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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. The OP's still massively undecided! Not sure whether to get a £100 Harley Benton to try out, or whether to throw caution to the wind and go for something a wee bit more refined. I'm now liking the the look of those Warwicks on Thomann! Won't be doing anything this month whatever I decide, until I come back from holiday.
  2. You're still here, that's the main thing. Material stuff can be replaced. I'd guess it's only natural after what you've been through to feel the way you do. It'll pass, may take months, years, no point in forcing the issue. Concentrate on what else is going on in your life just now and pick it up again when you're ready. That is what I would do . All the best whatever you choose.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1403968590' post='2488189'] Tbf, Debbie Harry never had a voice to lose but her inability to sing the songs has worsened these last few years. At least someone like Phil Collins realised and had enough money to pull the plug... [/quote] Well, you say that...... http://ultimateclassicrock.com/phil-collins-comeback-tour/
  4. Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs" and "Neon Bible" are excellent albums, not got round to buying "Reflektor" yet. They're not a band I'd automatically reach for when I'm looking for something to listen, but when I put them, I really do appreciate them.
  5. Was thinking that earlier, probably for myself it's just as well though as I'm on holiday around those dates, so would miss it anyway.
  6. Yeah, you'd think at the price of a ticket, eh? I'm only going on what I was told happened and it's easy to say in hindsight that he played the same set as elsewhere, but when the act stops half way through a number and walks off leaving even the band wondering wtf has happened, comes back on and plays a final number with someone else on vocals, leaves again without as much as a "thanks" or a "goodnight" and the roadies appear instantly on stage to start to dismantle with thousands of people booing, you can see why people took it as a "storms off".
  7. Mate said he played for around 1 Hour 10 Minutes, when we went off at 10.00pm. He didn't even sing the last song when he came back on, Paul Carrick took lead vocals. He said the audience only realised the gig was over when the house lights came on and the stage guys came out and started to dismantle the gear!
  8. I wasn't there myself but I do know two people who were and apparently it was a good gig up until he stormed off stage. Heard rumours of "low level feedback" on Twitter but I don't think it really affected the sound out front, certainly the two guys I know who were there didn't have any complaints about it anyway. Still, it is a bit of a shabby way to treat 12,500 members of your audience.
  9. At least he managed to finish his gig in Leeds without storming off stage in a huff like he did at Glasgow on Saturday night!! [url="http://www.heraldscotland.com/arts-ents/music/review-eric-clapton-strops-off-stage-at-the-sse-hydro.1403387960"]http://www.heraldsco...ydro.1403387960[/url]
  10. Pretty poor actually, ACG stand with usual high quality basses on display, other than that the odd obligatory bass here and there, but nothing to set the heather alight. Was in and had walked round it three times in 20 minutes.
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1403304773' post='2481812'] [media]http://youtu.be/-OTmJqY9vNk[/media] Works every time if one uses the 'Share this video' link, not the URL in the browser. Nice shot of your busy day; very impressive. Not for the vertiginous..! [/quote] Certainly trumps my sitting-for-8-hours-at-a-desk mundane day job, that's for sure!
  12. I actually find no issue at all typing the first line or paragraph... But assoon as I prss tereturn buttontings startto go tis up!
  13. I've decided no more than £300.00 is where I'm wanting to go for a first fretless 'experience'. So far my options appear to be...Squier VM Jazz...v...Vintage Icon V74...v...MIM Jazz...although I'll probably not be doing anything the next month or so until my holiday has been and gone and finances begin to grow again...well, unless something comes up bargainly priced on the 'For Sale' threads!
  14. That's a good buy indeed, but I think I'd prefer a lined board to be honest for my first crack at fretless as I think it'll be hard enough to get together with it as it is, without adding to it.
  15. The Vintage is looking pretty hard to argue against, I must admit, and a £200 'experiment' is way easier to justify than one at nearly double that.
  16. Cheers for all the replies, I'll need to some research and budgeting. Thanks for your offer geoham, I might be in touch.
  17. I'm probably looking to spend around the £300 - £350 figure, £400 max, I guess.
  18. Yeah, I saw that, this one here... [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=13070311493858"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=13070311493858[/url]
  19. I've been thinking lately about getting a fretless just for messing around with at home. Been on my mind for a while, but it was fuelled several notches after watching the excellent Paul Simon documentary "Under African Skies" on Saturday night...not like I am expecting to sound anything like Bakithi Kumalo you understand!! Anyway, I was wondering what 'entry' level fretless basses I should perhaps be looking out for. The Ibanex SRF series looks like it could be a pretty good starting point. Any other suggestions?
  20. Hahaha, this thread has actually made me feel good about our audience of 9 last night! ***Metal note, for ticket selling gigs, make sure those who come out with the "I'll get a ticket off you on the night", actually do buy one beforehand - schoolboy error*** This actually reminds me of when a previous band I was in played Rockers in Glasgow, we were the last band to go on and at 11.45pm, even the three who had turned up to see us had decided to call it a night before that. We ended up playing to an audience of one, as well as the owner, two bar staff - who were by now sweeping up and cleaning the venue - and two bouncers - which is a joke in itself!! To make matters worse, there were actually five American guys who ventured in - by choice! - paid their £5.00 entry only to leave after a single pint due to our drunken a$$hole of a singer giving them the 'Dubya' Bush and the "United States of Texas" patter. Still vividly remember them flipping the finger at us on the way out! Not surprisingly, I think that might have actually been our last gig with that twat of a singer!! One of the bouncers did say we were easily the best band of the night though, so every cloud......
  21. Yeah, sherwood green, it's my main bass just now.
  22. Have one of these also - without the mods though - and yip, I agree, they're lovely basses. Can't decide on the black or white pick guard, I keep chopping and changing between the two. GLWTS Bump.
  23. Was in the 'Events' forum for both the Glasgow and Leeds dates. The Glasgow one was class as well, I don't suppose that helps though.
  24. I must admit, the first time I clicked on this thread, I was thinking the finish was perhaps a tad too much But now I can't stop coming back to look at it and thinking it's a pity that I don't have the cash spare to do anything about it!! Bump.
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