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Posts posted by lou24d53

  1. Absolutely brilliant day today at Kelso Scooter Rally...literally off stage and the organiser comes up, we're booked for next year already...headlining the Friday night...!

    She also said the reception we got today was the best she's ever heard for any afternoon band...as they play same time as the Custom Scooter show is on...

    Pretty chuffed all round...




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  2. My recently acquired - and as yet untested in a live, full band setting, but I'm fairly confident it will sound epic!! - Quilter BB800 and BF Super Twin...

    First live outing next Saturday at Kelso Scooter Rally...👍


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  3. Apologies for hijacking the thread, but the OP's query is similar to one I was going to ask, but in reverse...

    I'm about to start a self-build and I'm looking at Swamp Ash for the body, what would be best oil to use to give the finished body a darker, almost walnut finish...


  4. 3 minutes ago, mikel said:

    You might not like Christine and the Queens but they are far from "Run of the mill"

    As for all the old has been's, I agree. Must be lots of young new acts out there who are gagging to play to a big festival crowd. Why is Glasto starting to sound like radio 2, or worse?

    Could be worse, T InThe Park ended up like the Asda Charts...and with the ASBO crowd in full attendance!!

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Barking Spiders said:

    I'm not saying the Cure are bad. I quite liked them in the 80s but they always were a cult act and never big enough to warrant headline status.

    As mentioned, The Cure sold out Hyde Park last year, they've sold out every gig this tour...they're one band I will purposely try to see anytime they play the UK nowadays...seeing them at Bellahouston Park in August, before that saw them twice at RAH and at Wembley Arena...two gigs so far and they've played 69 songs over those two, with at least 3 encores each time...The Cure are a phenomenal band in my book, live they simply incredible too...

    • Like 1
  6. I've noticed a fair amount of MarkBass stuff on sale as well...never played with any personally...

    More annoyingly for me though, ever since I ordered a brand new Barefaced SuperTwin on the last week in March, which was just delivered on Monday, there appears to have been quite a number of BF Super12's / SuperTwin's listed...could've save myself a considerable wedge had I waited three or four weeks...!

    The Law of Sod...!

    • Haha 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, borntohang said:

    My dad was at Glastonbury when the news of Jacko's death hit and said it was wild to watch it spread round the campsite by word of mouth. First it was just the lucky souls with enough reception and phone battery left spare to check the news, then it started coming from the stages as various artists delivered variations on the theme of What He Meant To Me, and by the end of the weekend it was wall to wall rushed covers whilst reading the lyrics off a sheet of paper and every food stall in the site was blasting Thriller. 

    The flip side of that story for me was, the evening the news broke, I remember being at the (then) Carling Academy in Glasgow to see Lenny Kravitz...when we got in, it was all over Sky News, they hadn't reported that he had died at the time, but was being rushed into Cedar Sinai hospital in LA...obviously the news broke fairly quickly thereafter...

    Roll on a few hours and I'm on the Virgin Train from Motherwell down to London Euston with tickets to see AC/DC at Wembley Stadium for the Black Ice tour...a crowd of guys get on a Preston slightly worse for wear, even thought it was only like 11am or something, the train was rammed packed, with obviously a large contingent heading down for the gig...and one of them shouted "ah f*ck , train's f*ckin' packed...never mind lads, this Michael Jackson gig tonight will be well worth it...!"......it was a 'had to be there moment' but you can imagine the reaction...

    • Haha 1
  8. Agree with those who have mentioned George Michael also.

    I can't say I was in any way a fan of his to any great extent, but it was just sad the way his private life was constantly played out in the tabloids towards the latter stages of his career - much of it from his own doing I agree - then with him passing away on his own on Christmas Day and the way the story broke later in the evening, when I myself had had a great day with family, feasting and drinking, it just seemed a particularly sombre end to the day.

    On a slightly different subject, but related all the same, James Brown also passed away on Christmas Day (or Eve?) as far as I recall too.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, fretmeister said:

    There are 3/8 inch and 1/2 inch posts. 

    I've got the large ones.


    As it happens I've been doing some more digging and apparently the do sell larger bushings - but it looks like I'll have to get them from the USA as nobody stocks them!

    Can Bass Direct not order them in for you? 

    Only yesterday I placed an order for a Hipshot bridge which they didn't stock, but will order in for me...ten weeks waiting though, but that's to do with manufacturing parts...since they are Hipshot stockists, probably worth a phone call.

  10. For me, it was David Bowie, but is very, very closely followed by Prince......

    I was genuinely gutted at both, it was almost like I had lost someone in my family at the time, as dramatic as that sounds...I do distinctly remember letting out an involuntary shout when I saw the Sky News app that January morning in 2016 though... 

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