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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2015/05/30/warwick-announces-adam-clayton-streamer-cv-signature-bass/
  2. Bump. I'm currently looking at options for a fretless and defo interested - Mrs Lou's new kitchen is currently taking precedent, so I'm a couple of months away from having the desired amount in my "bass bank", but if this is still here late June, expect a PM. 👍
  3. Thanks for the feedback all, appreciated, cheers.
  4. I'm thinking about looking for a cheap fretless to mess around with at home, not wanting to spend a whole heap of cash on anything and been looking around at the obvious Squier and Vintage models. Just wondering, has anyone had any experience of these? They any good for a starter model? [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/ltd-esp-vintage-214-fretless-bass/1114235720"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/ltd-esp-vintage-214-fretless-bass/1114235720[/url] Not interested at that price quoted since you can buy a brand new one for £25 extra off GAK, but I hadn't actually considered these as a possibility until I saw this advertised.
  5. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1430301282' post='2759935'] Rock n Roll sounded a bit weird (at the end). All a bit too low, so I picked up my guitar and they had detuned a whole step and a half [/quote] The whole gig is de-tuned from the very opening bars of "Good Times, Bad Times" is it not, at least as I recall?
  6. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1430157970' post='2758512'] It is a good price as they retailed new for around the grand mark. These are serious professional quality instruments for sure. [/quote] The guy that sold it might be quite gutted then!! 😃
  7. I think I've been looking at the same one as you...there seems to be a fair bit of fretless GAS about just now...!!
  8. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1429110974' post='2748137'] I want one also but is more like I want one then actually need one. [/quote] I'm fully aware this is where I am sitting!
  9. Was in Motherwell there to pick up my new specs from the opticians and couldn't resist popping into the local Crack Converters for a nosy. They had one of these on display, they gold / black version, maple neck, looked pretty ok actually, asking for £115 I think. Wasn't tempted myself, but looks like it'd do a turn. **sorry for regurgitating an old thread, just done a search and was the only relevant one I found.
  10. Just turned down a crazy offer that I might come to regret. Head is ruling the heart for now. I wouldn't say GAS has been conquered, more......postponed...!! Gonna start a monthly savings fund...
  11. I like thin Jazz necks as well, got a Fender Am Vintage Jazz, Lakland Dudepit JO and Lakland Decade...all thin necks...but I think I need to go for it, give it a go...if it doesn't work out, I'll move it on!!
  12. Yup, think I'll be an owner sooner rather than later. Be warned, there are some predatory people on here waiting to pounce on the vulnerable!! 😀😎
  13. Haha, I know... I also know I'll probably struggle with the neck profile as well, but it's still not helping... I keep looking at pics on the Internet and feeling......funny.....fnarr, fnarr... 😜😎
  14. I've never owned one, never gigged one and apart from a ten minute try out last month at the Moffat Bass Bash, hardly even had a shot of one... But I WANT one, like, really, REALLY want one...a single H, in white or buttercream with a maple neck...has to be a maple neck... Feel the credit card straining already!!!
  15. You got any gigs booked round Glasgow way yet? 👍
  16. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/paul-simon-and-sting/2015/the-sse-hydro-glasgow-scotland-2bc8b07a.html Awesome night. Bass wasn't as obvious as I'd like apart from the Graceland numbers, but still chuffed to even be in the same room, (if not the same postcode!) as Mr Kumalo.
  17. Nick bought my Darkglass Vintage Microtubes in a sale that was as straightforward as one could possibly hope for. Seems like a thoroughly nice bloke, you can deal with confidence folks, I'd happily do so again!
  18. The body looks like it's been made from the remnants from one of the old woodworking benches in my old high school.
  19. I don't know why you are so hesitant in calling the police. It is the very first thing I would have done whilst I was still there at the studio, and certainly long, long before I even thought about posting about it on here. The longer you leave it, the less likely you are to ever see your stuff again.
  20. Looks pretty smart, I had convinced myself last night after a few glasses of red that I could put this on the plastic, but the sober light of day has made me realise I can't really afford to! I've never owned a Stingray and am keen to rectify that in the future, but I'm afraid it will need to wait. Thank for posting up the pics though! 👍
  21. It looks stunning, would like to see a close up of the 'sparkle' if you had one. 👍 Love the black / black / maple finish, still regret shifting my Sadowsky a few years ago...!
  22. Played Friday night in Box in Glasgow, wasn't feeling it before to be honest, but ended up being one of the best gigs we've done in ages. Vintage Trouble were playing the O2 ABC along the road and a few guys were in after the gig, came up to us after we finished to tell us they enjoyed us as much as the gig they'd just left, was very chuffed at that. 😃 They were even sober as well!! 👍😄
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