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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. Reared it's head again tonight, in bed at 10.30pm, thinking I was tired...and lay, and lay...out the bed, into spare bed...and lay, and lay...back up at 2.00am and back into my own bed...and lay, and lay...getting up now, no point...today's gonna be fun... 😬😬
  2. Very drunken post deleted! πŸ˜‚
  3. Is it just me or are Guitarbuild most unhelpful and unwilling to assist with the most basic of requests / queries?! I have asked for two costs for a custom 54P body, in both Roasted Swamp Ash and Walnut, specifying everything I want, however I have asked for some advice / assistance on neck pocket size and recessed neck bushings. I got a response back asking for a drawing for "exact setup" of the bass. Not understanding what they are after, I queried and got a one line reply saying "A drawing or image showing the design of the bass" What does this matter? I've specified the full body, just asking the most suitable selections for the neck pocket to my neck and to accommodate the neck bushings. Seriously thinking about looking elsewhere now, totally scunnered with their responses. 😑😑
  4. Applying "deeecals" looks so easy...!! Haha...!
  5. Unfortunately - and rather worryingly - they don't send a spare, however they do supply a cutting of the paper on which they are printed on and suggest that you practice initially with that to get a feel for the decal's properties before carrying out the actual application.
  6. You're becoming my comfort blanket on this build @Cuzzie Haha - thanks...has to be said, the Basschat community is a reassuring place at times...!
  7. Thanks guys, it was this attached PDF where I specifically read about Tru-Oil. It's my first experience using waterslide decals, (well, since my horrendously bad attempt at Airfix models 30+ years ago!) so I'm nervous enough as it is about tackling them! 1518364846CLS002-CLS-Waterslide-Decals-Application-Instructions.pdf
  8. So the neck eventually arrived a week or so ago and I'm gearing up to "eventually" now getting started...!! My starting plan is to Tru-Oil the neck, and as I'm planning on a darker(ish) Walnut finished body, I'm actually liking the contrast of the 'raw', natural light colour of the maple, so I'm not really planning on staining or darkening the neck to any great degree other than that to which the Tru-Oil will bring as it is applied...which I'll call when I'm happy during the application process. I've also got myself a custom decal* made from Rothko & Frost, which quite clearly states "Waterslide decals are not compatible with Tru-Oil or other oil/brush on finishes"...!! - however...I've also read that Tru-Oil, once cured, can be sprayed over with Nitro. The plan for now is to Tru-Oil the neck, once desired colour and finish has been reached and allowing time for the Tru-Oil to cure, I'm then thinking masking off the neck and underside of the headstock and spraying a couple of coats of clear Nitro over the front of the headstock only, purely to give the decal a base to adhere to, then apply decal and a further two three coats of clear Nitro over the top. I've read online the about the very high standard of finish from a Tru-Oil neck, so I'd be reluctant to completely coat the entire neck and head with Nitro if at all possible. As a bass build virgin, does that all seem logical a plan so far...?! *The "A.L." is my wee boy's initials and the serial number is his date of birth...I know, so obvious and cheesy...!
  9. Found it... https://www.guitarcenter.com/Fender/American-Professional-Precision-Bass-Rosewood-Neck-Limited-Edition.gc Now that I like, the Surf Green works way better for me than the Shell Pink does...πŸ‘
  10. It's growing on me, the more I've looked at it...I've kinda normalised it now, since Saturday's first look... I still doubt, well, if I had the spare cash, that I'd part with the required to buy it... Though would like to see the Surf Green P...is that with the same similar rosewood neck / head combo...?
  11. I realise that, I've three matching headstock basses, but with a head of red wine it was the best way to describe it at the time! 😁
  12. https://www.guitar.co.uk/fender-limited-edition-american-professional-jazz-bass-shell-pink-rosewood-neck So this popped up on my Facebook feed...seems unique...not sure if I should like it or not, but the Swingometer is currently veering into the 'not' category... Think it's the matching rosewood headstock that's really troubling me, I like the concept, but that just seems completely the wrong colour scheme for me to get on board with it... Anyway, just thought I'd share, see what the Basschat brethren think...I'm off to bed to sleep of this red wine...πŸ˜‚
  13. Hi @walshy, maybe I missed it, but did you do any grain filling prior to starting with tru oil? I'm planning a similar build this summer, walnut body, 54p influenced and looking for tips! πŸ‘ Cheers
  14. Strung Out in Glasgow? https://www.strungoutguitars.com/repair-workshop/guitar-repairs-
  15. Unfortunately however, this is where we let ourselves down badly...uncontrollably badly... Fortunately, however Stevie Nicks was actually so intensively wrapped up in her magical performance that she did remain pretty much oblivious to the sheer lack of band control in the room...which just added to the surreal experience...
  16. Expect the unexpected, and try and remain professional and courteous at all times, even if what you're witnessing is bordering on the painful...! A wee story from a previous band I was in from 4 or 5 years ago when we advertised for a singer and got some very, very bizarre auditionees...the most memorable being one woman in particular who, via email communication, appeared exactly what we were looking for, but turned out to be as mad as a box of frogs...! We agreed a date to get her in the studio so sent her a few song titles to get started...the alarm bells should have sounded when she specifically asked if we could do Stevie Nicks, "Edge of Seventeen"...on her turning up, there was an immediate and obvious influence there...the flouncy black clothes for one and the overall general hippy exterior she exhibited...which certainly isn't a negative one if you can actually pull it off... The audition started...and so did Stevie...the singing was, well, incredibly "pitchy" I think the "talent" shows today kindly put it...it was actually God awful...but it was the stage histrionics which really done it for us...the down on her knees...the praying hands...the flouncing of her cape (!)...and I'm ashamed to admit, that me and the guitarist standing opposite each other locked eyes and basically lost it...we were uncontrollable...it was just all too much and too surreal, someone who so obviously couldn't sing, but had so obviously put so much into her acting out of the role of Stevie Nicks... Admittedly, this was all very unprofessional behaviour on our part, but we literally couldn't continue, we just got so out of control... So, moral of the story, don't do as we did...remain cool, calm and collected at all times...even if the audition is an immediate and obvious no-go from the off.
  17. Please also post the reply...as I'm sure it won't be as polite as your helpful message...!!
  18. Had a 5502 about 6 or 7 years ago, awesome bass, but to be honest the neck was the reason I moved it on, probably the chunkiest necked bass I've ever owned, just couldn't get to grips with it at all. Stupid part is, I distinctly recall playing it in Guitar Guitar in Glasgow thinking exactly that too, but convinced myself the "chunkiness" would grow on me...it didn't.
  19. Looks real cool...πŸ‘ Curious though, why they call it a jazz bass special when its DNA is 80% (at least) precision...? πŸ€”
  20. An update to announce there's been no update since my last posts...well, other than I've had various components already delivered with some still on order awaiting delivery... HOWEVER...main point of post...I may need recommendations on replacement Tele necks if anyone can advise... I ordered an Allparts TBMO Bass Neck on 25th April, with the website saying there was a two week back order...however it still hasn't arrived and I can't say I overly enamored with Allparts general lack of response to my emails enquiring about it..."I will try and get an ETA for you..." then no response with me doing all the asking... So, if no suitable response forthcoming, may be a cancel, refund and look elsewhere...
  21. Here's what the Lakland website says... I'd say it is definitely chunkier than my Lakland JO Jazz, but certainly not to the extent of my Fender US P πŸ‘
  22. Yeah, it was a ball...everyone really friendly, looking forward to going back and playing at night though...πŸ‘
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