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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. I'm going to be doing exactly the same pretty shortly, using the same Hercules wall brackets which I will be putting up using these - [url="http://www.screwfix.com/p/spit-driva-tp12-panhead-fixings-metal-35mm-pack-of-100/11923"]http://www.screwfix.com/p/spit-driva-tp12-panhead-fixings-metal-35mm-pack-of-100/11923[/url] I've got two 50" televisions currently fitted to two walls in the house using these, super strong and far easier and quicker than drilling into masonry. I'm planning on putting 4no. of the Hercules brackets on a section of timber facing about 2m long and fitting it to the wall using these fixings, although I will also catch a couple of fixings into the timber behind for extra strength, but I'd be pretty relaxed just using these.
  2. A lot of toys getting thrown out of a lot of prams it would appear. No idea why. I guess I must have missed the pigtails getting pulled in a few threads.
  3. The more I see of these basses, the less I find the headstock an annoyance. In fact, my opinion is slowly turning from one of 'damn fugly' to one of 'simplistically rather fetching'.
  4. Haha, I just received four wall hangers in the post this morning to do exactly the same at home in my 'man cave'... I say four, I only have three basses, but you need to plan for the future, eh...?!
  5. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1426697716' post='2720972'] The problem I have, if it is a problem at all, is I have a good ear. Although this is great for beginning to learn and when I was a nipper, and means I can get a tune out of almost anything, it also means I've never really bothered to learn any theory- so, if I do decide to 'go for a wander' in a song, I don't have the knowledge to get back where I was! [/quote] Cameltoe has summed it up better than I. This has been me pretty much since I started playing!
  6. See, that comment above from CamdenRob surprises me also. I admit though, I am guilty of making incorrect judgements / guesses of what I 'assume' a users standard or level - call it what you want - to be based on the quality of the gear they display in the sig. So I'm seeing mentions of Wal and I automatically start thinking, "hmmm, must be a session player or semi-pro at least!"...
  7. I often read threads on here and wonder to myself just what the standard / level of the player behind these comments are, as quite often I find them extremely difficult to relate to. So I thought I'd ask for myself just to enquire what is the general standard of the Basschat fraternity and to ask if you are happy - or at least, content - with your current playing ability. I myself have been playing off and on since I started as a music module in 5th year of high school back in 1988 - basically I needed some subjects to fill up the timetable! - so that works out at approximately 26 years since I started playing bass, although there was a 5 or 6 year hiatus in there however, probably between 2001 to 2007ish. I am however happy to admit that I am NOWHERE near the standard of player I could have, or should have, been after playing for that length of time. When I started, I never for a moment thought I would still be playing now that I am in my 40's. Basically, I never actually bothered to LEARN the bass. I picked up and tinkered to the extent that I taught myself shapes and patterns. I taught myself to play via muscle memory, which is exactly the same method I use today. I probably should feel an element of shame in that comment, but I can assure you I certainly do not lose sleep over it. Early on, I taught myself to play to Metallica and Guns N' Roses CD's before later moving on to the early Jamiroquai and early Brand New Heavies albums. I still have a pretty varied taste in music! I would say that I am a reliable and fairly competent player without being anything too spectacular or flashy. The band I play in - Bone Island, check out the link below for further details! - is an original material, classic rock influenced band. When we have gigged of late, I have had a number of really positive and complementary comments afterwards about my playing ability. I know the tunes we play inside out and I am competent enough to improvise and jam these as when and when required, even though I couldn't for a second tell you what you what key I'm playing in or the notes I'm playing!! I was at the Moffat Bass Bash on Sunday past and I have no shame in admitting that I was undoubtedly in the lower echelons of bass playing talent in the room when sampling the delightful basses on offer. It doesn't pain me to say that. I can appreciate the talents of other people but still enjoy doing what I do and accepting the standard I am currently and probably am going to be for the remainder of my time playing. In the last three years or so however, I did make a conscious effort to try and improve my playing ability and bass knowledge and I must have spent over £500.00, forking out for numerous one-to-one lessons, buying bass books, enrolling for online courses etc. The upshot of all of which left me no further forward, £500.00 down in the bank and basically feeling considerably frustrated to the point where I was bordering on selling up everything I owned and chucking it altogether. The problem I found was that I had been playing for so long the way I play, I found it extremely difficult to 'unlearn' all the methods I had taught myself and 'relearn' them the way I should have been playing. It's a hobby for me, one I thoroughly enjoy granted, but one where I know, accept and am content about my abilities and limitations. Yes, if I was starting out all over again, I would do it all differently, but at present I'm enjoying myself too much in my current band to go about beating myself up about my failings! So that's me...
  8. RIP It's on the Classic Rock Facebook page. 😔
  9. Excellent day today, first time I've been to one of these bashes, but I'll definitely be back and I'll definitely be staying over to enjoy the curry and beer festivities!! Managed to stay strong today and didn't end up buying neepheid's Gibson he's got up for sale just now...tempted as I was...!!
  10. We're a trio and we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. To be fair, the singer / songwriter is probably our 'lead' figure in the band and it is he who is the creativity behind the songwriting process. The drummer lectures on architecture at Uni as a living and is the one behind the logos, graphics and photos etc, My OCD-attention-to-detail-ism helps me to take control of the managerial elements, organising band calendars, booking rehearsals, gigs and recording sessions etc. far better than the other two would. If everyone agrees to play to your strengths without getting ar$ey about it with each other, it will work.
  11. Personally, I don't work well with the 'dictatorship' method. In the band I play in, all our decisions are taking as a majority rule. I left a band a few years ago due to the singer (and majority songwriter) starting to inflate his ego to epic proportions and decided it wasn't for me. Playing in my band is a hobby to me, one I take seriously granted, but I already have a boss at work, I don't need one to answer to in my free time.
  12. Over 60 posts so far on a subject regarding plagiarism and no-one has yet mentioned Oasis or Noel Gallagher.
  13. Same, I get letters through quite regularly trying to get me to take my subscription again. Last copy I bought was in Glasgow Airport just before Christmas a few months ago - force of habit for me, I always seem to pick one up anytime I'm in an airport, which isn't exactly often - I had a 6 hour flight coming up, with no TV on the plane and I still never got passed the first ten or so pages after skimming through looking at the pictures. Jeff Berlin being the 'cover' interview, didn't exactly help matters.
  14. He's an easy target the way he spouts off in interviews, but like others have said, a lot of it is not unlike what the average bloke would comment on down the pub with a few mates. There is no need for the NME to comment on every last comment he makes though or anytime he goes for a dump! Yes, his song-writing seems to follow a set formula - or whatever other word you prefer to use - but he's evidently good at what he does and appeals to a large audience or he wouldn't have lasted half as long as he has in the industry. The last HFB album I thought was excellent, this latest one not so much for me, but I was at The Hydro on Saturday night and I thoroughly enjoyed what was on offer, as did the majority of the 13,000 sell-out crowd who was there I've no doubt. Like others have said, he wrote and played on some definitive tunes from the mid-90's and early-00's, which provided a good percentage of the soundtrack of my youth at the time, so yeah, I do have a soft spot still for him and his music, but I appreciate he does make it easy for folk to severely dislike him, in fact, probably the same folk who have a similar opinion on Morrissey I'd suspect for pretty much similar reasons. For what it is worth, I don't "get" jazz either, although I do have a massive appreciation of the talent that people have to play it and know there is a number of said musicians on here, but you like what you like, don't you.
  15. Same as above, I wasn't meaning my post to come across in the way perhaps it might have done, so if anyone has been offended by comments I apologise profusely. I merely mentioned it as I simply found myself reading it that way due to the wording as mentioned by Mykesbass above.
  16. Anyone else find themselves reading that script section in an Eastern European accent?
  17. I saw them at the O2 ABC in Glasgow in October and they were awesome. I saw them last Sunday night again at the Barrowlands and to be honest, I lost count the number of times I caught myself looking at my watch. I dunno, they are good at what they do but I just think perhaps I am bored with it already. Also don't think they have any more than a couple of albums in them at most before their sound becomes yesterday's "thing" and they disappear off the radar.
  18. Ooooh, that's really sweet, absolutely cracking price as well, unfortunately I'm completely skint just now! Karl, how about you buy this and I'll take it off your hands in 6 months time!?
  19. I'm thinking of coming down for this for the Sunday only, I'm only 45mins away further north up the M74...just waiting to see if I'm free that weekend.
  20. Probably my only regret of late would be trading my black / maple Sadowsky M4 to Karlfer a few Christmases ago... Don't get me wrong, the Fender AVRI '75 is killer, but I do still miss that black beauty! Was an absolute steal in Guitar Guitar in Glasgow as well for only £999.00...!!
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