I'm in a blues band of "mature" gentlemen. We are rehearsing and improving and I reckon we are sounding alright. BUT we can't seem to be able to hang on to drummers. They don't explode or anything, but just make weak excuses as to why they are unable to carry on with us. I know we aren't Cream or the Experience, or anything else for the matter. We spent 3 hours in a rehearsal room on saturday (which had to be paid for) waiting for "Kevin" to turn up for an audition, or get in touch. Tonights one hasn't confirmed so we have cancelled that. Our new but regular drummer has damaged his car and can't commit to anything this week which is why we were trying to line up a standby. Are we rubbish (well possibly) or just unlucky??? This isn't intending to be a drummer slating thread BTW, just a general enquiry from a newbe as to what to expect.
Is it wrong to expect or hope for commitment.