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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. That's a fair point, my basses are still like new, I think I'll go silver cloth...๐Ÿ‘
  2. Daft question maybe, but would there be 'any' alteration in sound from one to the other...I'd guess of a speaker capable of 133dB and running at 1200w it would be minimal in the extreme however...! ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคฃ
  3. I'm thinking about ordering a BF Super Twin in the near future. Just wondering, what's the thoughts on the steel grille v silver cloth finish? Personally I think the silver cloth is cool as feck, and as I play in a covers band to The Who, gives a nod to JE's classic Hiwatt Cabs...however... I do have concerns of the cloth's long term durability...I mean, you know exactly where you are with a steel grille...! There also appears to be more BF cabs on here for sale I've seen with steel grilles rather than cloth. *I reserve the right to completely disregard the consensus...๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. So I've gone and done it...just ordered it there...hummed and hawed for two days, but in a flash of..."ah feck it"...I just pulled the plug...I've currently nothing to play it through (well, unless I disengage the GB Combo head) so we all you know where that road eventually leads to......!!! ๐Ÿ˜„ I'll take it to rehearsal in the meantime, get a blast of it at the studio.
  5. Thanks guys, I think my mind is made up...! ๐Ÿ‘
  6. I'm currently looking at Class D options and have been reading this thread with interest - so much so that I've actually got Thomann open right now as I type! I'm liking the sound (and pricing!) of these amps so far, however like others have said, they are not the most freely available to get a hold of for a try-before-you-buy. So, for those who've tried or have these, I'm just wondering how the sound would work in The Who covers band I play in? I already have both a Tech 21 "Leeds" and "VT Bass" pedals and tend to switch between these settings depending on what set we're doing, i.e., Live at Leeds / Quadrophenia etc. Suppose at the price they're going for, if I were to take the plunge and decide otherwise, I'd not lose too much on it if I were to move it on. I am currently running off a Genz-Benz 210 Contour combo with GB Focus 1 x 12 extension, but the band is starting to get more attention and we are getting bigger bookings in the pipeline so I have been looking at upgrading completely...I was thinking perhaps running this through something like a Barefaced Super Twin...? Cheers, Dougie. PS: I know there have been comments about it lacking somewhat in top end, but I was thinking the "Leeds" pedal would go some way of alleviating that?
  7. I did yeah, thanks, most we've already tried and no joy though. MacSoreley's sadly no more, closedown for good last September/October.
  8. Thanks guys, a few there we never thought of...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  9. Hello...my band are in a wee bit of a pickle right now in that we are trying to secure a venue for a charity gig on the evening of Saturday 23rd March 2019 to coincide with an already organised afternoon charity event and we've a support band and DJ all ready to go. Having had no personal involvement in the initial organisation of said event however, I was of the belief that everything was all sorted and booked up until last week when it transpired that there has been a mix up with the bookings (I've yet to find out why!) and that the afternoon event only was booked, and not the evening, which was initially proposed to be in the same venue. I must be clear on this, that this was a band member mix-up and not the venues, so there's no fault or blame being apportioned on their part! Basically we are looking for suggestions of any places we may have overlooked in our search for a venue which isn't on the list below and who are all out for various reasons, mainly due to them being already booked up......deep breathe....... Audio; Blackfriar's (awaiting email reply); Broadcast; Cathouse; Classic Grand; Ivory Black's; King Tut's; Maggie Mays; Mono; Nice N' Sleazy; Stereo; St. Lukes' (too big!); SWG3 (this is where the afternoon event is!); The 13th Note; The Ferry; The Garage; The Old Hairdressers. Thanks in advance. Dougie.
  10. Me and a drummer mate started last year in a "soundalike" to The Who...we are called The Substitutes - you'll find us on Facebook @TheSubstitutesGlasgow - and so far I have to say that I am loving it. It is also probably the quickest (Pete message literally 5 minutes after the ad was posted!) and easiest band I have ever put together and definitely the easiest bunch of guys to get on with I've ever played. We've only played four gigs since we started gigging last July, but so far the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive...gig-wise though, we're all in full time jobs and all have families, so we've agreed not to go too nuts with the gig bookings, one or two a month suits us fine. Dougie.
  11. Thanks folks, I've read that Google calendar can be unreliable at time on Android devices, any experience with that, or generally has everything been hunky dory based on experiences? Ta.
  12. Looking for suggestions on some apps which allow group access for collating diaries, so any one in the band can access and mark up dates they're unavailable etc., to make it easier for booking gigs. Looks to be tonnes to choose from. Just wondering, is there a band 'standard' others are using you could maybe recommend? The collective in the band are a bit technophobic, myself included, so the simpler to work the better. Thanks. Ps, tried a search, but as soon as I put in the word diary, it brought up a million build diary threads!
  13. Had a great gig last night, played Audio in Glasgow with my band The Substitutes. We're a cover band to The Who and only been going since March, so this was only our 2nd gig. Front of house sound was apparently great, but stage sound (for me anyway) was pretty muddy, but bearable. Played 1 hour 40 minutes of hits, a mini-Tommy set and a mini-Quadrophenia set, to about 80 people there. Best part, raised over ยฃ550 for the Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity.
  14. Hey, anyone know of anywhere I could get a copy of the bass tab for the live version of Squeeze Box from The Who By Numbers album? Can't find it anywhere online, just the regular album version - of which there are various versions. My ears are struggling to keep up with what is happening with the fills after each section. Thanks, Dougie.
  15. Peat Loaf... My bands drummer played with him years ago...his favourite line, every gig... "Are you all having a good time...? We'll if yer no', you can just f*ck off...!!"
  16. I've always thought same with Bowie's "Five Years"...
  17. My recently cleared Credit Card made me do it.......... I've just ordered a Fender American Standard Precision in Olympic White, Tort, Maple which is being delivered next Tuesday. The serial number is US1307####, which I believe dates it late 2013 / early 2014, but it is brand new from the shop, still even has the plastic covers on the tuners. Dougie is a happy bunny...!
  18. Certainly an option, but cost wise Iโ€™d be looking at just under a grand when adding in the cost of new pups... I think Iโ€™ll keep looking for now...itโ€™s still very early days in this search...๐Ÿ‘
  19. Cheers, thereโ€™s a 2011 model on Reverb for ยฃ849, based in Coventry, which looks pretty decent condition - sunburst, black, maple. Iโ€™ve only started looking out for a new P-bass, so Iโ€™m reluctant to dive in without getting a chance to try one out. Iโ€™ve went from looking at Classic 50โ€™s to Roadworns to Am Standards...so, basically keeping my options open! ๐Ÿ˜†
  20. Curious, is there much of a difference, if any, between the 2011 and 2012 Am Standard models? Iโ€™ve read pick-ups were upgraded on 2012 model on TB. Iโ€™m currently looking online at a 2011 model, but itโ€™s too far away to try out and debating if itโ€™s worth the gamble. Sorry, I just seem to be cluttering up your NBD threads lately with my own queries ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ‘
  21. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1509367975' post='3398338'] The headphone output of your amp will do the job fine. Even better if it has an Aux in. What amp are you running? The real question though is how mobile do you want to be? [/quote] It's a Genz Benz Contour 500 - http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid=2862&sid=705&cid=95
  22. Since becoming a first-time parent mid-August, I've been finding that my practice time at home has been pretty limited...the obvious main reason being that I have other things to focus on, but secondly, it's that I'm not wanting to practice at home using my main bass amp in order not to disturb the wee man when he's kipping...which would then lead me to incur the wrath of Mrs Lou...! I've been looking online at headphone amps, but to be honest, I'm not sure what I'm looking for, hence I'm asking for advice or recommendations on what's out there, preferably being Android compatible... Or am I simply best just sticking with the headphone output on the amp? Cheers, Dougie
  23. [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1509220313' post='3397436'] I saw them at Glasgow but was sitting up high and sound was awful. I have seen few bands there and usually sound sh*t. I have been a fan of Metallica since before 90 and really liked RT since ST and IG. Not sure if it works but I think itโ€™s a match that should work. RT was on fire though and nice to see another Warwick player but I remember his days with Tobias. I never noticed Spector or Zon but what a good taste, the man is brilliant [/quote] I was standing, right of stage - well, at least where it would have been! The sound for the first few songs, Hardwired, Atlas Rise!, and Seek And Destroy was terrible - could hardly even hear any bass for these three songs, but it was gradually better each song and Iโ€™d say was fixed by Harvester Of Sorrow. Edit: Just edited as that in itself is ironic, Harvester Of Sorrow with audible bass...๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜†
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