To be fair BB Preamp works great with everything that needs a bit of gain added or by itself. I've had some different drives and although there are great ones out there and I still have some just in case I need different flavor the BB still seems to be my favorite.
With the octavers it's a bit more complicated. I started out with Taiwanese OC2. Then I got the MXR just to try it out and turned out I preferred the later one. After a while having both but mainly using the MXR I started to try different ones just because I could So I've had EBS OctaBass, TC Electronic Sub'n'Up mini, Digitech BSW, Emma Electronic OktoNojs, Aguilar Octamaizer and now MIJ OC2 and there's an octaver inside the Red Witch Zeus fuzz. Some I liked, some I didn't. Really liked the OktoNojs octave sound, didn't get along with the fuzz, sounded awesome on it's on but didn't but got lost with a band. Aguilar sounded cool and different to the MXR but tracking on MXR is better in my opinion. Seems like I need to do another shootout among the ones I still have. But I feel I already know the outcome so is there really a point to try to eliminate some but in the end still keeping the ones I have at the moment...