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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. Same as Cameron, I'm about 5 miles from there, I'll need to pop over and check it out.
  2. A couple of Stu Hamm jokes... What has three legs and one asshole? A drum stool. What's the difference between Santa Claus and a drummer? Santa Claus has gifts.
  3. What an excellent night, Stu Hamm is just a crazily talented player, although we knew that already anyway! Great night of story telling of growing up, how he started and who he's played with, all in really good humour, with the obligatory drummer jokes. So laid back as well and happy to chat and listen, brilliant.
  4. Dunno if it's on the YouTube link provided, but they were interviewed before they done the drum off as well, pretending to be each other. Pretty amusing, especially when they're talking about the charities they are donating to.
  5. My ex! I loved this bass, would never have moved it on if it was a four string. Stupidly tried to convince myself when buying it that I'd get used to the neck width. Needless to say, I didn't! GLWTS.
  6. Erm, what happened on your plan of trying to get down to 3 basses? I saw this on FB the other day, looks really nice, although I agree, I prefer the maple neck as well. BUMP.
  7. [quote name='Emanew' timestamp='1399670310' post='2446631'] Pink ! metallic, faded, whatever... A Custom shop shell pink 64' Fender Jazz Bass [url="http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Fender-Custom-Shop-64-Jazz-Electric-Bass-NOS-Shell-Pink-/00/s/NDU3WDEwMDA=/z/cCYAAOxy-j9SOJeG/$(KGrHqJ,!rgFI0u8hlOeBSOJeGQF!w~~60_57.JPG"][/url] [/quote] Wow, that is fantastic!
  8. Im sure the BBC are currently working on plans right now to avoid showing it...like Live 8 a few years ago, 30 seconds in, they cut to the studio to chat to Graeme Norton.
  9. Anyone else get tickets in the ticket scramble today? Will be my first time seeing Prince, and in the Hydro, can't wait.
  10. I said that as well this morning Lozz, about how it reminded me of his earlier stuff. When I heard Chris Evans on Radio 2 saying he was about to play the latest Michael Jackson single from his forthcoming posthumous album, I immediately though "Oh God, here we go...!", but I've got to say I was actually quite pleasantly surprised.
  11. I can assure you Conan, it wasn't exactly a rational decision of mine to post this intellectual, insightful and thought-provoking thread on Saturday night, but one more fuelled by copious over-consumption of red wine after a few dry weekends of late.
  12. A cacophony... 1. a harsh discordant mixture of sounds. "a cacophony of deafening alarm bells" synonyms: din, racket, noise, discord, dissonance, discordance, caterwauling, raucousness, screeching, jarring, stridency, grating, rasping More
  13. Hey Ralph, I've pm'd you via Facebook. :-)
  14. I'm not sure how much it costs to hire, but I'll look into it and give you a shout. Got a few other bands I know who'd be interested also.
  15. I'd gladly offer up my Lakland DD as trade if only I could afford to add the level of funds you'd be looking for to complete the deal!!!
  16. It's a picky criticism admittedly, but I agree with one of the comments on the No Treble page, I don't particularly like the profile of the headstock.
  17. Really looking forward to this. Slightly annoyingly though, I found out this morning this is the same weekend as Radio 1's Big Weekend which is happening about 200 yards away in George Square at the same time, meaning the city centre is gonna be totally heaving, not a parking space to be had nearby and the trains full of annoying, excitable kids going to see Katy Perry, One Direction etc etc. Maybe need to speak nicely to the better half and see if she'll maybe act as taxi driver for the night!
  18. Yip, I'm in the same boat with my band, Bone Island. One possible option we are looking at is getting a few bands to club together and put on your own night. The 13th Note work this way, they rent out the place all night and the bands sell their own tickets and keep the revenue.
  19. ...and this is exactly why I (normally) never like to have my phone handy when I am p*ssed and watching music DVD's
  20. Stil a few tickets left to this, not many, but a few. ...
  21. I know, I'm on the wrong forum!
  22. I love the guy. I know more folk can't be arsed with him than like the guy, but I just had to put out there...he's a fookin' legend in my book.
  23. Here's a recently taken one for the 'Bone Island' Facebook page...... That's me with hat and 'ever-so-slightly-ginger' beardage...looking somewhat like a Cleetus...!! [URL=http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/Dougie_Loudon/media/Facebook/Bone%20Island/10246642_750722658292332_3329531042664197851_n.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/Dougie_Loudon/Facebook/Bone%20Island/10246642_750722658292332_3329531042664197851_n.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  24. Wow, my YOB...that's positively lovely, wish I had a spare £2k to hand!!
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