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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. You, resist?!!! Haha, to say I'm shocked mate is an understatement! We certainly do seem to have an eye for similar basses on here!
  2. Another example of the UK stopping at the Midlands again.
  3. I'd have this if it were lined...I guess you wouldn't be selling then though!
  4. This thread reminds me of this... "Please design a logo for me. With pie charts. For free." http://www.27bslash6.com/p2p2.html
  5. Cheers, never having been to Nottingham, I've no idea where any of these places are, but I'll be sure to do some research beforehand. It says it is about a mile from the hotel to the station - well, according to the Crowne Plaza website - so I'll try and come up with a walkable route to capture a few on the way.
  6. Anyone know of any decent music shops in Nottingham? I've just been roped into going down for an overnight mid-September to visit an exhibition for my work - which I'm guessing won't take up a great deal of the day! - and I was wondering if there was anywhere worth visiting whilst I'm down. I'll be staying in the Crown Plaza, so preferably looking for city centre shops only. I've no intention of venturing much further than the area between the hotel and the train station! Cheers.
  7. It works for me, although I'd prefer the lighter sonic blue option better personally.
  8. Lovin' the look of this. Sadly no funds to accommodate, but GLWTS.
  9. So what [i]should[/i] a headstock look like then? Whilst I agree there are a few downright dogs on here, it would seem that any manufacturer who is trying to come up anything unique or radically different from the norm is getting slated. But yet those designers who stick with the tried and tested Fender-esque shapes also get slated often on here for not coming up with anything radically different.
  10. Here's a few pics from a recent gig at Box in Glasgow, back in May 2014. This was my 1st gig since August 2012. We're certainly a photogenic bunch, I'm sure you'll agree!! [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Band2_zps1e548787.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Gavin3_zps09eed605.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Mike2_zps77e3849e.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Dougie3_zps065b676e.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Band3_zpsac8ba362.jpg.html"][/url]
  11. Here's me playing my 1st gig in nearly 2 years back in May this year, at Box in Glasgow... The Glasgow School of Art was still burning away about 200 yards down the road at the time! [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Dougie2_zps4132bac4.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Bone%20Island/Dougie1_zps22d188b2.jpg.html"][/url]
  12. 6 out of 10...I didn't even recognise The Ox from that picture! Oh, the shame of it all...
  13. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1404224070' post='2490463'] I read a review somewhere of the Black Keys set and it said it was a shame that they did not put in the same energy as Jack White. My thought to this was.....but the Black Keys sound like they are playing music and JW sounded like random noise, similar to the Jazz sketches on the Fast Show. But each to their own. BTW why did JW have Cardinal Richelieu on the slide guitar/theremin? [/quote] Yip, each to their own indeed. I quite like The Black Keys also, just happen to think Jack White does it better.
  14. I never caught a great deal of the coverage over the weekend but I've got most of what was on BBC2 Sky+'d to catch up with later. I did though watch some of Jack White's set on the iplayer and I must admit, I'm another in the "thought it was great" camp. Which is probably just as well since I've tickets to see him at the Glasgow Hydro later in the year!
  15. Is it? I thought that was just a one off a few years back where the had a year off? I'm pretty sure I read Michael Eavis has already confirmed he has booked his headliners for next year also.
  16. Probably will be a jazz profile anyway, whatever I go for, to match with the rest of my arsenal!
  17. I suppose I could do some Googling myself on this, but what's the general feeling of the people from Glastonbury town and the neighbouring areas, do they approve / disapprove of the festival being held there each year? I've no doubt it brings money in the neighbourhood, but I'd sure as hell not look forward to nearly 200,000 descending on my town each year, and all the madness and chaos it brings.
  18. Wow, those are actually rather disturbing!!
  19. And generally £60 / £70 cheaper than the jazzes as well, I've noticed.
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