries come from Newbies, and are never followed up. I guess they register, then search for what they want, often something that was for sale a year or two ago, then post to ask if it's still for sale. Nothing against Newbies, we were all that once, but it's comforting to know you are dealing with someone who contributes to the site, they are most likely to treat you with respect IMO.
  12. Thanks for the specs reggie, sadly I don't think I'd be able to lift it, sorry, otherwise I would go for it.
  13. Could you give me a weight of this please reggie?
  14. As far as I can tell it's a 15. I bought it as a 15. Hard to be absolutely sure without removing the grill.
  15. Thanks Mike. Much appreciated.
  16. Great stuff, fun, fun, fun.
  17. So........ the short answer is: Because we can.
  18. I can imagine that some are searching for 'the one", and having some great pleasure along the way. The used market is flooded at the moment, and as one BC member noted earlier, you can buy and sell, and the sums lost in a transaction can be counted as little more than a "rental" fee.
  19. Just got a 305 and by poor old fingers are having trouble pushing the lead in and pulling out again, (coz you can't leave it in or the battery goes flat!). Anyone else have this problem? Is the answer in a particular style of lead, maybe a moulded plug instead of my metal one. What I really fancy is fitting a switch and maybe an LED same as my active Hohner has, looks simple enough and there is the room for it. I can leave the lead in then.
  20. I was very tempted by that one, but as a 5 string newbie went for a cheapie just in case. Well done you.
  21. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1396862598' post='2417963'] Well, my reading was limited to a brief period in the 80s/ 90s when I played to earn my crust but as one who my band mates tell me is notoriously picky about tempos, feel and the precise placement of notes, I'm seeing some things here which I've never come across before. What is 3/3? There isn't such a thing as a "third" note - is there? Breives, Semi-Breives, Crotchets, Quavers, Semi- Quavers or in modern speak whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes - does the whole system not depend on each note being divisible by two to give the next smallest interval? And as for 8/8 - what is the reason that that wouldn't be written as 4/4? Any parts I ever had to play which involved a lot of 8th notes would be written in 4/4. Unless of course it was an unusual bar length like 7/8 or 5/4 etc. Quench my thirst for knowledge - I'm interested! Cheers Ed [/quote] I thought 3/3 was waltz time. See, I never said I know my time signatures.
  22. With acknowledgment to the scales thread. Obviously some are easy, 4/4, 3/3 etc. Or do we just follow the sticksman and hope he's right?
  23. Silly ar$e
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