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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. Thankfully it does...I'm going for a Guitar Build custom bass body, so you can spec that up however you want. I'm pretty relaxed about tackling the whole finishing aspect of this project, but anything which involves in any way cutting or reshaping of wood, I'd rather pay someone who knows what they are doing to sort that part out...!
  2. One thing I have accepted, and this thread confirms it, is that I am definitely drinking way too much coffee in general. I've been easily a five, six mugs a day guy...starting at 8.00am right through until 7.00pm-ish...so I'm knocking that on the head...one at morning / one at afternoon breaks and that's that. I think it's definitely the lack of 'downtime' before bed that's the issue - although last night I was obviously dealing with the fallout from the night before, I pretty much slept solid right through from about 10.30pm until 6.30am...still took me a while to nod off, even being that tired, but there wasn't the incessant, random and utterly bizarre thoughts in my head from the night before. So I think I need to work on my after-rehearsal programme to unwind properly.
  3. Superb Cuzzie, I'm at work just now - albeit it sneaking on here! - but I'll definitely get a watch / read over these later...top man!
  4. Thanks for the advice Cuzzie. Finish-wise, I'm not too sure exactly what I'm after just now if I'm honest, I don't want it matte necessarily, but I'm not sure I want a highly polished, glass-like finish either...somewhere in between I guess, but I suppose I'll know myself when it's in progress...although that said, it was the thread below which definitely pointed me in the direction of tru-oil as a finish...so we may end up heading that way... I'm always open to hearing from those who've done it before, so please feel free to offer tips and advice as you see fit. I'm particularly interested in those in relation to the darkening of the Swamp Ash body as the lighter weight body definitely appeals...I just thought I would be more likely to get the darker tone I'm after if I was to start with a naturally darker wood. Colour-wise, in terms of darkness, I was thinking along the lines of the attached (stock Google photo!) Definitely without the purple strings though!
  5. Never even got a chance to plug in tonight, wee man in his cot... I'll be using a Quilter BB800 and (mainly) Fender Am Standard P...but sometimes a Lakland Skyline Joe Osborn "Dudepit"... Pictures tomorrow...👍
  6. Oooooh....it's here....😎 After four long weeks......not to mention the extra two days trying to get the delivery to suit misses lou being in the house......the eagle has landed...😁
  7. Sorry mot, purely as I'm looking to thin the herd just now, I am ideally looking for a straight sale...
  8. Someone's been shopping the last few days............................................. Allparts Replacement neck for Tele-Bass - sold maple - no finish Lindy Fralin '51 P Bass, Split Single Coil Stellertone, Tonestyler Bass Ten Hipshot Ultralite Y Tuners, Shiny Chrome, 1/2" / 13mm Hipshot B-Style Bridge, Aluminium, Chrome, 19mm spacing – FM2 American Deluxe String Thru Hipshot String Ferrules, Chrome Hipshot String Tree, Chrome Allparts Tele-Bass Control Cover, Chrome Allparts Tele Jack Plate, Chrome Allparts Neck Bushings, Chrome Fender Neck Screws, Chrome Schaller Classic Strap Locks, Chrome Sonik Domed Control Knobs, Chrome Tru-Oil 220 Grit Sandpaper Copper Sheilding Tape 0000 Steel Wool Only really leaves the Guitar Build body to purchase......and a pickguard......possibly......if I decide one is going to actually go on it......but I'll leave that until much later in the day to decide once I see it nearing completion...... Body-wise, I reckon I'm now going for the 2-piece Walnut body, which although (at least based on the stock bodies for sale on the Guitar Build website) appears to come in approx. 0.5Kg heavier than the single piece Swamp Ash, I have a preference for a darker body to contrast with the maple neck......oh, which I've also since decided I'm also not now planning on going for the vintage tint......again, purely for contrast reasons......
  9. That's the thing, lying there putting pressure on yourself 'cause your still awake...so what, a potential hour or two lost is neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things...but in the loneliness of 3am in the morning, your mind thinks totally irrational thoughts. The one offs I can deal with...the issue I'm worried about is that I've started now expecting it to happen every Monday. I actually feel like I'm almost willing it on to an extent due to an anxiety or an expectation based from the previous weeks.
  10. How very dare you...!!! 😂
  11. Thanks @Chiliwailer, good advice, I'll maybe need to start reading more, get into it for an hour again before bed. I've never considered actually I'm trying to go to bed too soon either...seems obvious in hindsight...! 👍
  12. Most of that I'm already doing @uk_lefty...the two lines you've written about work though strike a chord, definitely. I know myself that's probably the catalyst, especially with a few changes over the last couple months...and more to come...although nothing which currently has directly impacted upon me, but as someone who routinely overthinks things though, I'm finding myself looking at things, over analysing and envisaging what's 'going' to happen, at least in my mind, even though that's probably not going to materialize...I'm adding 2 and 2 and probably coming up with 17...but I just cant stop it...ðŸ˜Ļ... There's definitely work frustrations in there, I know that for a fact...the thing is, being there on a daily basis, whilst frustrating, it's otherwise manageable...it's the impact my overactive mind has on my wellbeing on the back of these frustrations I need to learn to deal with. The strange thing is, the work thoughts didn't actually enter until late into my latest episode...had too many Peppa Pig songs and a full Cure album to get through first...😧😂
  13. I never had it in the P position, I'd need to try search on here for the ad I answered and see if they're still there...the seller reinstated it back to as pictured before I bought it. Yeah, 2nd pickguard is cut to fit the modified P position. 👍
  14. This has been getting significantly worse for me over the last few months.. We rehearse every Monday night, 6pm to 9pm in Glasgow, I'm generally home around 9.30pm or just after...I feel fine every night when I get home, I can't say I feel wound up or over adrenaline-ised for want of a better word, but as soon as I go to bed and the light's out, my whole mentality changes...if I don't fall asleep relatively quickly - which I never really do to be honest at the best of times - then the mind starts working overtime, snowballing with absolutely random cr@p until it's going absolutely mental, throwing all sorts of utterly random nonsense in... Tonight I've had everything from thinking about the bass runs I'm playing...to the "Bing Bang Bing, Bing Bang Boo, Bing Bang Bingly Bongly Boo" song off Peppa Pig...I've a 20 month old son!...to The Cure's "The Head On The Door" album...to thinking about Hipshot string through bridges...which I actually then felt utterly compelled to Google at around 3am!!......then work pops in......"I need to do this, still to do that, that's due then"......then I start thinking "aw sh!t, I'm up in 4...3...2...1...hours "... It's mental, I just don't know how to switch off. I started off in the main bed at 10.30pm, before getting up and going through the back just after 1.00am.. I then got up and went downstairs around 2.30am for some water and to sit for a bit, try to 'reset'...back to bed...now I'm thinking about Hipshot bridges (!!??) I seem to have 'lost' an hour somewhere between 4.00am and 5.30am, so can only assume I've passed out for that time...but now I'm back awake, the birds outside telling me my chance of catching anything more are doomed... Aaaaaaaaaaaargh...today will be powered by coffee...ðŸ˜ĻðŸ˜Ļ☕☕ And this is happening every (well, most) Monday's now, to the point where its it's now becoming something I'm dreading and making into a...'thing'..............
  15. I'm in Scotland and I bought one a while back on here, but have since sold it. I paid more than ÂĢ400 for it, so whilst I'm maybe not the 'idiot' quoted I'm still one for not knowing I could have got one for considerably cheaper than I recall paying...! 🙄ðŸĪŠ
  16. I'm not sure, however a quick Google search shows a short scale US Lakland Decade on sale recently on TB. There's also a few threads, one from here actually, discussing a prototype for a short scale Lakland Skyline Decade from back in 2008 / 2009, but I can't find anything to confirm whether they were ever produced.
  17. For sale in The Bass Gallery...ÂĢ7k... https://thebassgallery.com/collections/all/products/status-buzzard-previously-owned-by-john-entwistle You only need one kidney, don't you...?! ðŸĪ”ðŸĪ”
  18. I've only ever saw those close up pictures, never seen one actually full view on a bass. Can't help but wonder if it just sits there looking all shiny and new, fitting in with the aesthetics of any given bass, or if your eyes would be automatically drawn to it in a "woooow, wtf's that?!" manner. It's so different to the 'norm', I'd guess the latter.
  19. Wouldn't be a problem on my build as I'm not that talented that I'm actually 'making' the body...😂...I'm just going to customise a Guitar Build one to suit my needs.
  20. Is there any major difference, pros or cons between using a neck plate to using individual recessed collar fixings? I'm about to start a new-build and I personally prefer the look of the separate collars, but just wondering if I'm giving myself unnecessary problems in doing so?
  21. Fill yer boots......... https://reverb.com/uk/item/15150591-s71-custom-shop-caribbean-burst-51-precision-bass-in-swamp-ash-flame-maple-neck-bare-knuckle-pup
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